No Return

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I've got a lot of bad ideas and think people will listen to me if I just say everything forcefully enough and shoot down anyone who argues with me. A method that was working pretty well for me, actually, at least until he showed up.

One of the crafty tricks Satan plays is to guide a person safely on the wrong path. When your safety is the priority, you may be on the wrong path but may not know. You'd be playing his game all alone, not knowing that he was the one rolling the dice.

"Three eggs..." Kaoir mumbled as she stared at the recipe on the back of the brownie box. Although in certain eyes she was a heartless killer, she really did have hobbies outside of work. She liked to cook. She wrote. She donated to charity, in secret, of course. But none of it mattered, really.

"Kai, I want you to reconsider the mission." Her brother Ace came to bug her once again.

"Why?" She questioned blandly, not caring much for what he wanted. She cracked an egg against the glass bowl and watched the yolk drop down into the batter.

"Because it's dangerous." She repeated her actions until there were three eggs in the bowl.

She began to mix the eggs into the batter. "And?"

"And you could get yourself killed." He continued on, leaning against the counter.

"Your point?" Kaoir's eyebrow raised an eyebrow, focusing on her furious mixing. The bowl continuously made noises against the marble counter.

"The hell do you mean? That is my point, Kai." His face dulled at his sister's nonchalant demeanor. She put the whisk down and left it in the bowl, turning to look at her brother.

"You only care because you're too dumb to make any difference around here. Ace, I'm
going on the mission. End of discussion." She began to pour the batter in a baking pan.

"I care because you're my sister." Ace said and Kaoir scoffed, but then it turned into a hysterical laugh. She over-exaggerated, coughing, hitting her hand on the counter, even wiping fake tears. Ace stared at her in disappointment, vexed by the fact that she took him as a joke. But who could really blame her?

She took a deep breath and opened the oven, "Ace, you should really do stand-up comedy because that was the joke of the century." She placed the brownies in there, closing the door.

"I wasn't joking."

"Oh. Well I assumed it was a joke, since clowns are supposed to be funny. I take back my laugh then." She set the timer on the oven and then grabbed her phone, along with her burner.

"Why do you even want to do this so bad?"

"Cause I fuckin' hate it here, obviously." She said in a duh tone.

"And you think shits that simple? You think it's any better there?" Ace tilted his head to the side, leaning against the island.

"Anything is better than here." She began to walk away.

"He's gonna make you his bitch. I hope you know that." Kaoir rolled her eyes.

"Then it'll be like I never left."


Kaoir walked past the line outside of the Legacy Nightclub, fixing the red lipstick on her plump lips. She approached the tall, built bouncer, who stole a single glance at her before letting her walk inside. The sound of her heels clacking at the floor was immediately shrouded by the loud music that traveled through the room. Tightening the red scarf around her head, she took a seat at the bar.

"Can I get a Cosmopolitan? A lime on the side." She asked the bartender. She crossed her legs, resting her chin on her fist. A man with wild magenta colored hair and a strong jawline approached her. He took a seat next to her, staring at her through his shades.

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