~ E I G H T ~

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My stomach rolled and I could feel my head starting to spin. I had to excuse myself from the women who had grabbed me to talk more about my relationship.

I almost stumbled into the house and I could feel a sweat appear on my skin.


I looked up to see Sejin standing there looking concerned.

"Are you ok? You don't look too well,"

"Just...the heat,"

"Shit. Stay there. I'll get your husband," He rushed off and a few seconds later Hoseok was running into the kitchen and was by my side.

For once, he looked panicked.

"What happened? Are you ok?" He said putting his hand on my forehead, "You're burning up. I'm taking you home,"

I nodded and said a weak bye to Sejin. Hoseok put his arm around me and almost carried me out of the house. I could feel my legs start to give way.

"Almost there," He said quietly, "A few more steps. Don't give up now, ok?"


"Hana?" He said and I felt my eyes roll back inside my head and Hoseok cuss me out.

By the time I woke up, it felt like I had been hit by a car and my mouth was so dry it was as if I had been eating sand. I wasn't sure if my head was going to explode but it certainly felt like it.

I didn't want to open my eyes but I knew I had to.

"Guys," Someone said, "She's waking up,"


"J-Jin?" I croaked and opened my eyes to see him looking down at me, "Have I died and gone to heaven?"

Jim smiled softly at me, "No, Petal,"

"Damn," I said sitting up slowly, "I was hoping for a change. Where am I?"

"The hospital," He said patting my hand, "I have to say, I've never seen Hoseok so worried about a person before,"

"Is he ok?"

"He is bruised,"

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

The door swung open making me jump and Taehyung was running into the room. I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw him and he almost jumped onto me, making the bed making a horrible squeak.

"Babe, I was so worried!" He said, "I thought Hoseok killed you!"

"I'm ok. Just a little confused as to what happened and how I ended up here,"

"Looking good Cupcake," Namjoon said and Hoseok nodded at me, "We thought you had died as well,"

"When Hoseok called us and said you were on the floor, we might have misheard him," Jimin said, "I then told everyone that you were dead and he killed you,"

"Stop talking," Jin said and looked at me, "Hoseok thought you were dead so called us to help. He managed to drive you here and you've been out of it for just over a day,"

"Wow," I breathed out, "What happened?"

"I was taking you home when you dropped and when I called your name, you ignored me," Hoseok said and he folded his arms, "You passed out but I panicked. I thought you were dead,"

"Don't worry, babe," Taehyung said, "I punched him for you,"

"Why?" I asked, "What did he do wrong?"

"He let you pass out,"

"You...I sometimes wonder if you have a brain,"

Taehyung grinned widely, "I do. I've have a brain scan before and they showed me the pictures,"

I rubbed my face and sighed, "Apologise to Hoseok,"


"He wasn't the one who 'let me pass out'. I probably passed out from the heat. It has been ridiculously hot and I didn't drink enough water,"

"Ok. Fine. I'll say sorry for hitting him but I will not say sorry for kicking him," He said, "He let you leave the house in that outfit and I will not stand for it!"

"She wears a bikini top and shorts indoors," Hoseok said with a smirk, "This is the most dressed she has been since we got here,"

"Don't start on me, husband," I said glaring at him.

"Would I ever do that to you, wife?"

"You are tempting fate,"


"Shall I tell your friends about the tighty-whities or how you sleep with a nightlight?"

"Interesting," Jimin grinned, "Do tell more,"

"Bitch!" Hoseok said, "Then I'll tell them how I could hear you snoring from my room or how you farted and then giggled because it squeaked!"

"I suffer from hay fever so my sinuses get blocked. And as for the fart...it was funny and everyone farts!" I laughed, "It's a natural body function,"

"I can't believe I wasn't the first to hear my girlfriend fart," Taehyung said, "Babe, I think I'm heartbroken,"

"Once this stupid mission is over, I am going to divorce you and once that is done, I'm going to slit your throat while you sleep," Hoseok said.

"Boo boo," I said, "You wouldn't make it out of your room. I'll just take your nightlight,"

"Open that mouth of yours one more time Hoseok and I will personally sew it shut," Jin said, "You are acting like a married couple right now and I'm jealous that you can argue with a beautiful woman. Plus, makeup sex is the best,"

"You won't have sex with her," Taehyung said under his breath.

"Now we are going to wait in silence until Dawon comes to check on her," He said looking around the room, "Yoongi will be back soon with some food and I will kill someone if the arguing starts again,"

I cleared my throat, "Can I have some water please?"

"You can, Angel," Jimin said handing me a water bottle and I frowned, "Is everything ok?"

"Can you put drugs in water?"

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"That son of a bitch," Hoseok said, "He is one sick fuck,"

"But I opened the bottle myself. It wasn't opened,"

"There are other ways of drugging someone, Sugar Tits," He said, "He probably used a needle or something to put drugs in,"

"Can someone explain what is going on?" Taehyung asked, "I'm feeling left out,"

"She was drugged. That's why she passed out,"

"Correct!" Dawon said making me jump, "The drug concoction used was very strong. But lucky for Hana, she got here in time for me to find it and pump her stomach,"

"You what?"

Dawon smiled, "Lay back, sweetie. I have some explaining to do,"

A/N: Ignore any mistakes. I'm too lazy to proofread on my phone so don't point if there are any. I'll check once I'm on my laptop.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Stay weird <33

P.S. This story is already finished on paper, just not digitally. But right now it's notes and I don't always have the energy or motivation to update as you all know.

Mama Hoe loves you hoes <33

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