Chapter 20:

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"Well you're going to get dressed like a princess. Then, they will be filming you and the queen again" I was going to respond, but I was being taken to another chair. I was swarmed by people, some were doing my hair and some were doing my makeup. There was another group off to the side who were quarreling about what dress I was to wear. In minutes I had elaborate blue eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara. My hair was done up in five intricate French braids that spun up into a messy bun at the top. The stylists had finally decided on and aquamarine dress that I had to put a corset on underneath. It was tight against my waist and then tight down my legs until a flourish at my ankles. The dress was nice, but I just wanted my sweatpants and the corset on this cut into my sides. My so-called "mother" came in and said that I should prepare myself for the cameras. I smiled a broad cheesy smile.
"I am prepared my queen" I said and curtsied. She frowned at me and I knew it was because she wanted me to treat her like my mom. Then I saw her look at me critically.
"Why are your eyes not the same blue as mine? Are you wearing contacts?" She asked. Now I was really confused, maybe I wasn't her daughter. That would be really quite funny.
"No, I'm not wearing contacts. My eyes are an aquamarine and they always have been" Her face was priceless she looked very surprised. I almost laughed at her. Then Carter walked in. I almost died at his face when he saw me in my dress. He looked like he was gonna go out cold right there.
"M'lady I'm going to carry you to the other room" He was dressed nicely as well and I guessed that we would be introduced as prince and princess. He picked me up bridal style and we walked towards the door. "We're gonna stand here until they are done and call us in. Then, I will carry you in and help you stand up when we are introduced as prince and princess. I've gotten a few of Joey's guards who are my friends to plan a wedding for us. We will get wedded this once we are done with all this business"
"Sounds good, but we better be ready to look all regal and stuff. Let's just hope queen Ella recovered from my eye color incident" He nodded and I watched her walk smoothly out of the doors. She explained mine and Carter's situation and then introduced us. I flashed a "madly in love" smile at the camera as Carter carried me out of our little area and up next to the queen. He helped me to stand and I kissed him and he wrapped a hand around my waist. Little did the people watching know that he was helping me stand and without him I would fall. The guy that was there was from the news back home he interviewed us and at the end he said I would make a great princess.
He also said that Carter and I had permission to go home and bring our families to the palace where they would be the royal family until our return. I would appoint a stand-in queen and he would appoint a stand-in king. They would rule, but they wouldn't be married to each other. I was so happy to get to go home and see my real family. When it was over we waved and smiled at the camera and the queen turned to me.
"You need princess and prince etiquette lessons before you go back to Renan. There is an etiquette teacher here and she will teach you" She said. Finally catching on to the fact that I was going to treat her like the queen no matter what.
"Of course, my queen" I said curtsying. Then I decided to make it even better by staying curtsied as I backed out of the room. She looked quite disheveled at this action, but on earth you were supposed to do that if you met the queen of England. Or at least that's what I'd heard. I was quickly grabbed by Carter and carried to a new room that we were supposed to share.
It had a four poster bed with red velvet curtains. The blankets were thick and it felt like a cloud as he layed me down. He lifted up my leg so he could work on it and I groaned. Working on my leg meant using his family's healing ability to heal it. He would pull the bones back into place after injecting my leg with water. His water would hold it in place until it is healed, it hurt the most when he first pulled it.
"Lay back all the way" He said and put one of his hands in mine "Squeeze when it hurts instead of screaming, ok?" I nodded meekly. I was ready for what was to come.
"1. . .2. . .3" he said and I squeezed his hand very hard as he focused on pulling his water. I felt the bone go back into place and I let out one scream. Then I calmed myself. I was tired. This always seemed to make me tired I didn't know why, but no matter. I was going to sleep it didn't matter what I was going to do tomorrow I needed sleep.
"I'm gonna. . YAAWWWNNN. . .sleep Carter" I told him as my eyes slowly fell shut.
"Yes, I realize that I will have to come back with the princess after I go with her to Renan" I heard Carter say.
"Good. You must convince her that staying here is the right decision. That it will protect all of the people there" I heard Queen Ella say.
"She will not want to come back. She is going to want to stay there and her people will want her to stay there too. They will lose hope if they know that both of you have been taken and are just going to stay without even trying to get away" Carter said.
"Ella. Let her stay until your country understands the sacrifice she is making for them. When she does I will allow her back. Yes, allow, I won't even let her come back until she has convinced them" Queen Nina said.

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