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I'm gon start doing face claims now!

Leon puts the bag of ice on his lips and we go in the living room, I sit down next to Rashad "damn he hella busted yo lip!" Rashad says holding my face, I peck his lips "I dont care I'm still the baddes bitch alive!" I say smiling, Leon looks at us "so do yall date now?" Leon ask, "no I just got hoes!" I say "Leon not gon lie she fucked yo face up!" Rashad says,"I was barely even hitting her and she knows how to fight!" Leon says, "well nah duh nigga her daddy one of the most well known trappers in all if Atlanta not even Atlanta America! And her brother is too!" Rashad says as I start rolling a blunt. They both look at me "fuck is y'all looking at!" I say looking at them, "I miss that old man!" Leon says "mannn!" I drag, "shut up and roll yo blunt!" Leon says "nigga that's why you can barely talk with them swollen ass lips!" I say, "it's yo fault!" Leon says "it's yo fault!" you sound like a little ass kid!"  I mock Leon, "shut up!" Leon says pushing my head "now if you make me fuck my blunt up ima beat yo ass again!" I say. "yea you act just like daddy!" Leon says "nigga shut the fuck up cause you act like momma!" I say, "nigga they both act the same it's just momma haves more of a soft spot for her kids!" Leon says, "shut up!" I say torching the blunt I light the blunt, "Leon you really fucked my mood up!" I say looking at him about to cry, "I'm sorry!" Leon says as I hit the blunt, "no stop doing that shit cause I really be in a happy mood and you be ruining it!" I say as my voice cracks, I hit the blunt again taking a deep breath when I inhale, I hit it one more time before giving it to Leon "my head hurts!" I say laying my head on Rashads shoulder, "How bad?" Rashad ask me "not that much but it still hurts!" I say.

"You want some medicine?" He ask me "nah I'm coo!" I say, we smoke and Rashad brings a tv out a room out, "what happened to that one?" Leon ask "mcht his dumb ass broke it!" I say, Leon laughs "how?" He ask "he threw the controller at it when he died in his game today!" I say, "damn!" Leon says I get up and go to the kitchen hungry, "mcht ion feel right looking in his shit!" I say as he comes behind me, "what chu doing?" He ask me "well I'm kinda hungry and earlier you said I could get some food from here but ion feel right looking through yo shit!" I say sitting down on a chair. "Mcht you is ok get whatever you want!" He says, "can you get it for me?" I ask him "mcht whatchu want?" He ask me, "whatchu got?" I ask as he opens his pantry door, "come look!" He says I get up and look in his pantry, I grab a bag of hot fries "can I have these?" I ask him, "I don't care!" He says "you want anything else I got shit to drink in the fridge!" He says, "no I'm good!" I say walking off I sit on the couch I open the chips, "let me get some!" Leon says I tilt the bag towards him and he gets some, "always eating my shit!" I say bucking at him. Rashad sits on the couch and turns the game on, "I'm about to leave!" I say getting up "why?" Rashad ask, "one I need a shower now and two I'm not boutta watch y'all play the game!" I say, getting my purse I put my shoes on and go into Rashad's room seeing the mess we made, I get my hoop earrings I had took out and walk out the room, "see you when I see you!" I say slapping Rashad head, I slap Leon's head too "see you when you get home!" I say, "can you pick Asia up for me?" Leon ask "where she at?" I ask him, "over auntie Malissa's house!" He says, "mcht yea even tho ion like them!" I say rolling my eyes, "thank you!" Leon says "mhm!" I say leaving the house.

I get in my car and drive to my aunt Malissa's, I don't like them because they always looked down on my mom that's her people we barely talk to them, they were mad at my mom for loving my dad cause he was a trapper, so they don't really accept us either but Asia hangs with my little cousin over there so I guess they kinda have to, I get to her house and knock on the door "who is it?" I hear my aunt Malissa say, "Layla!" I say I she opens the door and I walk in, "Asia sleep?" I ask her "no you can go get her she in the room with Giovanni!" My aunt Malissa says, "mcht why would you have my little sister in the room with yo grown ass boyfriend!" I say, "well I was talking to her in the room!" She says. I go to her room and see Asia in there "you ready to go home?" I ask Asia, "no!" She says walking up to me I hug her and kiss her forehead, "I know but we can do something after I take a shower!" I say, "hey Layla!" Giovanni says "hi Giovanni!" I say as we walk out the room, we walk into my little cousin Ganayiah room, "hey Nayiah!" I say hugging her "hey!" She says hugging me back, "can I come over next weekend?" She ask "I mean I don't care and my momma not gon care just ask yo momma!" I say, "ok!" She says "you gon have to beg her tho you kno how her Christian ass is!" I say, "what happened to your face?" Asia ask me "me and Leon fought!" I say, "who won?" She ask getting all her stuff "you know I did you should see his face his lip swollen as fuck too!" I say, "what it look like?" She asked smiling, "Ight see you Nayiah!" I say as Asia waves at her we leave her room, "girl his face all fucked up we both busted each others lips and gave each other bloody noses, but he got a black eye and bruises and cuts all on his face and his face is hella swollen you gon have to see the shit!" I say as we walk to the door, "watch yo mouth in my house this is a house of god!" My aunt says, "mcht Christians always do the most!" I say as I walk out the house, "I'll pray for you and your fucked up family!" She says. "Bitch do you not realize that your fucked up mother is my grandmother, we all fucking family and we all fucked up but it's because of one another! At least my parents and siblings aint fuck me up!" I say before I slam her door, me and Asia get in my car and I drive to the house, "what do you wanna do later?"I ask Asia "I don't know!" She says, "we gon find out!" I say.

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