Chapter 27

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Around a month later....
"Come on Silver it's been more than a month and you said you would tell them."
"I know. I'm just scared! I don't want them to hate me."
"Even if they do, you have me and you could always order them to forget the last few minutes."
"I don't want to use that power on them. I would rather them hate me than control them! Also I have bad news."
"What is it?"
"Like the dragon said the blood bags stopped working for me. I still feel hungry even though I drank one yesterday."
"Oh.....What are you doing to do? You know you need to drink blood from actual humans now. Knowing you, you would hate hurting humans for no reason. You are friends with some of them after all. "
"Hmmmm.....Oh how about this. We go after bandits and bad people. Some villages don't have money or the resources to go against them so we could help them for free."
"That's a good idea. When should we leave? If you say we are going now. You need to tell your parents why you would do that. They probably won't buy it if you tell them you're doing it just to be nice. Everyone would want something out of helping people even if they are doing a good deed. You also said you were going to tell them anyways."
I sighed and said,
"Okay fine. I feel bad for not telling them yet anyways."
We went downstairs and I said,
"Can I talk to you both? I need to tell you something. I should have told you before but I was scared of what you would think of me."
My parents looked concerned and they sat down at the table and my dad said,
"Has it something to do with what I happened last month?"
"Something like that."
I took and deep breath and continued,
"I have been lying to you for a very long time."
"How long?"
"Ever since I got to the village. I remembered everything about my past even before I lived in Silverheart."
"What?! Why didn't you tell us?"
"I couldn't. How would I explain to you that my parents were murdered by the council? You might have asked where my old house is. I didn't know if the council was still watching it. They would have killed me if I went back there!"
"I don't think they would kill a five year old though. Why would they do that? You were just a child!"
"In their eyes they would see me as a threat."
"What do you mean?!"
"You see I'm a half vampire."
Both of my parents looked shocked and they both said at the same time,
Then my mom said,
"But you don't look like a vampire. You do have red eyes but that's because you're a demon."
"Have you ever seen Shadow have red eyes even when he was in his demon form? I could show you my fangs if you want proof."
"No that's okay. Well I thought Shadow said it was normal for demons to have red eyes."
Shadow then said,
"I was a child back then but I knew how to lie. I would always lie to my father just to annoy him. I lied to keep her safe. We didn't know back then if you would tell the council or not. I'm sorry for lying but I saw no other way to keep her safe."
"I understand. I'm not mad at either of you for lying, you just wanted to live and have a normal life. It must have been hard Silver to keep all this in. I'm glad you had Shadow to help you. I'm not going to tell anyone. Are we?"
She glared at Midnight and he said,
"Don't worry we won't tell anyone. We have known you ever since you were five and all you have done is help. You also cared a lot about everyone. It doesn't matter that you're a half vampire. Your race doesn't mean you're a bad person. Like look at Shadow and he's a demon. You would think demons are mean and evil but all the time I have known him he's been so nice and helpful. We still think of you as our own daughter even after hearing all of this."
I started to cry and my parents went over and hugged me and I said,
"You're the best parents I've could ever asked for. I was so scared that you would hate me after hearing all of this. To be honest now that I think about it I was never scared of the council. I can't really die and I could easily escape if they do put me in a cell. I think I was just scared of what you both would think of me. I feel like a weight just lifted off my shoulders. Thank you both for taking care of me."
"Your welcome. Now that we are on the topic of your past life. What are your real parents' names?"
"My moms name is Rose and she was a werewolf and my dad's name is Jack and he was a vampire."
"I'm so sorry for what happened to them. I see no reason why it's illegal to love someone even if they are a different race. Even though we don't like vampires very much, we know a lot about love. If you love someone I see no reason why not to marry later and have a kid."
"I think it's more like they didn't want them to have a kid. They knew if a baby was born she or he would be very strong in the future. Even stronger than them and they don't like when that happens! Well I also recently found out another reason why it's illegal. Around thousands of years ago there was a Bloodwolf that killed a lot of people and no one could stop him. So another person stopped him and it turned out she was a Bloodwolf too."
"That happened a thousands of years ago though. It doesn't mean every Bloodwolf would do the same. Another Bloodwolf stopped him in the first place!"
"I think that too. I bet it's just an excuse for the council to kill anyone who could become more stronger than them."
"I'm guessing Bloodwolf is another term for half vampire and half werewolf?
"Yep. Shadow thought up the name."
"It is a pretty good name. I also agree on the point about the council. Not a lot of people like the council because of that and they are just really mean too. I bet that Bloodwolf had a reason why it did all those horrible things. What happened?"
"It was mostly because he didn't drink human blood. He didn't want to hurt anyone. It turns out it was a bad choice because he went crazy and killed a lot of vampires and werewolves. The other reason is that there was a village full of Bloodwolfs but some vampires and werewolves joined together and killed mostly everyone. Since he was young when everyone died he didn't know if he didn't drink blood he would go crazy. He wanted revenge but only on the vampires and werewolves that attacked his village. Instead his mind got twisted because he didn't eat and he attacked every single werewolves and vampires."
"That's a pretty sad story."
"Which brings up the point that I have to drink human blood soon. We also lied the reason why we left wasn't a demon problem. It was more like a vampire problem. There was another reason I didn't tell you in person. I knew both of you would hug me if I told you and let's just say everything smelled really good. I was worried I would have attacked you both and so I left a letter instead."
"Oh I'm sorry that happened to you. Where did you go to help you though?"
"Shadow said we should go speak to a dragon and we did but it turns out the dragon couldn't help me with the bloodlust. She did tell me that I have to drink human blood once a month. It wasn't the answer I was looking for but it could be worse. That's why I was upset when I came back home last month. I decided to tell you now because I need to go on a trip."
"What kind of trip?"
"I've decided to help other villages if they need help with bad people or if they are getting attacked by bandits. Especially if they have no way to pay anyone to help them."
"Why? Is there a reason you want to do this?"
"I would be lying if I said it was all because I like helping people. I do like helping people but there is another reason. It's getting to a point where even drinking the blood bags doesn't help my hunger. I need to drink from a human or I would go crazy just like that other Bloodwolf did. Instead of hurting someone innocent I decided instead to drink blood from someone not innocent like bandits and bad people."
"Oh....I guess that makes sense. I feel so bad for you. You have to make all these hard choices and you're only sixteen! I wish you had told me about this sooner, we could have helped! I feel really bad."
"Do you know anything about Bloodwolfs?"
"Well no."
"Don't feel bad for not knowing. You couldn't help anyways because you didn't know anything about Bloodwolfs. We should get going though. I don't want to hurt you because I'm too hungry."
"Okay. Can we get a hug before you go or is it not safe anymore?"
"No that's okay."
Both of my parents went over and hugged me again and my father said,
"Stay safe. Shadow you better take care of Silver or we will hunt you down."
Shadow chucked and said,
"Don't worry I'll keep her safe. Let's go Silver."
Before I went out the door I turned around and said,
"See you both later. Don't worry too much."
My mom said,
"We will try not to."
I turned around and went out the door.

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