Chapter 49

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A few minutes later.....
I stared at the council members dead in front of me. I moved them from where they died because I had plans for their bodies later. Well what was left of their bodies. For the first time in forever I felt free and I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. The reason why I came back down here was over. I thought to myself, now what? What do I do now? That was the reason I was living, just to get my revenge. I felt empty inside. Then I remembered all the people and the supernaturals I cared about. I said out loud to myself,
"I do have another reason for living. I have all my friends and family to care about and I need to protect them. For example like Shadow, he's my friend. I should tell him the good news!"
I closed my eyes and went into the portal as I got out Shadow tacked me and said,
"YOU DID IT! I'm so glad you're okay!"
I laughed and said,
"I told you I would be fine."
"I know but that didn't stop me from worrying!"
"I have something to give you."
"Oh what is it?"
I smiled and took off the necklace I was waring and said,
"I won the bet! Can I have my necklace back?"
Shadow looked confused and said,
"What are you talking about?"
I opened up his hand and gave the necklace to him. He looked at it and then he looked shocked and said,
"Why does this look almost exactly like mine!?"
Then I saw his eyes widen and I could tell he was in pain. He held his head and said,
"Why is my head hurting?!"
I went over and hugged him and I said,
"It's okay. I'm here with you. You're going to remember something you forgot."
"What do you...."
Before he could finish his sentence he collapsed. I caught him before he could bang his head against the floor and put him down. The Demon King yelled at me,
"You knew didn't you? You knew he was a reincarnation! He's just remembering a memory in his past life. It won't hurt him, don't worry!"
The Demon King took a deep breath and said,
"I'll tell you about it later when my son wakes up. I want him to hear it too."
"Okay, I guess that's fair."
I looked around and saw Ryia missing. I then said,
"Where is Ryia?"
"Oh....she went to her village to tell them that she's okay and that she had full control of her powers. She didn't want them to worry about her to much. It had been a week after all and you said she would be back then. She was worried her parents would freak out if she didn't come at that time."
I laughed and said,
"That's true. Ryia's parents are almost as protective as mine."
"Ryia said she would come back soon to see how killing the council members went. She did say she didn't need to stay. She wasn't worried because she thought that you could easily do it."
"I'm glad she wasn't as worried as Shadow was. I don't like seeing my friends worried about me."
"That's true. Also I loved how you killed those council members they definitely deserved it! They were so horrible! How could they kill supernaturals and humans way more than needed! You know how much extra work they made me do?!"
"Is that all you care about? Don't you care that they were torturing pretty much everyone?!"
"Of course I don't care! I'm a demon. I actually enjoy seeing those scenes. It's in my nature to but I do feel bad for them."
"Shadow isn't like that though?!"
"That's because he's special and he's not like any demon I've ever seen in my lifetime. It's probably because he's a reincarnation. I'm worried that he won't be cut out to be King because of his kind nature! It will be very hard for him to watch people die. Even a good person sometimes doesn't move on! I'm worried he will take pity on them and let them move on anyways. There is a reason why we don't do that in the first place! If they have lingering bad feelings for their old lives they might want to become reincarnated like you did! It would be bad if a certain person like that became immortal! They couldn't die and could do horrible things in the overworld! If I turn them into demons I can control them and make sure they don't do anything bad. But I can't control anyone who isn't a demon! I wouldn't be able to do anything to them!"
"Oh....I see why that would be bad! You never know Shadow could make a good Demon King. If it makes you feel better I'll make sure Shadow does make the right choices."
The Demon King laughed and said,
"I would never think the hero would help make sure the future Demon King does his job right! But that does make me feel a lot better. I trust you a lot. I can tell you know the consequences if you do let a ghost move on even if they are not supposed to."
Before he went on a portal appeared and Ryia stepped out. When she looked around, she saw Shadow on the ground and me standing there and she asked,
"Is Shadow okay and also how did it go Silver?"
"Oh Shadows fine he's just remembering something that he forgot a while ago. Also yes it went well!"
"That's good."
Before she continued Shadow jumped up and looked around and said,
Ryia also yelled,
I then said,
"Ryia take a deep breath and Shadow calm down! You know your father has his reasons to do things. Hear him out!"
Shadow and Ryia took a deep breath and he said,
"Fine! I'll let my dad talk before I come over and punch him in the face for not telling me!!!"
