Chapter 50

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Shadow asked,
"What do you need help with?"
"I actually need six demons to help me with this. So Demon King could I ask three demons to help me?"
"Before I decide to help you I need to know why. I can't give them to you if it isn't an important matter!"
"I want to show the supernaturals that all the council members are dead. I was planning to cut off their heads and put them where everyone can see. I'm also planning to put a note with it! They need to know the council is dead!"
"I don't think that's a good reason to send demons with you."
"When the council members are judged they will break down after they hear no one likes them. It will make them suffer like you suffered with all the workload they made you do!"
"Okay deal! That's a way better reason! I'll let you bring three demons with you. Also since you're talking about judging them I think I'm going to judge them around in a month. I can't wait to see their reaction when they hear what's going to happen to them!"
Shadow laughed and whispered to me,
"Good thinking Silver! You knew how much my dad hates extra work so you used that to convince him."
I whispered back,
"I'm so glad your dad is very predictable. It would have been hard to convince him!"
Shadow laughed and whispered,
"He really is predictable and that's one of the reasons I love him a lot."
The Demon King said"
"What are you talking about? I hear you laughing!"
I then said,
"It's nothing serous! We were just telling each other jokes!"
The Demon King glared at us and said,
"I don't think you're telling the truth but I'll let it go anyways. I also wanted to tell you that I'll let you both see the council members judged. You did both come down here just to kill them after all!"
"Thank you so much! I would love to see them suffer. I already can tell you are not going to let them move on are you?"
"Of course not! I really hate them and I bet no one in the afterlife would like to see them up there!"
"That's true. Even though there is a rule that states that no one can hurt each other there but I bet they wouldn't care about the punishment. They would love to beat up all the council members after all. I hear the punishments are horrible and I don't want anyone to go through that!"
Ryia said,
"I'm guessing you want Shadows and my help too?"
"Yes I do need six demons that can fly after all. I don't want the Demon King to be annoyed at me for taking to many demons with me. Can you fly very well Ryia? Did Shadow teach you how?"
"Yes he did. It's pretty easy after you get the hang of it. So if flying is involved I can help you! What about you Shadow?"
Shadow said,
"Why wouldn't I help her? I've been friends with her even longer than you have been. Friends always help each other out."
"That's true. What do you need us to do?"
I said,
"I'll tell you when I have the other three demons here. I would have to explain it a second time and it's just easier to explain the plan when they are all here."
"Okay. We can wait!"
I then said to the Demon King,
"One other thing I heard from Shadow, you have something called demon paper? I hear it's impossible to do anything to it after you write on it. Can I have six pages of those or are they rare?"
"No, it's a very common paper here. I can get you some.
He looked at the only guard in the room and said,
"Can you get paper and three other demons for me?"
"Yes sir! Which demons should I bring to you?"
"How about the three demons I was thinking of letting them out to the overworld. It has been over two hundred years for them anyways and they did ask to go out."
"I will get them right away sir!"
The guard walked out and I said,
"I noticed that you have only one guard here. Where are all the rest?"
"I knew when you came back you would probably talk about things that the other guards shouldn't know. I only have this one guard around me because I trust him a lot! He's the only guard that has stayed loyal to my family for millions of years. He would never tell anyone what we were talking about. He's usually the one who I send on missions all the time."
"That makes sense and wow he's pretty old!"
"Demons don't age after all. There are even older demons then that guard here. Unlike Demon Kings and their wives they can't move on after they become a demon after all."
"I feel bad for them. It must get so boring here."
"Don't feel to bad for them. They always find other things to entertain themselves with."
"Okay, at least that's good. I've been wondering for a while now but I was too scared to know the answer. What happens if a baby or a small kid dies?"
"Oh.....Don't worry, when that happens I let them get born again. They will never remember their past lives but at least they get to live once more. I can't really judge them after all. They would be to young to get what was really happening. Also some kids are really young to even know what death is!"
"That's true and that's really good. It's not fair to turn them into a demon if they can't even speak! What age can you not let them have a second life though?"
"If they are past the age twelve."
"Isn't that still pretty young?!"
"It's not like I can change the rules! If I could I would have changed a lot of the rules already. Also back then people didn't live that old because of not being able to take care of sickness. They thought it was some sort of curse that couldn't be healed!"
"I guess that's true."
Before I went on, the guard came in holding paper and ink. I saw the demons behind him and they came in too. Then they walked up to us and the guard handed me the paper and ink. I then said,
"Thank you."
The biggest of the three demons said,
"Sir, what did you call us for?"
The Demon King said,
"You said you all wanted to go to the overworld right? Well you can now. I want you to help Silver before you do anything else is that clear? When you go make sure to shapeshift into someone who looks nothing like you when you were alive!"
All three demons said at the same,
"Yes sir!"
All three demons turned to us and I said,
"Thanks for helping me but before we get into what you will be doing. Also why do you want to go to the overworld? I thought demons hated it there!"
The smallest demon said,
"We don't like it there but we want to see if our family had a good life without us."
"They probably died from old age though."
"We know. We just want to see if they had a good life before they died by asking other people who heard stories or knew them."
"That's true. But what if they didn't have a good life? What then?"
"Then at least we found out what happened to them other than not knowing."
"I guess I see your point! Also what are your names? I don't want to keep calling you just demons then you might not know who I'm talking to."
The big one said,
"That's true. My name is Henry."
He then pointed to the smaller one and said,
This is Fredrick and this is Walter"
"It's nice to meet you. You already know our names."
Henry said,
"So what's the plan?"
I explained to them what the plan was and I said
"Shadow, can you help me move the body's to bring them here?"
"Sure I'll help!"
"Before I go Ryia can you hold onto the paper and ink for me? I do need to carry stuff back here."
"Thanks for the help!"
I handed her the paper and ink and she said,
"See you soon!"
"See you!"
I closed my eyes and we walked into the portal.

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