Chapter 24

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Three days later.....
"We should take a break. We have been flying nonstop ever since we left your house. I also can tell you're hungry."
"I just ate though why would I be hungry?!"
"Stop faking it. The meat you ate before didn't even fill you up. I can hear your stomach growling some. You might have to drink blood. That's the only reason I can think is why you're hungry now even though you just ate."
"Maybe. That's the only thing that makes sense. How do we get blood though?"
"I remember seeing on the map that there is a vampire village near here. We can go there."
"Okay let's go."
A few minutes later...
We landed far enough from the vampire village so we didn't get seen. I shape shifted to a wolf and we ran towards the village as we got closer I could smell them. I stopped in my tracts and said,
"I'm a monster."
"No, you're not!"
"Then why do they smell as good as the werewolves?! I know for a fact no vampire is like that! Is something wrong with me?"
I started to tear up and Shadow hugged me and said,
"No there's nothing wrong with you! It's not your fault that you are a Bloodwolf. If you were a monster you would have attacked werewolves and vampires already. Instead you're holding yourself back."
He laughed and continued to say,
"Also if you really were a monster I would smell good to you too."
I smiled and said,
"Haha very funny. I thought you didn't like being called smelly? What changed?"
He rolled his eyes and said,
"I'm older now and can take your insults."
I laughed and said,
"Thanks for that Shadow. You really know how to calm me down. Your right I'm not a monster. It's not my fault I'm like this."
"That's why we are going to talk to a dragon. To see what we can do about this."
"I hope the dragon can help me."
"Dragons are very wise and this one might even have been alive when there was a Bloodwolf village. He or she might know how to fix your problem!"
"That's true. What are I going to do? I can't get "food" if I barely can control myself around my parents. How the heck am I going to stop myself from hurting the vampires here?"
"I will go for you. I'll shapeshift to look like a vampire to go to the village."
"Are you sure? What if someone finds out you're not actually a vampire?"
"My disguise will last way longer than you because I was born a demon. The worst thing that could happen would be they would kill me and I can't really die soooooo I'll be fine."
"Fine but be careful. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you."
"Like I said I can't die."
"But won't you have to see your father then?"
"Oh true. If I don't come back in a couple hours come save me. My father will try to force me to stay and I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson when I got out the first time. He will figure about a better way to force me to stay!"
I laughed and said,
"Okay. I'll come save you if that happens."
"This is no laughing matter. Seeing my father is worse than the death that I'll go through."
"Don't be overdramatic. You will have bonding time with him. It wouldn't be too bad."
He glared at me and said,
"I'll get the blood. You stay here and when we get back I'll have a long talk about how annoying you are."
I laughed and said,
"Okay. Make sure not to die!"
He ignored me and then shapeshifted into a vampire and said,
"How do I look? Do I look like a vampire?"
"Yes you do. The red eyes look pretty good on you."
"Thanks. I'll be going now."
Before I could say anything back he ran away.
An hour later......
I smelled Shadow before I saw him. He ran up to me and said,
"I got it."
He handed me a blood bag and I said,
"I really don't want to drink this. I feel like I'm doing something nasty!"
"Just think of it like this, you're eating food. Vampires drink blood so it's normal for them. You are half vampire so shouldn't it be normal for you to do the same? You don't have a choice anyways, if you want to control yourself and dying from hunger doesn't sound very nice. Maybe you will have to do this once. The dragon might have a solution for us."
"I guess that is true. Thanks Shadow. What would I do without you? I hope the dragon can help us!"
"If I wasn't here you would have a normal life and not be a demon."
"No, if you weren't here I would never have a friend and I would be lonely. Even though I said I was fine with that I wasn't really. I wanted at least one friend. Also I could never have a normal life. I'm a Bloodwolf and instead of dealing with this alone I have you to help me. You're the one who thought to ask the dragon for help. It would take me a while to figure that out on my own. I'm glad I met you and I think that being a demon is pretty cool. If I wasn't one how the heck would I explain to everyone why I have these powers that no one has seen before?! Also I bet eventually I would have red eyes later how would I explain that?!"
"That's true. I shouldn't think like that! You're stalling to drink that blood aren't you?"
"Do you blame me? I'm not hungry anymore. It's fine."
Then my stomach growled and Shadow said,
"You're totally lying. Just drink it, it won't be too bad."
I sighed and ripped open the bag and drank it and Shadow said,
"See that wasn't too bad. Did it taste good?"
"I would be lying if I said it didn't taste good. I wonder..."
"What is it?"
I sniffed the air and said,
"I'm not at all tempted by the vampires blood anymore!"
"That's great! We should get going though. We need to talk to that dragon!"
"Okay. Let's go!"

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