Chapter 13

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One week later...
My mom told me to go get food for dinner so I was walking to the food market when I heard whispers around me. I picked up what they were saying because werewolves had really good hearing. One of the werewolves near me whispered to another werewolf,
"Isn't that Silver?"
"I think so."
"Did you hear that she's a demon now?"
"Of course! Who hasn't?"
"Creepy she had red eyes! Just like the vampires, it's so gross! Let's stay away from her!"
I ignored them and sighed. I guess everyone will avoid me now just like the pups! Hopefully they will see that I'm not to bad in the future! All this because I'm a part demon now jeez! I want to finish getting the groceries because I didn't like hearing people talk about me like that. Im glad I know a short cut to where the stalls are. I looked around and saw the dark alley way. I hope nothing will attack me there! Well even if they do, I'm a Bloodwolf and part demon so I could easily beat them! I walked to the shortcut and when I was about to step out of the alley way when I sensed someone behind me! I turned around quick and was about to scratch him with my claws but he backed up quick. The person who was behind me asked,
"How did you know I was behind you?!"
I looked at him closely and I saw he has red eyes! I then said,
"I'm guessing you're the vampire that has been attacking the werewolves!"
"Yep, that's me! You still haven't answered my question though!"
"I'm part demon and that's one of the demons powers!"
"Wait! You're that demon everyone is talking about?!"
He backed away and used his fast speed to climb up the wall and onto the roof. I unfolded my wings and flew up. I saw him jumping from roof to roof. I was way faster flying than him running so I caught up to him pretty quickly. I landed in front of him. Before he could run again I used my demon powers to make a fire whip. I wrapped it around him.
"OW! Are you trying to kill me?"
"It won't kill you. I made sure to make the whip not to hot. You're trying to trick me to let you go and to run again!"
"Darn it! I thought that would work! You're smarter than you look."
"Hey Shadow, could you come help me take him to the elder?"
Shadow appeared in front of me and said,
"How did you know I was around?"
"I've known since I left the house. Did you forget I can sense anyone around me?"
"Yep I forgot. I still can't get over the fact that you can easily use any demon power even though you're not fully a demon."
Then the vampire interrupted and said,
"Can we get going? Fire really hurts vampires."
"Do you feel bad about killing a lot of werewolves?"
"Of course not! I hate werewolves. They deserved it!"
"Then we are going to take our time! Killing anyone is wrong and not feeling bad about it is even worse!"
Then Shadow said,
"We should get going Silver. Your parents are probably going to start to worry about you. It doesn't take very long to get food."
"That is true I guess. Let's get going. Shadow can you hold the vampire while we fly? It would go way faster to fly to the elders house then walk."
Then the vampire said,
"Wait! If he holds me won't he get burned from the fire whip?"
Shadow then said,
"Can't you tell? I'm a demon and fire doesn't affect demons. Your just trying to trick Silver to let you go!"
"Let's just go. This vampire is starting to really annoy me!"
I then said,
"He is starting to get on my nerves. Let's get this over with so we don't have to see him again!"

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