Chapter 2

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I opened the other side of the secret passage and ran as far as I could. I started bearding towards where the nearest village was. I was still crying as I ran there. I felt exhausted because I was running so fast. As I got closer to the village I felt my vision become blurry and I tripped and fell on the ground. Im so exhausted I can't even push myself up! As I looked up I saw someone blurry look over me and I heard muffled voices so with all of my strength left I said,
Then everything went black.
I woke up in a bed and tried to move but I was to tired to. I looked to the side and saw a werewolf woman. She had black hair even longer than my moms hair! Her ears and tail were also black. She wasn't very tall though and she had amber eyes. When she saw me moving she asked,
"Are you okay?"
I replied,
"Yes but I'm to tired to move."
"That's no surprise. You seem to not have eaten or drank anything for a while now. It's been a couple days since we found you and you seemed so exhausted! What happened?"
"I don't remember. The only thing I do remember is my name Silver Moon."
"Do you remember your age?"
"Hmmm I would guess your around five because your ears and tails haven't appeared yet. They always appear when any werewolf pup turns six."
"What will happen to me now?"
"You should try to rest more and I will tell the elder you woke up."
I closed my eyes and heard the door close. As I was waiting I drifted off to sleep because of how tired I was. When I woke up I saw a old werewolf. He has gray hair and a long beard that was also gray. His ears and tail were gray too. He has blue eyes and assumed it was the elder. I asked him,
"How long was I asleep?"
He replied,
"You were asleep for another couple days after you woke up once."
"Oh....Who are you?"
"I am the elder of Silverheart. We had a meeting of what to do with you and we decided for you to live with werewolves in our village. I asked a couple who can never have a pup and they decided to adopt you. You can leave if your memories do return but if they don't we welcome you to live here as long as you want."
I do remember but it would be very hard to explain why people decided to kill my parents.
"Thank you so much! I'm glad I can be here! I will try to help the village as much as I can!"
"Do you feel better after resting?"
"Yes, I think I can finally move."
I got up off the bed and walked a little but collapsed because I was in the in one place for so long. Then I stood up and practiced walking for a while until I walked normally. The elder walked with me to the house I was going to stay with my adapted parents. I saw that the house was pretty big and had huge windows in the front of the house. The elder said to me,
"You can go in and meet your new family and I will talk to you later.
I opened the door and I saw two werewolves standing there. As I walked closer they shook my hand and the women said,
"Welcome my name is Kelly and my husbands name is Midnight."
Kelly has short brown hair and was pretty tall and age also has hazel eyes. Her ears and tail has brown with splotches of white. Midnight has black hair but had no beard. He also has black ears and tail. His eyes were hazel. Midnight showed me my room and he said,
"You can come down after you are settled in."
"Okay thanks."
I looked around and saw that the bed was medium sized and next to the window. The pillow and sheets were blue. There were even new clothes for me in the big wooden wardrobe when I looked.
This room is pretty nice I think I will like it here I thought to myself.
After I finished looking around I went downstairs and noticed the table was set. The table was a rectangle shape and looked pretty big. The four chairs around it were medium sized though. Also I saw a couple plates with food and a couple of glasses of water was on it. I looked around and I saw there was a fireplace in the corner of the room and what looked like a brown fluffy chair. My adopted parents were sitting in the chairs. My mom said,
"Come over and sit down."
After I sat down and started eating my mom started explaining to me what the five races were like. She said,
"Dragons are wise and peaceful. They are the oldest race and they mostly lived in caves. The demons are never seen and because of that no one knows what they are like. The vampires are scary and dangerous and we don't get along with them. So it is not allowed for us to go anywhere near them because we always fight. We are peaceful and strong. We also can shapeshift into wolfs. Humans are weak and harmless. They also know that werewolf's exist. They don't think vampires are real because after vampires drinks their blood they completely forgets what happens. Also the bite heals pretty fast and they don't even notice it. Also if humans die from the bite, they turn into dust and there will be no body."
I already knew this but they thought I lost my memories so I didn't stop them. I also knew that vampires are misunderstood and are pretty nice sometimes. I know this because my dad told me. Werewolves think they are dangerous because they are always are at each other's throats.
I said,
"Thank you for telling me."
"No problem but you finished all your food and you look pretty tired. So, you can go up to your room and rest if you want."
"Okay, good idea. Good night."
I went up to my room and as my head hit the pillow I drifted off to sleep thinking,
Its pretty nice here and my new parents are nice. I think I will like it here.

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