Lipstick on the Glass

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I never tell anyone exactly how clever I am. They would be too scared.

Quiet people always know more than they seem. Although very normal, their inner world is by default fronted mysterious and therefore assumed weird. Never underestimate the social awareness and sense of reality in a quiet person; they are some of the most observant, absorbent persons of all.

Some days I am the complete third person- the secret agent. Nobody knows I'm there, yet I know everything. It's the unknown that draws people.

Kyng and Deuce stared at the girl from afar, watching her silently eat as she occasionally crossed and uncrossed her muscled calves. There was no expression on her face to give her thoughts away. She didn't look scared to be stuck in a home she wasn't familiar with, or under the care of a man she didn't know. That's because she wasn't.

"So you're gonna kill her on a full stomach?" Deuce said lowly so she wouldn't hear.

"I'm not gonna kill her, Deuce." Kyng rubbed his goatee, staring directly at her thighs.

"Oh, so you need someone else to do it?" Deuce was always typically the trigger happy one. He was definitely even more trigger happy now that he knew that this was the same woman that embarrassed him just nights before.

"She's not going anywhere, damn." He looked at his cousin in disappointment, then shook his head. "I need her here. At least for now."

"And why exactly? I don't see much use for her here."

"She knows things we don't, apparently."

Deuce side-eyed him. "Oh please. What could she possibly know?"

"Marc is planning on killing me at the gala Saturday."

Deuce fell silent. His eyes wandered off to the side as if he were thinking. "Well, what if she's lying? How does she know this?"

"How does she know about the gala? How does she know about the deal? She had to be in close relations with him or somebody close to him in order to know anything." Kyng used his same logic against him.

"I don't know, Kyng. I don't trust that girl." His tone was wary.

"I don't either. She's too calm. But right now I need to play by ear. If I don't believe her and he's really trying to kill me, I'll be eating my words for sure." Kyng rubbed his goatee.

"Be careful. Don't get yourself into something you can't get out of." Deuce stood up and left the room. Kyng stared down at the table, contemplating.

Kaoir stood up and walked towards the sink, catching Kyng's eye. "Leave it there. I'll have the maid get it." He spoke up to her. At that same moment, a woman walked in. She was wearing the traditional maid uniform, seemingly in her 40's. "Handle that for me."

"Oh, well, I was getting ready to do the laundry." The woman motioned towards the hall.

"Okay, well I want you to do that first. That isn't a problem, is it?" He raised an eyebrow and gave her an intimidating look. Well, a look that would intimidate only her, for Kaoir only screwed her face up.

"Of course not, sir." She hung her head low and walked over to Kaoir. "I'll take that." She held her hands out.

"I'm sorry, but no. This is my mess, I can clean it up. Besides, you have more important things to do."

"She gets paid to do that. Let her take care of that." Kyng chimed in.

"I don't give a shit what she gets paid to do," Kaoir grumbled at him, then turned back to the woman. "Tell me, does he ever say thank you after you put up with washing his dirty drawers? I mean, I know you get paid, but a simple thank you is always appreciated."

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