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Gaege pov:

I woke up out of breath. I was having a nightmare. I thought I was in that unforgettable room again. I started to panic when I felt someone holding. I turned to see that it was Colby.

My mind relaxed and I cuddle back next to him. He had a peaceful face and I Couldn't help but smile. I brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his lips. They were soft and warm.

I reach over to feel for my phone to check the time.It read 8:00pm I wonder how long we've been out. I turned the phone off and careful got up from under colby. I had to go to the bathroom.

When I came out Colby was still knocked out like a night light. I went through all of my memories thinking of how I got so lucky but something hit me Colby looked lowkey familiar.

I sat there a second and thought of where I've seen him before college. All of a sudden a image I never knew I had popped in my brain. This is the kid I seen at the bar the day before coming here how did I forget.

Laughed to myself thinking how silly it was that we ended up in the same dorm room. Colby rolled over onto his back with the covers covering half his leg. I guess he got hot cuz he was in his boxers.

I smiled at how cute he was but I noticed something in between his thigh." Is that a patch". I Thought to myself. I opened the bathroom door a little wider so the light can shine better.

"It is a fucking patch". I thought to myself I tried my best to keep my clam but I kinda had a clue why it was there but I don't wanna assume anything.

I walked towards the bed and claimed on top of Colby. I was straddling him a lined with his now awoken friend pocking at my backdoor.

"Colby wake up". I leaded down and kissed him. His eye's opened a little in shock but he just smiled.

"What is it love, why did you wake me". He sat up with sleep still in his eye's.

"Well I wanna know why you have a patch on your thigh". He rubbed his eye's then opened them some more.

He sat up onto his elbows and just looked at me. I guess he wasn't expecting that to come out of my mouth.

"Honestly love it's the same reason you have them on your arm".

We stayed silent for few minutes before colby decided break the silence.

"Look can we not talk about me right now I'm not sure you wanna hear my bullshit after everything you've been through". He looked a little broken.

His eye's looked shattered like glass and nothing was left but a bottomless pit of hopelessness.I could tell whatever he was hiding was for a good reason.

" Let's make a deal, If I tell you my bullshit will you tell my yours".He sat back on the bed and sighed.

"Arrd Gaege but please don't push yourself tell me what you can". I took a deep breath and laid on Colby chest.

The memories from today and my past came flooding in as I let the door I had closed opened.I wanted to start crying but I didn't want to upset Colby.

(Authors note: Y'all already know how Gaege got played in homeschool so Imma just skip to the hallway scene but imma explain why Gaege flinched and was so scared. Also just pretend he told Colby before this part lets also pretend they dorm room make perfect since.)


"Look I'm sorry for how I treated you back then I was just scared and didn't know who I was". Jammy was still holding my hand.

I was scared but another feeling took over and that feeling was anger.

"You think a sorry gonna fix what you did to me and what's with that bullshit ass excuse. I was lost to but that doesn't give me the right to hit people".I was on the verge of crying.

"Now watch your mouth those were accidents I just lost control for a second and I didn't mean to hit you".jammy let go of my hand.

"An accident that kept happing over and over and over again, Why couldn't you've just stay gone after graduation You didn't even love me".

"I did Love you I just didn't know how to tell people that, I came back that summer because I'd missed you".

"Missed me boy do have a funny way of showing it, I let you back in my life only for you to do the same shit you did the first time". The tears were so close to falling.

"I loved you and I thought you loved me, that day when you showed up back at my house after all those months, crying and apologizing wanting to start fresh I believed you". I took a deep breath

"You deleted all those videos and photos then toss the phone in the trash, I was happy but you hadn't changed you got worse. Hitting me and calling names". The tears were falling now this shit hurts.

"And when you thought I was about to leave you, you did the same thing cried and apologized and like the dumbass I am believed you evey fucking time".

"I WAS DIFFERENT BACK THEN I'VE CHANGED NOW WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT".jammy grabbed my hand hard and began walking fast.

I tried scratching and biting and punching him but the more I did the more he got mad. I felt weak and pathetic my fear was taking over.

I tried screaming for help but the next thing you knew the world was dark and I Couldn't yell anymore.

I was in and out of consciousness only seeing flashes of his face and feeling his nasty ass touch. i wanted to cry but I couldn't. After that a I completely blacked out.

*End of flashback*
"Gaege thank you for telling me, but one question. Why did you stay with him all that time and when did you leave".

"I just didn't think anyone else cared enough about me to love me and accept me like he did, before the whole losing my virgin hood to him and then him basically kicking to the curve in the most psycho way he was nice an took good care of me but Eddie showed me that's not true and after that I left".

Colby stayed silent and just hugged me. He could tell I just wanted to lay there and be in his arm's.

He rubbed my back and that calmed me down. I finally let out that breathe that I didn't even notice I was holding. A Tear fell down my eye and Colby quickly whipped it away.

(Arrd We all A little lost but that's cool hope you are enjoying and next chapter I'll tell Cobly story and and yess they will both explain why they cut themselves)

Simply because I love you (Cobly x Gaege Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now