Chapter 52

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"It explains it all in the note. I don't need to explain why again do I?"
"I don't believe you! Why would the council members come in person just to kill your parents? I know they did pretty bad things in the past but after that one Incident around nineteen years ago, they stopped killing innocent supernaturals!"
"It clearly states why they killed my parents when I signed Bloodwolf on the bottom. You remember what I said it meant right?"
"Yes, of course I do! I thought you put that down because it looked cool and as a joke!"
"I signed Bloodwolf on the bottom because I am one!"
"You told me you were part demon not a Bloodwolf! I don't believe you!"
Shadow sighed and spoke up,
"She's a Bloodwolf, demons don't have red eyes. I lied about that to keep Silver safe from the council. Do you see me having red eyes? She didn't lie to you though about being part demon."
"No but still, it's pretty hard to believe you."
I sighed and I took out my blood swords and said,
"Is this enough proof?"
Fendrel looked shocked and said,
"Yes. Your parents really did get killed by the council then?"
"Yes they did. They weren't harming anyone, they were just in love. I was never planning on hurting the council members in the first place but then that changed when they killed my parents! Are you going to arrest me for killing them?"
Fendrel sighed and said,
"No, I'm not. I've known you for a couple years now and how kind and helpful you are! I don't care that you're a Bloodwolf. You are just trying to have a good life like the rest of us! I always hated the council anyways so I don't care that you killed them. What they did in the past was horrible and I wanted them dead to be honest. I should thank you instead."
I put away my swords and said,
"Your welcome. That's not the only reason I killed them. There was another reason!"
"I thought you just wanted revenge."
"Yes but that's not all. I hated seeing them torturing humans and supernaturals! They just killed them for disrespecting them! Who I'm their right mind would catch someone on fire for just calling them bad?!"
"WAIT! How did you see that?! You weren't even born yet! That happened around twenty years ago and you're only eighteen. I know you didn't hear it from someone because they were terrified if they said anything the council would come to kill them. I'm also positive they covered up what happened pretty well!"
"Oh frik!?"
I looked at Shadow and he said,
"Don't look at me. You're the one who messed up."
"Your no help."
"I don't know how to help you anyways. Why don't you just tell him? It's not a big deal anyways."
"I'm pretty positive it is a big deal. I guess I'll tell him. I can't think of any excuse."
"So what is it? Why do you know what the council did in the past?!"
"Please don't freak out but it turns out I was reincarnated. I just found out about this recently. I got one of my memories back right before the council met up with me because my mom said something in the letter that made me remember."
"WAIT WHAT?! Does that mean anyone could be reincarnated?!"
"Yes but there are a lot of consequences so no one does it. I couldn't stand seeing the council doing a lot of horrible things! So I decided I wanted to help stop them!"
"That makes sense. Don't worry I see no point to why I should think of you differently just because you're a reincarnation. I have no idea who you were in your past life but that doesn't matter because you came back down to help everyone!"
"Thanks. I'm glad you don't see me differently! This is why I think you're an amazing leader."
"Thanks for saying that! I'm trying my best to be a good leader so I'm glad you are saying that I am a good one. I've noticed something though. What are the two necklaces you're wearing?"
"Oh my mother gave it to me as a present for not being there with me to celebrate all my birthdays. She hid something near our house just in case something happened to her. When I found the letter I also found this necklace."
Shadow then said?
"My father gave this necklace to me. he said he got the necklace from his father when I was his age so he gave it to me."
"It's weird how they look pretty similar. It was like fate brought us together!"
I didn't want the leader to know about Shadow being a reincarnation too unless he wants to tell Fendrel. I don't want him to freak out even more.
"That looks pretty good on both of you. Also where did you put all the rest of the council members bodies? There was only one here."
"I got others to help to put each of the bodies in six differnt places. I want everyone to know that those assholes are dead!"
"That's a good idea. The word will spread quickly that they are dead. Also don't worry I won't tell anyone that you're a Bloodwolf and that you killed the council members unless you want me too."
"Okay, thanks. I don't know if I'll ever tell others that I'm a Boodwolf but if I change my mind I'll ask for your help! Also how is Tristan doing?"
"He's doing pretty well! He's an amazing guard. All the vampires and guards here really enjoy his company."
"That's great news. I'm glad he's fitting in pretty good here."
"I am glad too. What happened to him was horrible and I'm glad he's pretty happy here. But what will you be doing now since you finally got your revenge?"
"I'm going back to my home. I haven't seen my parents in a while and I want to see how the village is doing too. I also want to hear everyone's reactions to the council members dead."
"That's a good idea. If you ever want to talk or hang out you are welcome to come back here. Are you going to leave now or a little later?"
"I'm going to go right now. I don't know if Shadow is going to come with me."
Shadow said,
"I already just talked to my dad. I don't have to visit home anytime soon. I'll come with you Silver."
"Okay sounds good! Talk to you later Fendrel."
"See you!"
We walked out of the huge doors and we started flying towards my home.

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