The storm before the rain

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Colby pov:

It's been about 4 weeks since me and Gaege went our separate ways and I gotta say it's was a little Rocky at the start but we're all good now.

I honestly didn't know how to not stare at him for a while and not call him stuff like sexy and cute. I kept forgetting he wasn't mine anymore.

I eventually learned to keep my thoughts to myself. Him and Eddie started flirting more since me a Gaege split up. I gagged every now and then but that was out of jealously.

They were so cute together and it made me a little mad but I've learned to accept it. Gaege seem happy so that's all that really matter.

Sam hasn't been around that much. He stop coming after the sleep over. He would shoot me a 'You okay' text ever now and then.

It's been smooth sailing for a while now. I keep to myself most days because Gaege is always out with Eddie. We cool just not as close as before.

It's happening all over again. Everyone leaving slowly but surely. I just smile and watch as the people I love forget about me.

I was zoned out thinking about all the crazy stuff that's happened in such a short time when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey colby can I talk to you a minute".I looked up and saw Gaege he had tears in his eye's threatening to come out.

"What happened love,Why are you finna cry".He laughed softly and smiled weakly. "Funny after all this you still call me love". I sat up and patted the spot on my leg.

Gaege sat down on my lap and laid his head on my shoulder."Stop being silly and tell me why you are finna cry". He sniffed as the tears he's been holding back finally fell from his eye's.

"Eddie's still talking to gabby, It's like high school all over again,and you wanna know some funny I really want it to work this time".

I sighed and took a deep breath."Look Don't let this get you down otay,You March right up to him and be like 'Hey asshole you plan on dating me or what, Don't waste my time if not'.

Gaege looked at me like I was crazy which honestly I might be. I smiled because a least it got the tears to stop flowing."Colby what the hell".I busted out laughing because the face he made was priceless.

"Your smiling and that's all I care about,Gaege listen closely otay".He nodded his head yes so that I knew he was listening closely. I cleared my throat and proceeded with what I was saying earlier.

"PUT YOURSELF FIRST".Gaege grabbed his ears and slapped the back of my head."Asshole you could've just said it normally". I rubbed the spot where his hand connect and giggled a little.

"I know but what's the fun in that". He chuckled and the room seemed a little bit brighter."Arrd you're right,he's not finna put me back in that dark ass closet".

I got up hyped that Gaege was hype but in doing so I flipped Gaege off my lap. I covered my mouth to keep me from laughing but It was to late I was full blown ugly laughing.

"I'm gonna kill you". Gaege got up and pushed me on the bed.He climbed on top of me and grabbed a pillow from beside us."Well this seem familiar". I winked slowly sliding my hands along his thighs stopping at his waist making Gaege bite his lip a little.

He then smirk and stared beating the ever loving crap out of me with the pillow."Arrrd that's it you've had your fun my turn". I grabbed the pillow and through it across the room.

I picked Gaege up and slammed him(not hard) on his bed. He quickly wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me down with him. We both were smiling and giggling like little school girls.

"Fuck me like one of your French girls daddy". This made us laugh even harder though it wasn't that funny. We heard someone cleared their throat and me and Gaege both stopped laughing.

We looked at the direction it came from and long behold Eddie. He looked all jelly and stuff. I looked over at Gaege who looked a little uncomfortable. I smiled a weak smile and got up.

"I'm finna head out I'll catch y'all later". I grabbed my hoodie and walked out the door sliding past eddie. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called jake and Corey.

They said they'd be there shortly and I should wait near the entrance of the school. They were otw before I had called witch is why it didn't take long for them to arrive.

We went to eat at a Chick-fil-A near by. Corey was telling me hows he's been and that he misses me. Jake didn't have nothing to say just yet. The food arrived and we ate ofc the food was smack.

Jake:"Arrd now that we are all here I my good sirs have the tea to spill".

Corey:"hm hm hm pri tell my good sir".

Colby:"I to would like to know thi dirty little secrets sir".

Jake:"Naw all jokes aside dude sam is acting real sus".

Colby:"Why do you say that".

Corey:"I wasn't gonna say nun but he has".

Jake:"He's talking to us less,doesn't wanna be in videos,and get this I caught him looking at houses the other day, and when I asked why he got mad and yelled at me".

Colby:"That doesn't sound like sam at all".

Corey:"Dude through my camera in the pool the other day".

Jake:"I didn't know that why didn't you tell me".

Corey:"I figured it wasn't a big deal,I know sam and I know he's going through some no good gonna come from me being mad at him".

We sat there is silence for a while letting what corey just said sink in. A wave of pain hit me and I begin to get angry. Not with anyone but myself. How could I not know the only person I ever loved was hurting.

(Arrd guys sorry this took so long,school got me wanting to do a backflip off a building(do not fucking do that I love you so please don't) anywho we made it lovebugs 1k views thank you guys so muck I feel like a million bucks danny)

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