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Jayda's POV

I wake up to Layla not in the bed, last night she told me she was raped at the party who ever did it literally haves to die! Dion calls me I answer "yes" I say, "hey baby what you doing can I scoop you?" Dion says "idk I'm with Layla she going through some shit rn!" I say as soon as I said that Layla walks in "that's tuff" Dion says. "Hey where were you?" I say you can hear Dion cussing people out on the game "smoking" she says, "with our me?" I say joking "yea I'm sorry I didn't know if you were up!" She says she doesn't usually act like this I just want to hold her "your alright I was just joking but are you ok?" I say "yea I'm bout to hop in the shower can you get me some clothes?" Layla says opening the bathroom door.

I get her some draws and a sports bra cause it's the first thing I see I open the bathroom to give her the clothes and see bruises all over her body! Wtf- "thank you" Layla says"omg babes who did this to you?" I say crying "dion" Layla whispers "Dion what?" I ask confused "Dion did this to me he beat and raped me at the party." Layla says, what the hell! "Are you sure?" I ask Layla before I go off on Dion "yes I'm sorry I tried to tell him to move repeatedly and everytime I screamed he punched me." she whispers "your ok babes it's not your fault wait here real quick!" I say as I go into Layla's room.

"DION DID YOU RAPE LAYLA!" I yell quiet enough for no one to hear crying"BRO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING BOUT I DIDN'T RAPE NOBODY!" Dion yells back at me "DID YOU HAVE FUCK HER?" I yell "YES I DID!" He yells, I automatically know he raped her cause she would not fuck Dion she's not even like that no matter how much alcohol she's had she would never fuck anyone! "YOU RAPED MY BESTFRIEND YOU SICK ASS BASTARD!" I yell. I start crying I don't know what to do, Dion was literally the love of my life. It's gon take me a while to get over him I reminisce for like 15 minutes and Layla comes out she's so beautiful!

"It's all yours!" Layla says "If you need to change clothes you can I just realized it shows your bruises!" I say going into the bathroom crying "it's ok I might as well show my mom the bruises!" Layla says, I go into the bathroom and take a shower, thinking about Dion I want revenge so bad! I get out the shower and I put on some of Layla's clothes even tho I'm smaller then her she haves some stuff I can fit.

I go downstairs and see Layla on the couch with Asia, she looks over to means runs to me "hey babes you ok?" Layla says holding me, "yea I'm ok are you ok pretty?" I say to Layla "idk I will be though!" She says to me. She runs upstairs real quick to pass time I talk to her mom, "hey momma what chu cooking?" I say hugging her "hey baby noting some eggs bacon and toast!" She says to me Layla walks downstairs "come on we bout to do something!" she says to me "k" I say following her, we smoked and pulled back up home Layla talked to her mom and I ate!

Leon's POV

Sunday, May 8th

I woke up at 6:50 I hopped in the shower and put on some grey sweats and a white beater, Derik called me and asked if he could chill with me I don't really mind he coo but he act weird towards Layla and she act weird towards him idk I'm stressed! He pulls up around 7:20 I open the door he looks at Layla on the couch "um just go up to my room bro I'm bout to put her in her bed!" I say to Derik "Ight" he says to me I pick Layla up and carry her up the stairs until she wakes up fuck!, "move I can walk" Layla says "nah you coo ima carry you!" I said "LEON GET OFF OF ME!" Layla yells at me "what's wrong with you?" I say as I set her on her feet "I have bruises all over my body and they hurt" Layla says I automatically feel hatred in my heart for who ever did this to my sister, I have to get revenge on them!

"Laylay who did this to you?" I say crying this is my little sister, I love her I feel like it's my fault this happened, I'm supposed to watch over her and be her protector. Layla holds me "I love you Lele!" She says to me "I love you too Laylay!" I say to her as I hold her too, "can we smoke?" She ask "yea come on" I say to her, me and her smoke and I just really chill for a few minutes.

