Revenge pt II!

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I have on sweats and I long shirt, I go to Leon's room "BROTHERRRR!!!" I say as I fall on his bed. "YESSSSS!" He says back "you wanna smoke?" I ask him "yea sure!" Leon says to me me and him smoke and we was playing, my sleeve came up, he saw my cuts "Laylay wtf is this!" He says as he holds my wrist looking at it.

"I don't know." I say pulling my wrist away from him, "Laylay what's going on?" He says as he looks at me with a scared expression, "I'm cutting my self slit slit my wrist!" I say joking to lighten the mood, "Laylay this is not funny!" Leon says "bro it's not that serious its not like it I'm killing myself!" I say defensively, "Laylay that's not ok you should not be cutting yourself!" He says, "Ight bro I'll stop!" I say rolling my eyes! "I'm not playing don't do this shit Laylay if you need to smoke or talk I'm always here but don't do that to yourself!" Leon says trying not to cry, "ok I'm sorry!" I say "I gotta tell momma!" Leon says "no you don't!" I say defensively, "bro she gotta know if something happened to you!" Leon says "FUCK YOU BRO!" I say hitting his chest "BRO LAYLAY CALM DOWN!" He says trying to hold me.

"Ok ok ok Leon I'm calm!" I say calmly he lets me go and I run into my room and cry, wtf Jayda FaceTimes me I answer "hey" I say "hey boo where are you?" She ask "oh I'm not at school I'm at home!" I say "ok I'm bout to pull up!" She says I hear knocking on the door assuming it's Jayda, I go down stairs to open the door I see Derik and open the door! "Hey" I say "hey is Leon in his room?" Derik ask me "yea!" I say as I close and lock the door and go sit on the couch!

I turn the tv on and wait for Jayda Leon comes downstairs "alright Layla I'm about to leave I'll be real quick call me if you need anything!" Leon says as he walks by the door with Derik following him "Ight!" I say to Leon "have you ate today?" Leon ask "I'm not hungry!" I say to Leon "what do you want to eat you gotta eat?" Leon says "I'm not hungry Leon bye be safe I love you!" I say dismissing him "alright I love you too!" 5 minutes later Jayda pulls up and knocks on the door I go open the door "hey!" I say "heyyyyyy!" She says back "a little less loud Jayda I got a headache!" I say "my bad what are you doing?" Jayda ask "nothing sitting around the house looking stupid!" I say a little mad "girl you don't look stupid so shut up!" She says to me "mhm!" I say "prom is coming up next week what are we doing?" Jayda ask "shit I don't know what do you want to do?" I ask Jayda "you wanna spend prom together?" Jayda ask as she gives me puppy dog eyes "sure wench!" I say as we both laugh.

Me and Jayda spend the morning together watching tv, cuddling and smoking, Jayda tries to make me eat but I just don't feel like eating! Leon comes back later in the day "hey Jayda hey Laylay!" He says as comes in the house "you wanna come with me to pick Asia up?" Leon ask me "can I pick her up?" I ask Leon "yea idc!" Leon says as he throws me his keys I put some shoes on and tell Jayda to come on, I go pick Les-Asia up "hey babygirl you hungry?" I ask Asia "hey Laylay hey Jayda yes I'm hungry!" Asia says "ok what you want to eat?" I ask Asia "Wendy's!" Asia says I drive off to Wendy's "how was your day at school?" I ask Asia while I'm driving "it was ok I just can't wait till schools over!" Asia says "yea me too!" I say to Asia "how was y'all say?" Asia ask me and Jayda "I didn't go to school today!" Me and Jayda both say at the same time.

I get to Wendy's Jayda and Asia get what they want "can I have a frosty?" I ask Asia and Jayda both look at me wondering who it's for cause I haven't been eating, we pull up I give them the money. I give Jayda and Asia they're food and eat my frosty they look at me "what?" I say as I cock my neck "nothing" they both say as they look away, "lemme get a fry!" I ask Jayda "you can have em!" She says as she gives me her fries I eat the rest of them "thank you!" I say to Jayda "your welcome!" She says back we get home I take my shoes off and go into the kitchen!

I get some ice cream and eat it "you got any homework?" I ask Asia "no" Asia says "Ight!" I say I go sit down and put my head on Jayda's shoulder, Leon comes downstairs "hey Asia!" Leon says "hey" Asia says "LEONNNNN!" I yell to him "yes!" Leon says back to me "I'm hungry!" I say to Leon he looks at me surprised "what bro I barely ate anything for these last three days I'm FUCKING HUNGRY!" I say to him "ok what do you want to eat?" He ask me "I want a chicken salad!" I say to him "from where?" He ask "I don't know somewhere that haves lemonade cause I want some lemonade!" I say to him, "ok anyone else want anything?" Leon ask "no we already ate!" Jayda and Asia say to Leon.

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