In another Life

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Colby pov:

The Next morning I woke up Exhausted. I'd been waking in and out of sleep all night. The room was quite and lit by the sun. I sighed and sat up looking over at a peaceful sam. I smiled, it's been a while since We were that close. His warmth made the sleepless night a little better.

I starched and tossed the covers off of me. I through my feet over the side of the bed and got up. I looked over at Gaege and saw him wrapped tightly in Eddie's arm's. I smiled though my heart stung. I headed in the bathroom cuz a dude had to pee. After that I washed my hands and washed my face.

I brushed my teeth then headed out of the bathroom. Sam was half a wake staring at his bright as phone like seriously who has their brightness that high. I chuckled and walked over to lay next to him. I flopped down beside him and that seem to wake him up a little more."Hey sam why ya up so early". He yawned and looked at me."I could ask you the same thing".

I shrugged my shoulder cuz honestly I just didn't feel like fighting my way back to sleep."No reason just woke up and couldn't fall asleep again, so once more why are you up?". Sam shock his head and let out a frustration sigh."Its kat bro I told her I was safe with you , and get this she gonna tell me I'm always with you".

I laughed though I shouldn't have. I patted sam on the shoulder and let him know that everything was chill and that kat just misses him is all. He smiled and gave me a whatever face. I loved his smile it aways seemed so pure. It always took my breath away.

Sam looked at me and I looked at him.we stared at each other for a while till I decided to say something."I don't know if I told you this but thank you for giving me a reason to live". Sam stopped smiling and leaned in towards me. I was freaking out cuz like was sam finna kiss me.

I closed my eyes bracing for a kiss but instead got a hug."Come on man don't think like that, with or without me I believe you would still have made it here". I opened my eyes and hugged him back. Welp now I feel both embarrassed and loved lmao.We laughed and I asked sam if he wanted to grab a bite to eat.

He said Yes and got up. "Oh well if That ain't the cutest shit I ever seen". I looked in the direction that he was facing and saw that he was talking about Eddie and Gaege. I smiled and agreed. "They would be so cute together". I looked at sam with a confused face. Sam is shipping people I'm confused.

"Sir since when do you ship people". Sam busted out laughing which I'm assuming woke eddie up." What y'all foals laughing at dawg". A deep voice cut through our laughter.I looked over my shoulder and saw Eddie waking up." Nun just how cute you and your boyfriend are". I smiled and fisted bumped sam.

"Jealous ?". I looked over at Eddie and then back at sam. "Nope cuz this right here is my pretty boy sam aaaaaa Pretty boy sam aaaa!". We all busted out laughing cuz if that's not the stupidest shit I ever said. No I take that back.

"So where you asshole headed". Sam told Eddie that we was heading out to eat and asked if he wanted to join. Eddie said yeah and hopped up and grabbed his coat. "What about Gaege should we wake him up?". Eddie told me to let him sleep so I did.

We all walked out the door but my dumb ass forgot my Phone. The other two went on to the car and I ran back to the room. When I opened the door Gaege was sitting up staring out the window."You good juicy?".

He snapped his head in my direction. I guess I straddle him cuz that head movement look like it hurt. "Colby are otay?". I walked over and sat down next to him. I wasn't exactly sure what he meant but I had a clue. "Juicy , what are you talking about I'm all good". He looked at me disappointed witch crushed me

"So we gonna pretend like we don't know what going on between us". I sighed cuz now I know exactly what he was talking about.I was hopping to hold this conversation off till later when everyone went home but I guess not.

"Well Gaege it looks like your heart's pretty set on eddie so who am I to step on that,He clearly likes you so Why not go for it". He looked at me with tears in his eye's." Colby I'm sorry I didn't mean to lead you on I truly do Love you". I looked at his hurt face and smiled .

"Hey I played a roll in this to, So please don't feel bad i know what it's like to love someone your whole life those feeling don't just wash down with a glass of water, it's not our time but maybe in another life". He smiled a weak smile and hugged me.

He let go and looked at me. He leaned in and our lips connected. It was a slow long kiss. I pulled myself away for one sec. I got up found my phone and told sam and Eddie to go on without me. They said okay and I looked out our dorm window and watch them leave.

I looked back at Gaege and he had A confused look on his face." Why'd you let them leave with out you, are you ok-". I cut him off with a kiss but this time I deepened it a little more. If I'm gonna let him go might as well do it in style.

(Omg guys we did it. We got 1k reads I supper happy right now. I would tell my mom but ugh she gonna wanna read the story and that's a no no so thank all of you that helped me get there.)

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