Once we had picked out the placement and look of the tattoos he went to work. I picked mine to be place on my ribs, it was two butterflies in a semi line. The bottom one was larger than the other giving it the illusion that it was moving closer. I got it for a reason, but I'll never tell why.

Lia got a smaller one on her collar bone, it had stars around it and she about cried the whole time because of the pain. She had the option not to get it or get it in white ink but she said she wanted it.

Kaden got his directly on his forearm and it was fairly large. It was very pretty and had a skull in it.

Alex also got a new tattoo but refused to show us what it was. It took us nearly 5 hours to get done with all of the tattoos, I didn't mind because the man, whose name I found out to be Carlos, let me bring the dogs inside.

We all got back into the car and the driver drove us to where we were staying, it was a fancy looking hotel with white walls and granite counter tops.

"Hello-" I read the front desk ladies name tag "Sasha, I need 2 rooms." She looked at me with a distasteful look upon her face. This bitch. Her eyes traveled to Alex and she instantly gave him a smile and pushed her breasts up higher. Alex, who was looking at the many different paintings on the wall, didn't notice the woman's heated gaze. I gave him a little nudge and he looked at me then at the woman.

She wasn't an ugly woman, in the least. She has blazing red hair that was cut into a Bob and bright freckles adorned her face. "Hello sir, how can I help you." She all but purred. I wasn't the jealous type but I could feel anger bubbling in the pit of my stomach. "Two rooms." She looked between the two of us and back at Lia and Kaden. Alex impatiently tapping his finger in the granite table top. "Two beds?" She asked with hopeful eyes. He held up his index finger showing her one.

"I can upgrade your rooms for a small price." She gave a smile and dropped her tone into a sultry one. I reached under Alex's shirt and pulled the cool metal gun from the front of his pants. He watched me with a smirk and I gently placed the black gun in front of her. He shot back like a poured acid on the desk, her eyes wide and her chest heaving. "Two rooms. 1 bed each." I said finally.

She quickly nodded and typed something asking for my name before handing me the two room keys. I plucked the gun from the desk and pulled Alex's shirt up higher than I needed to just to mock her showing off his beautiful abs and his v line. You could see the band of his Calvin Klein underwear peaking out from the top of his jeans. I pulled his pants back and placed the gun back into his waist band. Dropping his shirt and running my hand up up his torso before reaching his chin and giving his  gentle stroke.

He looked at me lovingly before glaring at the woman. "You have something in your teeth and your breath stinks. You need more than a mint." He said in disgust, scrunching up his face. Her hand instantly went to cover her mouth and I gave her an innocent wave as Alex pulled me away.


Our rooms were on the 16th floor and right across from each other.

The click of the door closing sounded before I was roughly grabbed and brought into Alex's arms. He held me tightly and buried his face in the crook of My neck, placing an innocent kiss on my neck. I wrapped my fingers into in fluffy mop of hair and scratched his scalp.

"You are hot when you are jealous." The vibrations of his voice making me shiver. "I wasn't jealous." I chuckled. "Then what do you call that, darling?" He asked. I could feel the smirk on his lips again my neck. "That was merely me calming whats mine." The words flew out of my mouth before I could even register I said them. We both stilled at my words but I felt him hug me tighter.

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