Chapter 32

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A couple hours later.....
We flew down in front of a huge castle. The guards looked shocked as we landed in front of them but then they saw what we looked like and said,
"You must be Silver and Shadow. The leader has been expecting you."
They pushed open the huge doors and we went in. I looked around and saw a lot of red and black everywhere. The floor was shiny black with dark red walls. There were black curtains covering the windows and four black and red pillars on each side of the huge room. When I looked up I saw black and red crystals that emitted some light. I looked back down and saw about ten guards on each side of the pillars. I saw the leader in the middle of the room with a huge throne that was dark red.
The vampire leader had red hair and red eyes and was way taller than me. He looked to be around the age forty. While we walked up to him Shadow whispered to me,
"They sure like red and black."
"Yes they do but don't be to loud. Even though werewolves hear way better than vampires, they still can hear pretty well too."
"Okay fine. I won't say anything more."
When we got pretty close to the leader he said,
"I saw you look at the castle. It is pretty big isn't it? Since I know your names I'll tell you mine. My name is Fendrel."
I said,
"It's very nice to meet you."
I looked at Shadow and he then said,
"It's nice to meet you. You say your castle is big, you should see our castle at home. It's way bigger than this."
I elbowed him hard and he said,
"Owwwww but it's true."
I sighed and said,
"I know but you don't have to be rude about it."
The leader laughed and said,
"It's okay. It's interesting to find out that demons have a castle. I bet you love it there."
Shadow rolled his eyes and said,
"I hate it there! It's really dull and boring. I would rather be here to be honest."
"I heard your father is the Demon King. You must miss him if you're always here."
I winced and Shadow said,
"That's the worst thing about home. I hate my father. I wish he would die already but he can't because he's a freaking demon."
I then said,
"How many times do I have to say this to you. Just give him a chance he might have changed."
"He lost his chance a while ago. He first ruined my childhood and then he turned my only friend into a demon. Hmmmmmm......I wonder why I hate him.
He rolled his eyes and glared at me and I said,
"Okay you might have a point."
The leader interrupted us and said to me,
"It can't be too dull there? Can it?"
I winced remembering it and said,
"Let's just say training was the most fun you could have there. I don't want to go there ever again."
"Oh....well that place does sound dull then. I'm sorry you had to go through that Shadow."
Shadow looked surprised and said,
"That's the first someone ever said that to me."
"What? Vampires can be nice sometimes. Ever since I became the leader, I've always thought all races should be reunited even including the demons. I wish the rift between the werewolves were gone but we did to many bad things to them in the past. It will take a very very long time for them to forgive us."
I then said,
"That's the first time I've heard anyone say that."
"It's actually a big reason I hate the council. They are not helping the situation. I wish they could see that the past is in the past. Don't tell them I said that though. They might try to kill me because they don't like anyone talking bad about them."
"Don't worry we won't tell. I hate the council too but I guess you say it's because of a different reason."
"I won't push you to tell me. I can tell it's a touchy subject."
"Thanks. I wish there were more vampires like you but that is rare these days."
"Your welcome. Also thanks for saying that. But we should get to the point why I brought you here. Maybe we can talk later. I don't want the half werewolf half vampire to kill more people or supernaturals while we are talking. We recently got reports that someone was killing a lot of supernaturals near here so we tried to get information. We found out that the supernatural was a half vampire and half werewolf, his name is Tristan. We also found out where he came from and it turns out he killed everyone in that village. I sent some of my best guards against him but he killed them. Then I remembered you two and you might be stronger than him. I want you to kill him or ask him why he is doing this and you could try to convince him to stop."
"Why do you want to ask why he did it? Didn't he kill multiple supernaturals including your guards?"
"Yes he did but he's the first of his kind. If you kill him I think it might be a waste. He could convince both werewolves and vampires that they could get along. But if you have to, you can kill him. I don't want any more supernaturals to die. Once you either talk him into coming with you or if you kill him bring the body back. I want to see the person who's been killing all these innocent supernaturals."
"Okay. We will try to not kill him if he is willing to talk. Where is the village he lived in? He might be near it. I'm guessing it's a vampire village because it's near here."
"Yes it is. Here's a map, I put an x where the village is."
He handed me the map and I said,
"Okay thanks. We should be going before anyone else gets killed."
"Okay. Good luck!"
We walked to the huge doors and two guards pushed it open for us. We unfolded our wings and flew up. I looked at the map and we started to go towards the village.

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