~ S E V E N ~

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When we were at the other side of the garden Hoseok dropped his smile and kept his back turned on the others.

"I owe you one,"

"I hope you keep that promise," I said.

"You saved me. Seriously. I couldn't stand how much they fucking talked and the shit they talked about. I almost fell asleep standing up," He tutted, "And here I thought women chatted so much bullshit,"

"Oh, we do," I said, "But there is a reason for me to talk to you and not because we have to act like a married couple,"


"We met when we were 14 after I transferred to your school. You were a popular, sweet boy who liked everyone. I was the quiet smart one that kept to herself," I said, "You got me to open up and then we started to like each other after a school project. When we hit 16 you asked me out and then at 18 we were serious. 3 years ago, we went on holiday and you proposed to me on the beach with fairy lights everywhere and a string band playing 'I can't help falling in love'. Of course, I said yes and I cried and a year later we got married. Don't forget that. Ok?"

"That's so fucking cliche. You make me feel sick,"

"Can a girl not dream about a proposal like that?"

"Not with your boyfriend," Hoseok said quietly, "If he was ever to propose he would probably be covered in blood and holding a gun,"

"He's going to propose?" I gasped.

"What? No! I said if and I'd be against him marrying you,"

"That's because you want him to stick his penis up your bum,"

"If only we weren't out in public right now," He said almost growling his words.

I smirked and put my hands on his face, "Am I getting you excited? We can save that for later, sweetie,"



"Fuck," Hoseok groaned, "Hello Mrs Kwon,"

"I'm so sorry to interrupt but I'd just like to apologise for intruding on your private life," She said, still smiling, "I wasn't watching Mrs Jung. I was watching the birds. You see, there are so many that fly around here and I often get in trouble for snooping,"

"Ah," Hoseok said, "It's not a problem but maybe you should face the other way,"

"I didn't see your wife dancing around her kitchen,"

Hoseok smiled, "Next time she sees you snooping or I catch you, the next time we see you will be at your funeral. Keep your eyes away from my wife and house. Yes?"

Mrs Kwon nodded quickly and shuffled away. I looked up at Hoseok and elbowed him.

"You can be nice,"

"Who said it was for your benefit?" He said, "The guys are supposed to be seeing us soon and I don't want them caught,"

I sighed, "It was nice for a moment,"

"Whatever," He said and pulled me towards a bench, pushing me to sit down, "What's the deal with the wives club?"

"Do you want to know their gossip?"

"It might make this day better,"

"The one with too much Botox has a husband almost 35 years younger than her, hence the surgery to make herself look younger. Karina said he's only after her money," I said, "The one with the stick up her ass is fucking Botox's husband behind her own husband's back. Her husband is in the military and when he came back, had sex with the neighbour and knocked her up by mistake. The pregnant woman's husband is so excited because it's his third child with his wife. No one knows that apart from those group of women. Oh and now me...plus you,"

"Shit," Hoseok said, "I'm glad I didn't have a normal life. I'd have to deal with this,"

"Wait until you get a load of this," I said, shuffling closer to him, "Karina, in her slightly drunken state, told me that Sejin is staying out later than he used to and spends most of his time locked in his office. He won't let her go anywhere near it and is worried that he is having an affair. When I asked why she'd think that, she told me that years ago he used to have a group of friends who did everything together,"


"She then went on to tell the girls that he is planning something big for them which would change their lives forever," I said quietly, "I had to answer my phone because work called but she didn't think I could hear her. Karina said that her husband should just kill them already instead of playing silly games,"

"Interesting," Hoseok said, "Maybe you are good for something,"

"You really do underestimate a woman, don't you?"

"I hate them. What do you expect?" He said, "But just because we are getting on right now doesn't mean I like you,"

"That's fine with me,"

"I will get you a drink though," Hoseok stood up, "I suppose I should look like a good husband and kiss you again?"

"It's alright," I smiled, "Being a waiter is good enough,"

"Don't expect this at home, bitch," He said under his breath and walked off. I leaned back on the bench and sighed. He almost made me like him.


I jumped and looked up at Sejin who had a bottle of water in front of me, "Oh. Thank you,"

"Hoseok said you were thirsty. I thought I'd give you this before he gets an alcoholic beverage for you,"

"That's nice. Thank you," I opened the bottle and took a big gulp.

Sejin smiled and sat down next to me, "It was nice for you and your husband to come today. You seem to get on well with Karina and the ever-so gossiping ladies,"

"They are nice,"

"Yeah, until you get to know the real them," He shook his head, "Just remember that gossip and secrets spread like a wildfire in this neighbourhood. I have some advice for you Hana and I truly hope you listen to it...if you want to get one with everyone in this god damn place, keep away from the women,"

"Well...thank you, I guess," I said, "And for the water,"

"No problem, sweetheart," He said, winking at me, "Karina was smart to put the bottle of waters at the bar. Your husband is coming back, so I will leave you to it. You make a fantastic couple and between you and me, I'm slightly jealous. Karina is...well, she is Karina,"

Sejin walked away and went back to his friends. Hoseok watched him and he handed me a drink.

"Everything ok?" He asked, sitting down still not taking his eyes away from Sejin.

"Yes. Sort of," I said, "He just warned me about gossip and this neighbourhood. He told me to stay away from the women,"

"Good advice," Hoseok scoffed, "Why do you think I am gay?"

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