Chapter 39

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A few days later....
I knocked on Ryia's front wooden door. I knew where her house was because she told me in some of her letters. The house was a a little bigger than our house but it didn't have windows. I heard her come downstairs and she opened up the door. When she saw me she looked surprised and said,
"I never thought I would see you face to face again! I could tell you were avoiding me and making excuses in the letters why you weren't coming over. So I thought I would never see you again. Come on in!"
I hesitated so she pulled me inside anyways and I said,
"Hey! What did you do that for?"
"I could tell you were hesitating and I bet you were going to refuse so instead I pulled you in."
I sighed she said,
"Okay. You might have been right but still...."
Before I could say anything else Ryia yelled,
"Mom and dad, Silver came to visit!"
I heard them come down and Helena said,
"Welcome to our home. How do you like it?"
I looked around and said,
"It looks pretty nice."
There were windows to the left, right and behind me. There was a big wooden table with drinks and a flower vase. There were also a smaller table with another flower vase on it. There was a wooden shelf with a lots of pots and pans. There was also fire place in one of the comers of the room. Ryia then said,
"I'm glad you think so. Why haven't you visited us in a while? We missed talking to you."
"I don't really want to talk about it. I'm worried you won't like me after I tell you."
I started to back up to the door but Jarin was already in front of it and he said,
"We won't let you go until you tell us what's wrong."
I sighed and started explaining what happened to me and why I was avoiding them. Ryia then said,
"So what did the dragon say?"
"I had to drink human blood or I would go crazy just like the other Bloodwolf. I couldn't face you all because I was killing humans and I was worried you would call me a monster."
I started to cry so Ryia hugged me and said,
"We would never think you are a monster just because of that. We know vampires have to drink blood to survive and you had no choice. You also don't drink blood from innocent people and that means a lot to us."
Ryia let me go and then Helena said,
"You finally told us all of this and we are thankful you did."
Jarin cut in and said,
"Well we kinda forced you to tell us but you still told us. You could have just easily pushed me out of the way but it would have hurt me. You are very strong after all."
I took a deep breath and said,
"Thank you all for being fine with what I am. I'm so glad you all are my friends."
Ryia then said,
"That's what friends are for. We wouldn't be good friends if we called you a monster for just being you. You had no choice in the matter."
"That's true. I would do anything for my friends and I'm glad it looks like you all would do that too. Shadow, come on in. I know you have been out there for a while now I can smell you. The door opened and he said,
"Sorry you all were having a touching moment and I didn't want to interrupt it."
"Wow I'm surprised you can be thoughtful."
"Hey! That's mean."
I laughed and said,
"Thanks for not coming in I guess."
He smiled and said,
"Your welcome. I also talked to my father and he said it's fine if we both come to watch."
"That's good. Oh I also have pretty great news. Shadow finally forgave his dad!"
They all looked surprised and Jarin said,
"How did that happen?!"
Shadow glared at me and said,
"I'm beginning to think you like seeing me uncomfortable."
I laughed and said,
"It is pretty funny."
"I hate you."
"I don't believe you."
Shadow sighed and said,
"I'm not going to keep arguing with you. I guess I'll tell you why I finally forgave him."
A few minutes later.....
Helena said,
"I'm glad you finally forgave him. It's bad to keep on hating someone especially a family member. You are stuck with them after all."
"That's true. I feel a lot better after forgiving him."
Jarin said,
"Your father actually does care about you, that's great!"
Ryia also said,
"I would love to have a father like that. My father is so annoying sometimes."
"Hey! That was unnecessary to say that."
I laughed and said,
"Everyone can be in someway annoying. Don't take it to heart, Jarin."
"That doesn't make me feel any better."
"At least I tried."
"Fine, I'll talk to you later young lady."
Ryia laughed and said,
"Oh no. I'm in trouble."
I laughed too and said,
"I'll dig a grave for you Ryia."
"Wow thanks for the help Silver."
"Your welcome."
"If you don't hear from me for a while come back and save me."
"I'll try! I might be to late by the time I get here though. We should get going. My parents are probably worried sick even though I said I would be completely fine."
"That's true, your parents do worry about you to much. Write to me once you get back or better yet come back to visit us."
"Okay sounds good. See you later. Let's go Shadow."
We walked out the door and ran to the woods. When we were far enough we took off and flew towards my home. While we were flying I asked,
"How was the talk with your father? You took awhile to get back. Wouldn't a day here be a very long time there? I would do the math but I'm to lazy to."
Shadow laughed and said,
"It hurts my head trying to figure out the differences with the times in the Underworld and the overworld. I stopped trying a while ago. To answer your question since my father is more relaxed now he let me talk to other demons. It was pretty fun learning about their past lives. I also talked to my father a lot more because I forgave him. Before I knew it I kinda lost track of time so I quickly came back. I was glad it was only a few days here. My father also said it would take around a year or two to see what happens to Gorvenal. It sometimes takes a while for someone to pass on or not. Since there a lot of supernaturals and people in the world there are a lot of deaths so that's why it's going to take a while for Gorvenal's to appear for it."
"That makes sense. I'm glad you're getting along with everyone there. I'm excited to go home and relax to be honest. I kinda miss my parents some."
We started flying even faster to get back.
I wonder what will happen next. I'm pretty excited to see what happens!

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