~ N I N E T E E N ~

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Present Day


I was groggy when Hoseok helped me out of the car and my whole body was screaming out in agony. I whimpered as a sharp pain shot through my side and Hoseok helped me inside the building.

"It's not that far," Hoseok said quietly, "Dawon's office is the floor above but the lift hasn't worked since Namjoon blew it up."

"Should I ask?" I asked, trying to breathe without crying.

"Probably not the best time to be talking about bombs." He muttered and he helped me walk up the stairs very slowly. Hoseok didn't rush me, he didn't throw nasty comments at me and for once, he looked relatively worried about me. But it probably had to do with the blood soaking through my shirt and the big glass shard sticking out of my side, plus the big gash on my arm.

Hoseok was in pain, it was obvious, but I was more important and all my hate from him just washed away. I almost cried just seeing the worry on his face and it made me feel wanted and loved. Something I never thought I would feel from him.

"Fuck," Hoseok muttered as he pushed a door open, "Dawon isn't here. Fuck!"

"Can...can I sit down?" I asked.

"Yeah. Here. Lay down so I can see to your wounds," He said and I grunted in pain as he helped me lay down on the bed, "I'll quickly stitch your am and then get to work on your side. Let me find some painkillers or something. Don't move."

"I don't think I'll be moving any time soon," I said, "Instead of painkillers, is there booze?"

Hoseok scoffed, "Obviously. Dawon keeps bottles of vodka in this office."

I did well not to scream at the top of my lungs when he slowly pulled the glass shard from my side and he was quick but gentle when he stitched it up. My arm was completely numb with pain when he stitched that up. Even when he wrapped bandages around he was gentle. I could see him keep glancing at me to make sure I wasn't in pain and when he helped me sit up, I burst into tears.

Loud, painful sobs making my body shake.

Hoseok pulled me from the bed and hugged me, stroking the back of my head telling me that everything would be ok. That just made me cry louder because I never had any type of affection when I was growing up. My parents would tell me to get over myself and that being ill wasn't that bad. They didn't care when I ended up in the hospital with pnumonia. They told me I was being dramatic.

"You have to breathe," He said, "Don't get yourself too worked up."

"O-ok!" I cried and I felt him moving me to the corner of the room. I swiped my blurry eyes free of tears and grimaced as I sat on the floor next to him, stretching my legs out in front of me. 

From the door, no one could see us and Hoseok had pulled the curtain around the bed to block us even more. He reached over me and grabbed a bottle, waving it in front of my face.

"Drink?" He asked softly and handed me the bottle, "That will take a lot of the pain away."

"Thank you," I whispered and took a swig, just to gag at the taste. 

"You'll get used to it," He said, dragging the cover from the bed over us, "We both need to keep warm after what happened. That is if you don't mind sitting so close to me."

"I'd rather be close to you right now," I said, "Thank you."

"Hana...I...I should apologise to you," He said, taking a big gulp of vodka and he shivered as he swallowed, "Shit. That is fucking strong."


"You were right," Hoseok said, "I hated you. I didn't like you the moment I heard about you and when I saw you, I hated you even more."

"I know."

"Just shut up and let me talk, please," He sighed, "It's hard enough to apologise to you so don't talk for once."

I nodded and had some more vodka.

"Taehyung and I were close. We were always good friends since we joined the company. He was this outgoing goof-ball who didn't give a shit what people thought of him. He was...still is dumb but he doesn't care. It's what makes Taehyung Taehyung and no one would want him to be anything else," Hoseok said, "He made me come out of my shell and feel more confident. He was always one of my closest friends out of the group. I looked up to him because he was just...I don't know. Different."

I put the vodka bottle in his hand and he drank some.

"I was always fighting a battle with myself," He said, "Every time we went out clubbing with the boys, I made it my mission to make out with the most girls and take one or two girls home with me that night. I was in so much denial that I didn't care that I was fucking girls left, right and centre. It made me feel more, I don't know, human? Sure, I enjoyed having sex with the girls but I remember when I finally realised that I wasn't straight."

Hoseok sighed and rested his head on the wall behind him.

"This girl wanted to bring another guy home with me," He said quietly, "I wasn't too sure but she convinced me that a threesome with two guys and one girl was the best. She wasn't wrong. It was weird. I had seen dicks before but not in a sexual setting. I...I had never...you know, sucked dick before but he begged me to do it. They were both bi-sexual and it turned them on to see a guy sucking another dick."

I looked up at Hoseok and his face was a deep shade of red. I almost felt proud of him for being so open with me especially because he wasn't my biggest fan.

"Yeah, well, you get what happened and I ended up fucking this guy," Hoseok gulped, "After that happened, I left. I didn't say a word to them and I rushed home. Taehyung was in the kitchen trying to make himself something to eat and he was standing there in a pair of boxers. God. I hated when he walked around in those. They didn't leave much to the imagination and they were just...fitted and sexy."

"At least her wasn't naked."

Hoseok laughed slightly, "Yeah. If he was I wouldn't have been able to talk to him. Look, I'm about to tell you something that I haven't told anyone. I want to put my trust in you because of the situation we are in and I have become more tolerant of you. So, what I'm about to tell you has to stay a secret. Can I trust you?"

I put my hand in Hoseok's and nodded, "You can trust me."

Hoseok let out a shaky breath, "Please don't hate me. Just let me talk."

"Hoseok, I won't hate you."

"Ok...right," He said, running his free hand through his hair, "Taehyung...me...well, we kissed but not just a peck. It was...a heated one with tongue and all...we made out."

Well...I was not expecting that.

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