Some how together ?

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The Next day Gaege POV:

That night I fell asleep in eddies arm's. His warm embrace made the sleep less nights feel like a life time ago. The morning sun peaks from behind the curtains waking me up to find an empty bed with a note.

Sorry to leave you but I gotta head home and finish up work. I made you some breakfast so when you ready it's in the microwave
~Love Eddie

I looked across the room to see Colby hasn't come home at all. I was a little worried so I pulled out my phone a shot him a text.
But I didn't get a response. I let out a long slow breathe before getting ready to start my day.

I through on some clothes and headed out the dorm door. It was Monday so ofc I had classes. I headed to the library first and read some books to past the time before heading to class.

I walked in and the teacher greater me with a smile. Everyone in this school seems to know what happened to me and takes pity on me. I feel shitty every time someone looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

I take my seat and realized Colby not in class either. I quickly texted him and again but still no responses. Class begins and about 20 min later Colby comes running through the door. "And why are you late". Colby explained his tardiness and went to take a seat Witch is usually right next to me but this time he took a different seat.

A sadness was felt deep inside of me when Colby ignored my existence. The clock seem to tick hella slow as time seem to go even slower."has class always been this lame".  I thought this to myself as I stare at the annoyingly slow clock. After what felt like forever the class was dismissed. I gathered my things and headed for the classroom door.

I walk out the classroom when someone suddenly calls out my name. I looked around to see who it belonged to and no second less Colby reach out and grab my hand."Where the hell are you off to without me". I was confused

What was with the sudden mood swing. I laughed though my Brain wanted answers. We walked to our next class hand in hand getting some nasty looks but honestly who fucking cared. "Not to be rude but you really shouldn't do that in public.... it um how do I put this... makes people uncomfortable".

Me and Colby stopped, looked back,and walked up to the ugly bitch that said what she said. "Sorry Love couldn't hear you over all that shit falling out of your mouth".Colby smirked " with your stinky ass breath stinking up the hallways please do us all a favor and please stop talking before you kill us with yo hot breath".

I rolled my eyes and added " Like damn do you even brush your teeth look like you can fill a whole container with the butter on yo teeth" After that We walked off once more leaving the girl to her thoughts still holding hands.

When we arrived at the classroom we couldn't help but let out the laughter we've been holding since the hallway seen. Our professor told us to take our seats and this time Colby sat right next to me reminding me of the questions I had last class. I cleared my throat making sure I had his attention before I spoke.

"So what's with the mood swings huh?. Colby looked at me sideways with confusion on his face. "I'm not the one with the mood swings you are". I looked away cuz he wasn't all the way wrong. "I'm just worried otay, I don't want Eddie to find out about us".

Colby made evil face at me "You talking about the time when I held you in my arms and made you beg for me or the facted that you were always open and vulnerable with me and it's not the same with him or that we dated and he kinda ruined it".

I punched coby in the arm as hard as I could only to hurt myself. " hahahaha you punch like a wimp". I glared at Colby only for him to pinch my cheek and call me cute. "He's not the only reason". I point to the message that just popped up on Colby screen.

It was from his "Friend" Sam. The message read "Thanks for yesterday I really needed that and ....... about that kiss I wouldn't mind it happening again". Colby just rolled his eyes and smiled at the screen he now had in front of him.

I felt a sharp pain run through my chest as I watch Colby light up like the moon when he heard the ding go off on his phone. Thankfully the class soon started and I didn't have to hear him giggle like who even fucking knew the dude gigged. He never giggled when he was with me...... at least I don't think so.

After the 2 hour long lecture it was finally time for lunch. I was so hungry the I could eat a bus. I grabbed Colby hand and we walked at the door and to the cafe cross campus. Standing in line I hear a low sigh and turn to see Colby moping over the cafe running out of Mochi before he had the chance to try it.

I rolled my eyes took a deep breath and pulled him to a near by ice cream shop. The store usually don't have stuff like that but boss man order some after last mochi day. He had saw how fast the cafe sold out last time so decided to get some to. I Order s large for us to share.

"I wanted strawberry". I kicked his shine cuz he was being an ungrateful b word. "Be lucky I even bought you some a hole". He grabbed his hurt shin and hoped up and down on one foot till the pain stopped. Once I paid for the stuff we sat at a booth a cross from each other making sure not to lock eyes.

Not gonna lie the atmosphere between us became so wired for no reason. My foot kept touching his leg do to my nervousness and he kept his head down. What the hell is wrong with us.

( yeah got kinda lost this chapter but imma fix it next one ard see you love bugs).

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