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You're my scariest hell
You're my perfect paradise
My guardian angel
My devil in disguise
My singing bluebird at 7:00 in the morning
My howling wolf at the middle of the night
And you my dear will forever be my favorite wrong;
The favorite wrong amongst all the rights ...

"Hey, why did Marina pick you up peppermints from the store? I asked her why you wanted them, considering the fact that nobody willingly eats them in the middle of summer, but she said she didn't know." Kyng asked as he walked into his bedroom, where Kaoir was lying on the futon, staring at the wall.

"I'll take those." Kaoir held her hand out, her other arm thrown over her forehead.

"You seriously just eat these?" He placed them in her hand with a mug on his face.

"Nah, I just collect them and sell them on Ebay. Obviously I fucking eat them dipshit." She rolled her eyes as she tore the bag open, taking out one of the peppermints, and unwrapping it.

Kyng's head jerked back. "Watch the fuckin' tone. It was a question."

"When someone pokes a lion with a chair, it is never just a question, it's entertainment, and for your information, I've never liked the circus." She smiled sarcastically, batting her eyelashes.

"That right there," He pointed to her in a foreboding way. "Is gonna get you fucked up."

"I'd love to see you try." Her eyes squinted as she bit into her peppermint, the material sticking to her teeth slightly.

"Come here." He motioned with his finger for her to come in his direction. Kaoir raised an eyebrow and huffed, setting her bag of candy to the side. She stood up, pulling her shirt down so it would at least touch her thigh and approached him. He looked her up and down then motioned with his head for her to follow him.

She hesitantly followed suit, chewing on her candy. He led her downstairs and opened the pantry in his kitchen. She raised a brow and he pushed her into the pantry, closing and locking the door. "Are you fucking serious?! Let me out so I can smack you upside your fucking head!" Kaoir shouted while banging on the door.

"This is what happens when people are disobedient. They get locked up."

"Oh, suck a dick." She kicked the door, folding her arms over her chest.

"Apologize and I'll let you out." He leaned against the door and tapped his foot.

Kaoir's face screwed up. "Fuck I look like apologizing to your entitled ass?"

"I can leave you here all day and I will."

She huffed dramatically, mentally battling her pride. "I apologize ever so sincerely for damaging your egotistical self esteem and hurting your poor poor feelings, although you do that to yourself and others constantly. Please let me out of this pantry, thank you." She said in the most monotonous voice she could possibly apply.

Kyng opened the pantry door, stepping to the side so she could walk out. "You're not good at hiding your sarcasm, you know that?"

"Good thing I wasn't trying to." She began to walk past him back up the stairs.

"I have a charity event to attend. Are you coming?"

"I was serious when I said I wasn't going anywhere with you anymore. Go to your event, and leave me out of it." She took her spot back on the futon, staring at the ceiling.

"Alright, just because you were so harsh, now you have no choice." She ignored him and opened her bag of mints, reaching in to grab one. His jaw clenched and he snatched the bag out of her hand. She turned to look up at him like he had grown two heads while he closed in on her face. "That means get up, go get ready. Now." He spoke to her as if she were a disobedient two year old.

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