~ F O U R T E E N ~

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"There is nothing wrong with it," I said for the umpteenth time. This bitch was starting to get on my last nerve but I had to keep it together. 

"But Hoseok," She said, pressing her body against mine, "Every time I turn it on, the screen isn't shared with the projector."

I let out a long sigh, "Maybe you should try connecting the computer to the projector?"

"Oopsie," She giggled and twirled her hair around her fingers, "Silly me."

"Can I go now?"

"I think you should stay. What if it doesn't work and I need you?" She said, biting into her bottom lip.

Jesus fucking christ. I had almost forgotten why I hated women. I rubbed my face and nodded. 

The woman clapped her hands and I spotted her undo a few buttons to her shirt before she sat down. I leant on the desk in the classroom and folded my arms waiting for the stupid woman to do her thing. I was bored and I was hungry. I just hoped that Sugar Tits was working on her cooking skills because they were just above average.

But then again, I was so used to Jin's cooking.

"Ah! Oh, I am so sorry," She fake whinged and I looked up at the big screen to see her posing in a bikini, "I didn't think this was still there,"

"It's fine," I muttered, "It works. I'm leaving."

The woman jumped up and ran to block the door, "I have a few more things I want you to look at, Mr Jung."

I stared at her blankly as she bit into her bottom lip and slowly took her shirt off, dropping it at my feet. Did she honestly think that I was turned on by her? I thought my attitude and face said it all, but no. The woman then slipped her skirt down and pinged her suspenders.

"Do you like what you see?" She asked trying to sound seductive, "I've been wet for you since you stepped into my classroom. I want you to pleasure me and-"

"I'm married," I said and she laughed, "Why is that funny?"

"Oh baby," She giggled and pressed her body against me, "I find that even more attractive. Just knowing that you will be sneaking around behind your wife's back is-"

I grabbed her jaw and pushed her back against the door, making her moan in excitement. Ew.

What the fuck?

"Let's get something clear," I said whispering in her ear, "I don't get turned on by desperate whores and no. I don't like what I see. In fact, just looking at your half-naked body is making me want to puke. So, do yourself a favour and get dressed."

I pulled my house keys from my pocket still annoyed that some woman had her body pressed against me and I opened the door to smell freshly baked cakes. 

Huh. At least she was good at something.

"Sugar Tits?" I called out and was met with silence, "Hello? Wench? Wife? Fucking asshole? Are you there?"

I closed the door and my heart dropped into my asshole when I saw that everything was trashed in the living room. I pulled my gun out of my jacket and saw blood splatters on the floor and sofa. The gun I had taped to the table was now in pieces on the floor and I saw Hana's torn shirt discarded on the floor with blood staining the white material.

I quickly searched the house and saw bloody hand-prints on the wall heading upstairs but I couldn't find Hana. I found her smashed phone and saw that someone had held it because blood covered the screen. 

I held my phone to my ear and Taehyung answered on the second ring, "You need to get here as soon as you can."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Hana is missing."

I opened the door and fake smiled at the boys in their disguises. Their hats were low on their faces and they held builder bags. I stepped aside and they came in, taking their hats off when I closed and locked the door.

Before I could speak, a fist was smashing against my jaw and I crashed into the wall.

"What the fuck have you done with her?" Taehyung growled and held me against the wall by my throat, "Where is she?!"

"Let him go," Jin said, "Can you not see that he had nothing to do with this?"

"Fuck!" Taehyung hissed and walked away from me running his hands through his hair.

"Start talking, Hoseok," Yoongi said, looking at the mess.

"I left her to go to work and I came back to this," I said, "I checked the house but I can't find her. I even followed the bloody hand-prints on the wall but nothing."

"Do you think someone took her?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't fucking know!" I exclaimed, "I thought Sejin would do something like that, but I threatened him and his wife was pissed off that he hurt Hana. The neighbours haven't come to me to tell me that she was dragged into a car."

"Someone fired the gun," Jimin said, "Bullet casings and I know Angel can't take a gun apart. She can barely shoot one."

I shook my head, "She can. I showed her how to use that gun."

"You think she shot the intruder?" Jin asked and I shrugged, "Yoongi, call the hospitals and ask if they have had any admissions with gunshot wounds. Namjoon, help Jimin clean this mess up. We need to check the house again just to make sure she hasn't left."

"Tae, I'm sorry, I-" I started.

"Save it," He said walking away from me.

"Don't worry about him," Jungkook said squeezing my shoulder, "You weren't to know this would happen. Don't blame yourself."

"I knew I should have taken her to work with me," I rubbed my face, "She would have punched the teacher."

"Do we dare ask why?" Jimin said.

"Let's just say, I need to bleach my skin from the contact I had with her."

"Another half-naked woman throwing herself at you," Jimin shook her head, "Why do the gay guys get more attention?"

"Is there any places that you didn't check?" Jungkook asked walking up the stairs with me.

"I checked under the bed, the bathroom, the outside shed. I can't find her."

"Wardrobes?" He asked, looking at me.

"Fuck," I whispered and I shoved him out of the way, running to my bedroom. I yanked the doors open and Hana flew out crashing into me, "Shit. You're alive,"

"Don't sound so fucking disappointed!" She cried and held onto me tightly. I awkwardly hugged her back as she wept, "I was so scared! I thought I was going to die and he was so drunk but I managed to kick him away but then he came after me and-"

"It's alright," I said, patting her back, "I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't here."

"Jin!" Jungkook called, "Bring the first-aid kit! Hoseok found her and she's bleeding."

A/N: Would you look at that? Another POV.

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Stay weird <33

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