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Colby pov

Gaege left the room slamming the door behind him.I was so confused Had I done something wrong. I took a shower got dressed and headed off to class.Geage and me had the first couple of classes together before we split off.

I was waiting for him to enter but he never did. I was worried after class so I went looking for him. Why would he miss the first class. I checked everywhere he might have gone but no luck.

I tried calling but he didn't pick up. I was starting to panic. Why didn't i chase after him this morning. I'm such an idiot I knew some was wrong but I chose to give him space.

I'm a dumbass. I went to snap to check his location. He was on campus but not at our dorm room but at somebody else's. Who the hell did he know here. Something didn't sit right so I went to this person dorm just to see if Gaege was otay.

It wasn't that far of a walk from where I was. Snapchat now creeped me out just a little but I was glad Gaege had his on but that was also wired. He was a well know YouTuber why would any of his location be on.

I walked up the steps to the next set of rooms and knocked on the one it said he was in. For some reason I felt a little sick to my stomach. I really didn't like the way I felt. I heard some shuffling followed by a shhhh!. Uuugh what in the hell.

Some guy opened the door and just by looking at him I could tell he was a creep.

"Yess may I help you" he said smiling a little to hard.I really didn't like this guy.

" uughe yeah just looking for a friend of mine"he cut me off. This bitch.

"Your friend huh yeah ugh I don't know you so why would I know your friend". He didn't let me fucking finish. Breathe Colby we are not a violent person.

"His name Gaege and he didn't show up to his class today and he mentioned he be at a friend house". I didn't want to tell him that Geage has his location on in case he was fucked up in the brian.

"Nope doesn't ring a bell sorry". Now I know he was fucking lying cuz Geage phone is here so unless he stole it or found it which I highly doubt Geage needed my help.

I cleared my throat and ask if I could come in witch he denied. I asked him why was he out of class. He said he took them at night. I was getting inpatient so I just pushed his ass out the way. What I saw next broke my heart. I'm such a fucking idiot.




Cobly pov

I was filled with anger who the fuck would do this to a person. Geage was tied to a bed unconscious. He was barely clothe only thing on was his boxers. Where his hands were tied I saw cut makers they were fresh to I should know. Where the rope rubbed I saw blood and I just snapped.I'm not a violent person but when you mess with my family or friends boy you better run.

I turned around and everything went black when I saw his stupid face. My body acted on its own. All I remember was the sound of my fist hitting his stupid fucking face. I tried my best to end his pathetic life.

When I came too I was standing over his bloody face. My pants stained with blood and My knuckles hurting and bruised to the point they were purple. I was shaking that's how anger I was.

I turned back around and untied Geage. I probably should have did this first. I was crying and hadn't even noticed. I covered him with my hoodie and picked him up.

I stepped over that jackass body and headed for our dorm room. I laid Geage on the bed and ran to the bathroom the cuts in his left arm started to bleed badly. I grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned and bangled the cuts .

Geage still haven't came too but I needed to know if he was otay and if that son of a bitch touched him. I ran some bath water so I could wash the blood off me and gaege. I was debating rather to call the police or not.

When the bath water was done. I took off my clothes and took off Geage boxers and carried him to the water. I sat him down then slid myself behind him. I washed us off then I got us dress. I laid Gaege down before heading outside to call 911.

They arrived soon and I told them what had went down. They arrested the guy and told me that. I had to bring Geage down to the stations soon to get his side of the story. I ran back to the room and called his friends and mine to let them know what had happened.

They all said that they were glad that we where safe but sam and Eddie demanded that we go get checked out at the hospital. I told them that I would and would text them what was happening.

I was gonna go tmr cuz I don't think Gaege is up for it today. I walked over to the bed where he lay sleep and broke down crying. Why didn't I go find you sooner.

My heart was heavy and filled with guilt cuz it was all my fault. Why didn't I stop you  at the door or a least walk you to class. My life been shit but you made it feel less up side down. It was still pretty early in the day (11:00am). I pulled myself together and went to Gaege and I classrooms and explained what had happen.

The principle had already found out from the copes and told me that Geage and I could take our time coming back to classes. And that basically the school would cover all medical and room fees.

I didn't want to leave Gaege alone for too long. When I returned to the room Gaege was up and looking out the window. I was happy but I didn't want to push my luck just yet.

I walked over to him and sat next to him. He looked at me with tries in his eyes and started crying. This broke my heart even more. I grabbed his hand then pulled him into a hug. I just sat there and let him cry as long as he needed to.

(Aww this lowkey broke my heart writing this chapter. I hoped this wasn't to bad but anywho see you next chapter.)

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