19 years later

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Draco's pov

I woke up to a warm breeze on my skin. In front of me the door was open to our villa's balcony. The light sheer curtain flowing in the early morning wind. The sun rose above the Bali ocean, which our Villa looked out onto.

In my arms laid Zelia. She was sleeping and she looked the most beautiful. Our sheets were messy from the night before and our clothes on the floor.

After the war, Zelia and I settled down in a small cottage. But it wasn't enough. We wanted more. We wanted to live our lives to it's fullest potential. We wanted to live. Because living can be one of the most difficult and beautiful things. We wanted to live to see the beautiful side of life. We wanted more than to just settle down in a small cottage and live a boring life.

I was left with nothing after I decided to leave my family. They were never good for me. Never treated me the way you should treat a son. I occasionally miss my mother but I am happier now.

Turned out Zelia was left with the Salmeris vault in Gringotts. She had no idea it existed. There where hundreds and thousands of Galleons in there. We used the money to travel.

But first, we got married. I proposed to her a year after the war and we became husband and wife shortly after. Our friends from Hogwarts were there, even a few professors. That was the last time we saw them. As soon as we could, we left the country.

I remember running in the pouring rain to my car from the venue. We went straight to the airport, still in my suit and Zelia in her wedding dress. We fled the country and that's where are journey began.

We have spent the past eighteen years visiting each country. We stayed for a few months in each place. Exploring every inch of it. We didn't want to miss anything. We wanted to see it all. We never stayed too long or too little. We moved on to the next country and explored there. We are now on the beautiful island of Bali.

We spend our days exploring. Our evening partying and our nights making love to one another.

We haven't had any children yet. We may never or we might but for now we are more than happy with each others company. A child doesn't seem right to have just yet. We want to live first.

Everything I did was for Zelia. I don't know what I would be doing now if I never met Zelia. I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. We went through the toughest time together and we risked our lives. We fought for our lives and now we get to live it...

In the end, it was all for her.

Copyright © 90swh0r3

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