"Yes I knew you were a reincarnation when you were first born. I could tell right away because after you were born a necklace appeared on you. I've told you already but I'll say it again. When you become the Demon King you see things about the rules and other demon things you didn't know until then. One of the visions I did see was if someone is reincarnated they always will have one of those necklaces appear right after they were born. I also knew what the both necklaces meant. I knew if they were reincarnated into a demon it meant they did bad things in their past life. I was confused why you were a demon but had a good necklace on too. I thought you stole it from someone good!
I interrupted and said,
"What about me?! You knew about the necklaces does that mean you knew I was reincarnated too?! You said you didn't know until later!"
"You were born the exact same time as Shadow was born and I didn't know that because I was watching my wife for the whole day! I wanted to spend my last moments with her. I bet your parents took it off and hid it that day. I have no idea why they did it but they probably had a good reason. Then I probably missed it when your mom put it in the box and buried it later. I don't watch every second of your life after all. I was probably busy that time."
"Oh that makes sense. I understand wanting to be with your family. Sorry you can go on."
"Thank you. I didn't want to tell you, Shadow because I had no idea how bad you were in your past life! You were going to be the future King and I couldn't have another kid! It's one of the big rules we must not break! If you do remember your past memories because I told you I had no idea how it would go! Unlike when you were reincarnated Silver you looked pretty much exactly the same as the hero from before. But with demons you usually look totally different from how you looked when you were alive! I feel pretty bad for not telling you but you know if something happened to the Demon King then it would be pretty bad! I've explained to you multiple times already why this job is so important so I know I don't have to explain it again."
Shadow sighed and said,
"I understand why you didn't tell me. I forgive you and I don't want to get mad at you again. It's a pain to be mad at someone forever after all"
"Thank you son! If you don't mind me asking who were you before you were my son?"
"I thought you would have guessed when Silver knew me from my past life but I guess not! My name is Shadow too in my past life. I was the Bloodwolf that killed hundreds of supernaturals around a thousand years ago. Silver was the one who killed me and I'm forever grateful that she did. I only remember one memory though. It was right before we decided to be reincarnated. You didn't remember my name from before?"
"You never told me when you were about to move on. If anyone doesn't tell me their name before they move on I completely forget it."
"Why do you forget it?"
"No idea. I guess that is how it works. I'm fine with it though. Sometimes people and supernaturals don't want their names to be shared. If they become a demon I'll know their name even if they didn't tell me. After knowing who you were in your past life I still think of you as my son. You didn't even mean to kill all of those supernaturals in the first place! You're not the same person you were in the past. You have been very kind hearted to everyone around you."
I then said,
"I agree! I still think of you as an amazing friend. If you still haven't forgiven yourself after all you have done in your life now, I swear I'm going to be annoyed at you!"
Ryia then said,
"I still think you both are the same even if you're reincarnations of different people from a while ago. I see you how you are right now not what you were like back then!"
Shadow then said,
"Thanks to all of you for saying that. Also Silver I forgave myself for all the things I've done in the past. Even though I knew I couldn't ever move on I decided to come down here. I've saved so many lives with you in this life. I finally see that it's not my fault. How would I know that not drinking blood would do that to me?! If I knew that happened in the first place I would have drank blood to stop myself from going crazy!"
I said,
"I'm glad you finally figured that out!"
Ryia said,
"Group hug!"
She pulled us close together and we hugged. After we stopped hugging each other I said to Shadow,
"A bet is a bet. Can you give my necklace back?
The Demon King said,
"What do you mean by a bet?"
"Well you thought Shadow stole my necklace but we actually gave each other our necklaces. We wanted something to remind us of each other even if we forgot those memories. We thought that we might remember if we saw the necklaces again. We would bet on a lot of things in the afterlife and I wanted to do our final bet before we started our new lives. If I remembered a memory from my past life first we would switch back our necklaces but if Shadow remembered first we would keep the same necklaces! I remembered first so we will switch again."
Shadow laughed and said,
"Yep pretty much. I did lose the bet though. So here you go."
He took off my necklace off hid neck and handed it to me. I took my necklace from his hand and I wore it. Since Shadow fell the necklace was on the floor so he picked it up and he wore it. Shadow then said,
"Good think these necklaces are impossible to break. It would be pretty bad it somehow broke it because I fell!"
The Demon King said,
"That's a pretty interesting bet. I'm glad you won Silver. The darker one fits Shadow way better than the golden one."
I laughed and said,
"I'm glad I won too! But back to something more important. I have something important to ask you guys. I need your help to move the council members bodies. have a plan that needs all of your help!

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