~ F I V E ~

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I sat behind my desk typing away, trying to catch up on the work I had forgotten about. I was busy. Ridiculously busy and every time I tried to have a 5-minute break, I had to answer the phone to angry people. 

Hoseok was at his undercover job so I had the house to myself but I couldn't enjoy it. 

"For god sake!" I said and unplugged my phone, "Sort your own shit out!"

I stomped out of the office and into my bedroom, in search of a bikini. I needed a time out and I needed some sun. I didn't want to look like a vampire and some colour to my skin would make me feel better about myself. I changed into my bikini and pulled on a loose summer dress.

As I walked down the stairs, I swept my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my sunglasses from the kitchen counter. It didn't take long for me to smother myself in suncream and I let out a big sigh when I felt the sun pierce into my skin as I stepped out onto the decking. It was just a shame I didn't have anyone to enjoy this with.

And by 'anyone' I meant Taehyung.

I missed the dumbass and hadn't heard from him since I got to this house. I knew they had to be careful because they had a target on them but Taehyung was good at pretending to be other people so I was expecting an email or a call.

Hoseok was starting to get on my last nerve and being stuck with him for a few days made me want to kill him myself. I had tried so hard to be civil with him but he wouldn't have any of it. I made him dinner, I cleaned up after him but he never said thank you. I even asked him if I could sit with him while he played his game and he told me to go fuck myself. There was no point in trying with him and I had no energy to try with him and to be honest, it hurt me. 

I slipped my dress off and laid down on the sun lounger, closing my eyes. If I had a pool back home I would be in it all the time and just chilling by the side of it. But my garden wasn't big enough and I wasn't a big fan of gardening.

"Enjoying the sun?"

I stifled a scream and sat up to see my neighbour sticking her head over the garden, "Hello, Mrs Kwon,"

"Taking a break?"

"For a little bit," I said, "Do you need something?"

"Oh! I do apologise, dear," She chuckled, "I've been asked to invite you to the neighbourhood barbecue on Saturday. It's the house opposite yours. They are working and asked me to invite you and your husband,"

"I'll talk to him when he gets home and I will let you know," I smiled forcefully.

"Wonderful. I'll tell them you will come,"

"Wait, I-"

"Enjoy the rest of your day!" Mrs Kwon said and disappeared behind the fence.

I held in a groan and threw myself back again. She probably had a chair pressed against the fence to spy on us but that also meant that Hoseok had to pretend to love me and be a good husband. Although, it could work out in my favour.

By the time Hoseok got back, I was dancing around in the kitchen wearing a pair of shorts and my bikini top singing loudly to my music. I heard him scoff and I turned to look at him.

"Aww," I said shuffling my way over to him, "Is my poor baby tired from work?"

"The fuck is wrong with you?"

I smirked and patted his cheeks hard, "I'm being your wife,"

"You don't need to unless-"

"We are outside. Yes. I know. But Mrs Kwon has been spying on me all day and the last time I saw her, she was standing at the end of her garden, probably on a chair with some binoculars,"

Hoseok tutted, "Then I will kill her,"

"And blow our cover?"

"I'd make it look like an accident," Hoseok said and he ran his hand through his hair, "She is still watching. I take it she can see us,"

"Yeah," I sighed, "Oh before I forget, we have to go to some neighbourhood get together this Saturday. The guy you are watching,"

"Shit," Hoseok muttered, "Is that why you are all over me?"


"Gross," He shivered, "So..."


"What are we supposed to do?" Hoseok asked and I frowned, "To make it look like we are in love you fucking idiot,"

"Don't call me an idiot. You should have just said that!"

"Why the hell does Taehyung love you?" Hoseok shook his head, "Kiss me on the cheek or something and hurry up before I puke,"

"I have an even better idea,"

"Which is?"

I grabbed his shirt and dragged him down to my level planting my lips on his. He gasped in shock but I think he was grateful I didn't stick my tongue in his mouth. He sighed and put his hands on my waist. We stood like that for at least a minute before we quickly pulled away.

"I think it worked," He muttered, "She's gone,"

"Good," I said stepping away from him, "I'm going to brush my teeth,"

"Hey!" He said pushing me, "I'm going to bleach my mouth,"

"Good. Maybe you'll shit out your bad attitude before you die a painful death!"

"I will hit you,"

I turned my back on him and wiggled my ass, "Then aim for these cheeks, honey,"

"I fucking hate you!" He snapped and walked away from me as I laughed, "Don't ever touch me with those lips again, bitch!"

"Dinner is in 5! Be grateful I cooked for as asshole like you!"

Hoseok slammed the door upstairs and I laughed, getting ready to serve the food. To my surprise, he came back into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar playing a game on his phone.

"I saw Taehyung today," He said and I looked at him, "And before you go bat shit crazy, he wanted me to tell you something,"

"Is he ok? Is everyone ok?"

"Yeah," Hoseok smirked, "He's leaving your ass for me,"

"Hah!" I said loudly, "Don't make me laugh. Seriously, is he ok?"

Hoseok tilted his head to the side and stared at me, "You really do love him, don't you?"

"Well...yes," I said, with a shrug, "I think I'm insane for loving him sometimes,"

"Yeah," Hoseok said quietly, "I know how you feel,"

We stood in silence for a few more seconds and he cleared his throat.

"He's fine. He misses you and asked me to look after you even if we hated each other,"

"You do know that I don't hate you," I said, putting a plate of food in front of him.

"Sure you don't," He said, picking up his fork, "He also told me to say something else but I think I'll throw up if I have to say it aloud,"

I grimaced, "Yeah, I'd rather you don't. I could probably guess what he said but...let's just enjoy the dinner together and I will go to my room and you can game,"

"Sugar Tits," Hoseok said, stuffing his mouth full of food, "You can keep me company but if you make a noise or breathe too loudly, I'll kill you,"

"I wouldn't expect anything different,"

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