Chapter 58

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A month later....
"I can't believe it's been a month since Merek died."
"I can believe it. He was old. You can already tell those bracelets hold some special power that kept him alive that long. It's how the elder could live as long as he did. He could tell the bracelets power wasn't going to keep him alive much longer."
"How do you think these bracelets hold so much power in them?"
"I have no idea. Does it really matter? You have them now and no one can steal them from you."
"I guess that's true. Hopefully not a bad person gets something like this if there is another one that is."
"Even if there is more I'm positive you can stop them from hurting someone with that power."
"That's true. I still need to eat after all."
I sighed and said,
"I'm going to miss Merek though. I didn't talk to him a lot but when I did I enjoyed it. What about you? Do you miss him?"
"No why would I miss him?"
"Why do you look sad then? You're not acting like your normal self."
"I'm not sad for that reason I'm sad for another reason. I'm a demon and I've seen many people die. If I was really bored I would watch some ghosts come and go."
"I guess that's true. Then why are you sad then?"
Shadow sighed and said,
"Remember when I visited home around the time Merek died?"
"Yes. Why did you go? You didn't need to go right then. You could have waited."
"You see since I'm the Demon Prince I can tell it something is wrong with the Underworld. I decided to go because of that reason. When I stepped out the portal I could tell something was wrong with my father. He looked smaller than normal. He told me his power was almost gone. He said after he judged the council members. His power would be all gone."
"Oh. I'm guessing you will have to be the Demon King afterwards? I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay. It's not your fault. You promise to visit me when I'm stuck there? I'm going to be so bored."
I laughed and said,
"Of course I will. Even though I'll be bored there I'll stay longer with you. You will need company after all. You do like coming here and when you can't anymore I bet you will need someone to talk to.  At least judging ghosts will not be boring."
"Thanks Silver for coming even though it will be boring. Also I guess that's true."
"Do you know when the council members will be judged?"
"When I asked him when they would be judged, he said it would be around a month. So it's going to be either today or tomorrow! He said he would open a portal when it was almost time and he said I had a few minutes to say my goodbyes."
As he finished saying that a portal opened right next to him. I said,
"Let's go! I'll call a meeting and you can say goodbye to everyone."
A few minutes later....
When everyone heard the bell for the meeting everyone ran to the front of my house. When everyone was there I said,
"I called this meeting because Shadow is leaving and he wants to say goodbye to you all."
Everyone looked confused and Shadow said,
"I'm sorry everyone I have to go. My father called me back home to become the Demon King."
Awake said,
"Couldn't you just not become King? Couldn't you just stay here?!"
"No I'm afraid I can't. I can't explain it to you exactly but there is a reason why I have to become Demon King. If I don't it would be pretty bad for everyone. I wish I could stay here. I love it here. It is way more exciting than back home but I don't have a choice! I have to become the Demon King even if I don't want to."
"Okay I guess that makes sense. Can you at least visit us?"
"No I can not. Once I become the Demon King I can't leave the castle."
Awake teared up and said,
"Why not?! I just got to know you. I don't want to lose someone else important to me!"
"I wish I could tell you why but if I tell all of you I would be severely punished."
Awake started crying and then said,
"Can I visit you?!"
"No you can not."
"I can't tell you."
Awake took a deep breath and said with a shaky voice,
"Is it because you will be punished if you do?"
"Yes. I wish I could tell you why but I can't."
"But how would I know that you are okay?!"
"Since Silver is part demon she can come visit  me but no one else can. She can tell you if I'm doing fine or not."
Awake looked happy for a second and said,
"Then could you turn me into a demon?!"
"No I can't. Only the Demon King can and I'm not the Demon King yet."
Awake looked sad again and said,
"Okay. I'll miss you. I love you a lot. I hope you will be fine."
"I will be totally fine. I can't die, remember."
"I know but you never know something bad could happen!"
"I'll be careful if anything happens I bet Silver could come save me!"
I rolled my eyes and said,
"Sure. You better not get in trouble often. It's going to be annoying to save you all the time when I have a village to take care of!"
"You could always hire an assistant to do work for you if you aren't there."
I sighed and rolled my eyes and said,
"Sure I will. I'm going to hire an assistant because the Demon King needs my help. I don't think that will ever happen. I think you just want an excuse for me to come to your castle because you would be bored."
"Daren't how did you know?!"
Everyone laughed and Awake smiled a little. I laughed and said,
"You really are good at making people laugh. Maybe you could make the guards laugh at some of your jokes. That would be pretty funny to see a demon laughing. Also it could keep you entertained too! I don't need to even come save you from your boredom."
Shadowed rolled his eyes and said,
"I think you will be way more entertaining than the demons. You are so fun to tease sometimes!"
