~T W O ~

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-2 weeks ago-

"I hope you fall in front of a bus," The man said and hung up on me.

"Well," I said putting the phone down, "That is a good end to the day,"

It was a shame really because my day had been really good. I had great tenants and landlords on the phone. I had a lovely lunch with the girls and Taehyung had called to let me know that dinner would be ready by the time I got home. Which I knew was cooked by Jin because I didn't trust Taehyung in the kitchen. He had once tried to cook me scrambled eggs on toast and he melted the chopping board. I still have no idea how that happened but since then, he was only allowed to go in there for a drink or to make himself a sandwich.

There was a knock on my office door and I looked up to see Maya.

"There is a very sexy man here to pick you up," She grinned, "He has more tattoos,"

I sighed and turned my computer off, "You saw?"

"Yup!" She said, popping the 'p', "It's never a good idea to get your girlfriend's name on your body,"

"I tried to tell him not to do it," I grabbed my bag and coat hoping it had stopped raining. I said my goodbyes to everyone and stepped outside the building to see Taehyung leaning against the wall looking hot as ever.

He had dyed his hair black and grew it, letting a few curls appear. His black skinny jeans had the knee ripped out and a pair of black high tops I got him covered the ankles. Taehyung looked hotter with his leather jacket over his white top. I was lucky to know what he looked like without clothes but I also knew that he had weapons stashed in his jacket.

Taehyung looked up at me and smiled widely, "Babe!"

"I didn't think you were picking me up today," I said, walking over to him.

"Can I not pick my beautiful girl up from work?"

"What happened?"

"What makes you think something happened?"

"I swear to god that if you burnt my kitchen down we are going to have some serious problems,"

"I've not burnt anything. Jin drop kicked me out of the kitchen," He said, putting his hand on my cheek, running his thumb across my cheek bone, "Can I have my kiss now or do I have to wait?"

I rolled my eyes and went on my tiptoes kissing him gently, "I'm not going to stick my tongue in your mouth outside my workplace,"

"You are no fun," He sighed and linked his fingers with mine, leading me to a very shiny black car with the windows blacked out, "Do you like it?"

"Taehyung," I said, calmly, "You said you weren't going to buy yourself anymore cars,"

"I lied," He grinned, "Babe, this car is great!"

"It's a god damn Rolls-Royce!" I said, "Do you have any idea how expensive these cars are? I thought you wanted to remain low profile,"

"I did and yes, I know. I got this baby today," He said opening the car door for me, "You will love it. The seats can warm your butt up and...I'm not sleeping next to you tonight, am I?"

"Give me the keys. I'm driving home,"


"Keys. Now,"

Taehyung sighed, "Babe, but this is a new car. I wanted to drive it,"

"Did you not drive it here?"

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