"LEONNNNN!" I hear my mom call my name "aye come on bro I think she got done cooking!" I say to Derik I walk down stairs, I see my mom hold Layla "come look at this!" My mom says I come over to my mom and see bruises all over Layla's body. "Laylay I'm only going to ask you this one more time, who did this to you!" I say trying to keep my cool "it was Dion, Dion Brooks Jayda's boyfriend well now ex!" She says looking like she's about to cry "ARE YOU SURE ITS HIM!" I say now pissed "yes" she whispers, I run upstairs I pull my phone out, then go to my room I call a number.

The phone rings then it stops and picks up "hello!" I hear a voice says "aye Sean we got a situation!" I say "yea boss?" Sean says "I need you to find this nigga his name is Dion Brooks he go to Valley High School I want him alive in the trap basement!" I say aggravated asf! "Damn boss what this nigga do to you?" Sean ask me "this nigga raped my little fucking sister tell me when you have him I WANT HIM ALIVE!" I hang up the phone.

Layla's POV

I eventually drift to sleep at around 5pm on the couch with Asia, Jayda went home I hope she's ok I have another nightmare "DION MOVE!" I say in my dream I wake up when he punched me, I start crying I woke Asia up from me screaming in my sleep, Leon came downstairs "you ok sis you was just screaming!" Leon says "yea I'm ok it was just a nightmare!" I say getting up from the couch going to the kitchen for something to drink I see alcohol and reminisce if I should drink it or not!

Leon's POV

My phone rings it's Sean I pick up the phone "hello!" I say "hey boss I got the pussy!" Sean says referring to Dion "okay I'll be there in a few!" I say as I hang up the phone I hear Layla screaming I go downstairs to see what's going on "you ok sis you was just screaming!" I say "yea I'm ok it was just a nightmare!" Layla says as she gets up from the couch going to the kitchen I walk by the door "I'm about to go do something you need something while I'm out?" I say to Layla "no I'm good you got some weed?" Layla ask me she already smoked today she usually doesn't even smoke everyday! "Yea I got some in my room take how much you want!" I say to Layla knowing she won't take much "ok I love you be safe bubba!" Layla says to me "I love you too and always!" I say as I close the door!

I get in my car and drive down to the trap I arrive there and see Sean he daps me up "hey boss" he says "hey you put him in the sound proof room?" I ask "yea boss!" Sean says to me I see a few more people and talk to them then I go downstairs I got to the sound proof room and unlock the door "hey Dion we're going to have a little talk!" I say smiling "who are you and why do you have me here?" Dion ask "you raped my little sister Dion I'm going to make you suffer" I say as I punch him he stays quiet so I kick him I then punched him repeatedly I pull my gun out and hit him with it I leave the room and lock the door I go back home and play the game. After a while I check on Layla I go in her room "Layla you sleep?" I say it seem like she sleep so I just leave her alone I go in my room and go to sleep.

Layla's POV

Leon just left he said he got some weed in his room, so I go in there and look for some I find weed and pills, I take the weed and go I smoke and go to sleep, I've been having suicidal thoughts lately but, I can't even do that I wake up to another nightmare I check the time on my alarm clock it reads 2:15 I go downstairs and my mom comes in from work "hey baby what're you doing up?" My mom ask "hey momma I had a nightmare I'll go back to sleep in a little!" I say "nightmare what about?" My mom ask "about Dion I've been having them these past three nights!" I tell my mom "oh baby come here!" My mom says crying while hugging me "baby do you think a therapist would help?" My mom ask "I don't know let me think about it mama." I say to my mom, "ok baby I'm about to go to sleep!" My mom says to me "ok momma goodnight I love you!" I say to my mom "goodnight I love you baby!" My mom says to me.

Ugh, I just want to go back to the way things used to be I hate living like this. I go upstairs to my room and go back to sleep I wake up at 11 am, omg I'm late to school I leave my room and see if Lee-Asia is up, she's not in her room I go upstairs to Leon's room I knock on the door, "come on!" Leon says I walk in his room "I'm late for school!" I say "you don't have to go today!" Leon says "Ight I'm bout to get in the shower!" I say to Leon. I get in the shower and think about life it feels so pointless, I get out of the shower and look at my cuts I take the razor blade and cut my wrist two times.

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