I sighed and said,
"Didn't your father say something about how you only have a few minutes to talk. You better hurry up before you get in trouble with him!"
Shadow groaned and said,
"Your right I should wrap this up even though I would love to talk for hours with all of you. My dad would be furious with me if I did that though."
Awake pulled Shadow down and hugged him and then he let go. When he let go Shadow stood up again. He looked surprised and said,
"Wow you are pretty strong! You could easily pull me down. I wish I could see who is stronger in the future but unfortunately I can't.
He unfolded his wings and flew up and said,
"Goodbye everyone! See you all in the afterlife!"
He then flew back towards the portal.
Everyone looked sad and confused and Maria spoke up and said,
"What did he mean by that?! He said he couldn't die because he's a demon!"
I smiled and then said,
"Wow isn't he nice. He gave you all a hint of why he has to go home. He's smart he can't really tell you why he had to go but he can give out hints. I wonder how mad his father is going to be at him for giving you hints. If you do figure it out make sure not to tell anyone or I will be very mad. Oh wait I could order you to do that couldn't I! I completely forgot! I am now the elder after all! I order you all not to tell anyone if you do figure it out."
I unfolded my wings and flew up some but Margraret said,
"Wait! What do you mean by hints?!"
Then Isabel spoke up and said,
"Who will be in charge of the village while you're gone!?"
"You will be fine without me for a couple hours or maybe I'll be gone a day."
"Wouldn't that take more than a day though?"
"No time moves differently from oh crap oops I didn't mean to say that. Just ignore what I said. See you all later!"
I flew off and laughed to myself. I wonder if both hints helped them figure it out. Then I heard yelling. I couldn't tell who because I was so far away but I did hear a werewolf say,
Oh they actually figured it out. I wonder how mad the Demon King will be. It was worth it though I bet it would be interesting and maybe funny to see the Demon King mad. I wonder if that werewolf was so loud Shadow could even hear that. The portal isn't to far from the village. I saw the portal so I flew down. After I landed Shadow laughed and said,
"Wow that werewolf was pretty loud I could hear that from here. What hint did you give them to figure it out or did they figure it out with just my hint?"
"No, I gave them a hint too. I pretended to mess up when I said something about how the time difference was different there."
"That was a good idea. With my hint and your hint it would be pretty easy to figure out. Pretty much every book I've read about demons has something about how they are from the Underworld. No idea how someone thought up that idea though."
"I don't have a clue either. I wonder how mad your dad is right now? I've never seen him furious before. I've seen him angry and seeing him angry is pretty funny."
"I agree with you that my dad looks pretty funny when he gets angry. I've never seen him furious before though. I wonder how funny he looks. My prediction is that my dad will be furious with us but with you and your smart thinking I think you can easily calm him down."
"That's true. I am good with my words after all."
"I just thought of something! I forget to say bye to Ryia."
I laughed and said,
"You still forget that Ryia is part demon didn't you?"
"Oops sorry. I sometimes forget that she is not a regular human anymore!"
"That's okay. No one is perfect!"
"That's true. Shall we go?"
I nodded and we took a deep breath and we walked in. When we saw the Demon King he looked pretty angry. His face was all red and there was fire everywhere. The Demon King yelled at us and said,
Shadow said,
"But we didn't tell them, they figured out on their own."
"But they still figured it out without us. We just gave them hints."
The Demon King was about to say something but I cut him off and said,
"It doesn't really matter that they know. I ordered them not to tell anyone and you know if an elder orders werewolves to do something they have to do it. They know if they don't do the order they will die."
"I bet after that happened you made sure no one was around with your small portals right? Did you see anyone around when you looked to see if someone was there?"
"You wouldn't need to do anything, Shadow would do something about it. He is going to be the new Demon King after this right? You wouldn't have to deal with it. We would!"
The Demon King took and deep breath and said,
"Your right. It's not a big deal. Sorry for getting so mad at you both."
All the fire around him disappeared and I said,
"That's okay. I'm glad you're more calm though. You have to judge the council members right?"
"Yes that is true. I can tell they are going to appear any second now. Do you want them to see you or not to see you?"
"I want them to see me. I want to see how they react when they do. It's going to be pretty funny to see them so mad."
"Okay. What about you Shadow?"
"I'll do the same as Silver. I think they will be pretty mad at me too. I did know about Silver being a Bloodwolf and I didn't even tell them. I want them to suffer after what they did to all those innocent supernaturals and people. They also killed my best friend's parents which also is horrible!"
"Okay. I will let you both be seen by them. Be ready though they are appearing right now!"
As he finished talking a bright light appeared and as it went away I saw the council members standing there. I was excited to see what would happen to them.

The Adventure of Silver BloodmoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora