~ S I X T E E N ~

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It had been a few days since Sejin had attacked me and my face was still sore from the punch he had given me. The bruise was still angry on my cheek but that didn't bother me. I was still worried that I killed Sejin and the cops would be out to get me.

I ran my hands through my hair and started pacing up and down, ignoring the look Hoseok was throwing me. He shook his head and carried on gaming, calling his opponents silly pricks. He then let out a loud cackle of laughter when he started winning. I sighed and dropped down next to him.

"Finished wearing the floor out?" He asked, "No, why the fuck would I be talking to you you dumb fucking prick? Yeah, well your mum can suck my big dick you ugly virgin!"


"What? He is a fucking virgin...yeah, well your mum would fucking love it if I fucked her...and your dad would," Hoseok laughed, "I'll fuck 'em both you dumb prick. Move out your mum's basement and stop wanking over fictional characters,"


"What? I'm learning the insults from you," Hoseok smirked and nodded, "You'll find me will you? Why don't I give you my address so when you get here I can shove a gun up your ass and make you choke on my dick...jokes on you cause I am gay but I don't fuck with men who live in their mum's basement...oh boo-hoo. What the fuck is your brother going to do? I'll fuck him- Hey! Why the fuck did you turn the TV off?"

"Because you need to work on your insults and I need to talk to you,"

"For fuck sake!" Hoseok yelled out and threw his remote across the room, "You couldn't wait 2 fucking minutes?"

"Did you want a man-pon?"

"A what?" Hoseok frowned.

"It's a tampon for men. You are a bit moody so it is probably your time of the month,"

"You fucking-"

"I want to see Sejin," I said and he lost the anger in his face, "I want to confront him about what he did to me and that he needs to apologise,"

"Sugar Tits, the guy is a killer. Do you really think that he will say sorry?"

"No, but that is where you help me out," I said and sat down next to him, "I know this doesn't sound clever, but I want to show him that I'm not scared of him,"

Hoseok sighed, "I get that but you're asking to be killed. You shot him with his own gun. Sejin is going to be angry and plan his revenge on you,"

"But you won't let me get hurt," I said, "Please. Just be by my side and if he kicks off then you can shoot him,"

"I don't know why you are so calm about saying that," Hoseok muttered, "Fine. But if I agree to do this, you have to be my slave for the next week. You cook, you clean and you don't unplug the fucking TV,"

"I do that anyway," I sighed, "But deal. I won't touch the TV when you are gaming and throwing out terrible insults,"

"Those jokes about his mum were good,"

I shrugged, "There are better ones but can we go now?"

"Whatever," Hoseok said and slipped his shoes on, following me out of the door, "What insults are better than those?"

I smiled, "You have a lot to learn,"

"Spill the beans then,"

"If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off."

"That...that isn't too bad," He said, "Give me another one,"

"Somewhere out there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen for you. You owe it an apology"

"Meh," Hoseok shrugged and knocked on Sejin's door, "I'll do the talking, ok?"

I nodded and stepped closer to Hoseok, holding his arm tightly. The door opened and Karin opened the door with a smile.

"Hello!" She said brightly, "Is everything ok?"

"Yes. We are here to see Sejin. Is he in?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm afraid not," Karin sighed, "He is at work but he is normally home by around 1?"

"We can come back and-"

"You are more than welcome to wait in here," Karin smiled, "In fact, you have to. I've baked some cookies for the upcoming street party and I need your opinion,"

Hoseok looked at me, "Are you ok with waiting?"

"Sure," I said, "I like cookies,"

Karin clapped her hands in glee. "Brilliant! Sejin hates the way I bake so refuses to eat my cookies or cakes. That man doesn't have a sweet tooth but has a sweet enough tooth when he's fucking the neighbour...oh...oh my god. I'm sorry. That didn't mean to come out it's just-"

"Don't worry about it," Hoseok said as Karin's eyes filled up with tears.

"I'm so sorry," She said wiping her eyes, "I can't believe I'm crying. Ok. I'll get the cookies. Make yourself at home. I've just boiled the kettle. You both drink tea?"

"Yes, thank you," I said, sitting on the sofa next to Hoseok.

Karin smiled and wiped her eyes again, coming back shortly with a pot of tea. She poured us a cup of tea and we sat back eating the cookies. Karin took a bite and shook her head.

"I don't know what is missing!" She exclaimed, "I followed the recipe but I don't know what is wrong with them,"

"They don't taste bad," I said, "Maybe a little bit hard."

"How do I get it soft?" She asked and then started to laugh, "Sorry. My mind is dirty. Do I cook them for longer?"

"Not as long. Cookies don't take too long to bake but if you cook them for too long they go hard."

"Damn. I knew I should have asked for your help sooner," Karin sighed and poured herself a drink, "I was hoping they would be perfect. Mrs Kwon always gets the best baker of the day and I have never been able to beat her,"

Hoseok ate his cookie in silence and looked at the photos on the wall, "When were those taken?"

"Those? Oh, last year," Karin sighed, "Sejin took me to Mexico. I had gotten a promotion and we wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary. I can't remember the last time we had fun together,"

"I'm sorry. About your husband," I said.

"What can you do?" Karin said, playing with her wedding band, "He always had a wandering eye but I didn't think he would do this. I suppose...I'm not as young or beautiful as I used to be. But don't worry, I'll be ok. I still have to keep my head up. Let me put some more hot water in the pot and maybe you can share some more tips on how I can beat Mrs Kwon."

"Of course," I said as she walked off and my head felt like something had been put on top of it.

Hoseok shook his head and reached forward to pick his drink up, but knocked it over. I tried to help clean up the mess but my arms felt numb.

"Fuck," He whispered, "Drugged...Hana, run,"

But it was too late. 

Black fogged my vision and I passed out with Hoseok.

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