~ T H I R T E E N ~

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It had been two days since I had seen or heard from Taehyung and it was getting to me. I was feeling sorry for myself and Hoseok noticed. It was strange because he kept asking if I wanted anything when I was in the office trying to focus on my work.

He even went as far as to bring me lunch when I didn't come down for a few hours. Something was going on and he either didn't want to tell me or...well, he could have been thinking about Taehyung's dick for all I knew.

"Hoseok!" I said as he walked by my office door and he walked back to see what I wanted, "I need you, to be honest with me."

"What do you want?" He asked, "Can't you see that I am busy?"

I looked him up and down, "Going to the pool can wait for a few seconds."

"Talk then."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Hoseok lifted his eyebrows at me, "You think bringing you food is being nice?"


"False sense of security, wife," He smirked, "You don't know what I've been doing with your food."

I felt my face pale, "You've been-"

"I'm joking!" He tutted, "Jesus, you aren't very trustworthy."

"Oh, I wonder why," I said sarcastically and turned my attention to the email I just received.

"Is that all?"

"No," I sighed, "I...thank you."

Hoseok shrugged, "I could tell you were having a hard time and missing that idiot. You don't need to thank me though. It wasn't my idea. Jin threatened me."


"Taehyung said you had lost some weight and Jin wasn't happy."

"I've not lost any weight!"

"You think I care? I don't fucking know! Tae mentioned your ass wasn't as plump as it first was and-"

"That fucking idiot!" I said getting to my feet, "Did he tell everyone that?"

Hoseok groaned, "This isn't my problem but yes. I think Jimin mentioned touching your ass just to make sure that Taehyung isn't lying. Jungkook said that your ass will always be plump, Yoongi said it was a wank-worthy ass and Namjoon...I'm going to stop talking because of the look you are giving me but it was something along the lines of my dick would look-ah! Hey you fucking bitch! Don't throw things at me!"

"I hate them. I hate everyone!"

"Boo-fucking-hoo," Hoseok said, "At least they aren't married to you. Anyway, wench, it's your turn to cook dinner tonight. I have to go to work for a few hours this afternoon because the boss wants me but if you want, you can come with me."

I tilted my head, "Why would I go with you?"

"Because I...oh fuck off. I don't like you if that's what you're thinking." He muttered and walked away giving me the middle finger.

"You have to stop lying to yourself!" I called after him, "I know you like me!"

A few hours later, Hoseok left and told me to call him if I needed anything or help. I closed the door after he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. The neighbours were watching and I could tell how much he hated kissing me. I thought it was fucking funny but that was just me. I enjoyed torturing him.

I tidied up after his mess and I was bored. It didn't take me as long as I had hoped so I had to find something to do. I hadn't been this bored for years and I wasn't in the mood to do anything. There was nothing on TV, I had a shower in the morning and I didn't want to lounge by the pool.

In the end, I chose to bake some cakes. I loved baking and when I finished decorating them and smiled to myself.

"Nigella Lawson, eat your heart out." 

The sound of the doorbell made me jump and then the knocking started. I yanked my apron off and went to see who it was.

"You took your time," Sejin slurred, "It's time to talk, missy."

"What? No!" I said, trying to push him out of the way, "You are drunk!"

Sejin scoffed and slammed his hands against my shoulders, knocking me backwards and onto my ass. Pain shot up my back and I stared with wide eyes as Sejin closed and locked the door.

"You understand me, Hana." He said and I shuffled further away from him, "I was so stupid to think that my wife still had an interest in me."

I slowly got to my feet and backed away from him, stepping into the sofa, "Maybe you should talk to your wife about that."

Sejin laughed and swayed on his feet, "Nah. I don't think I want her anymore."

"Then t-tell her," I said as he got closer to me and the stench of alcohol was so strong on his breath and clothes that I almost threw up.

"No, I want her to know that...ugh...I want her to catch you and me," He grinned, "I have a better chance with you and do you want to know why? Because I see how much you hate kissing your husband."

I swallowed back my fear and stood up straight, "I think it's time for you to leave."

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled and grabbed my shirt. I pulled my hand back and punched him as hard as I could on the nose, making him howl in pain, blood dripping down his face. I jumped away from him and rushed to get my phone before I could lock myself in my room, but he grabbed hold of my hair, yanking me back.

Sejin snatched my phone away and threw it across the room. I stared in shock as it smashed against the wall and the screen went black. I screamed out for help but it was no use. Sejin backhanded me making me shut up. He then proceeded to drag me across the floor by my hair into the living room.

"Shut up or I will gag you," He growled and undid his trousers, "I know how you look at me so just accept it."

My bottom lip trembled and I reached under the table, pulling the gun taped to the underside.

Sejin's eyes went wide but then he laughed loudly, "Do you honestly think that I am scared of a little gun like that?"

"No, but it will hurt if I shoot you with it," I said quietly, trying to sound brave.

Sejin moved so quickly I had no time to react and now the gun was pointed at me.

Holy shit. He really did work with Taehyung and the others.

The Familiar [[KTH]] ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum