Opposites Attract

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Each person you meet influences your mental universe in a way that has the potential to make a substantial impact upon the causality of the intellectual development of an entire species. People are guests in our story, the same way we are guests in theirs. But we all meet each other for a reason because every person is a personal lesson waiting to be told.

Few people when meeting for the first time feel that meeting each other was the purpose of their life. We don't meet anyone by chance. If you have carefully examined hundred people you met in your life journey, it means that you have read hundred different books. Every person you know is a book; world is full of walking books; some are boring, some are marvellous, some are weak, some are powerful, but they are all useful because they all carry different experiences of different paths.

"I'm not cheating!" Kaoir shouted at Gino.

"You're definitely cheating." Luca co-signed him.

"What?! Don't be mad because you're a sore loser." She folded her arms.

"I only have three cards left what am I supposed to do with this?!" He shouted in frustration. While Kyng was gone once again, Gino and Kaoir were left up to their shenanigans, playing a not-so-friendly game of war. "We should've played speed instead."

"G, you couldn't move fast even if you wanted to. Don't worry, I got her ass next round, ain't no winning with me." Luca rubbed his hands together.

"Oh please, nigga. You couldn't win even if I tied a blindfold around my eyes and threw down the wrong cards." She waved him off.

The door opened and Kyng walked in quickly, not even being shocked that they were out there. He wasn't mad either. But there were other things troubling his mind.

"Marc is going around murdering people with my drop information." He said quickly as he threw his jacket off and tossed it on the arm of a chair.

"Well that's certainly a way to make an entrance." Kaoir scratched her head.

"Luca, go down and inform the crew. Gino, let Deuce know what's going on. We gotta settle this shit somehow." Gino stood up quickly and went to do as Kyng told him, as did Luca. Kyng paced back and forth, cursing under his breath.

"Okay, do you want to sit down? You look like you're about to go into cardiac arrest, come on." She scoot over and pat the space next to her. He walked over and sat next to her, barely leaving any space between them.

"Alright, now I'm no professional in situations like this, but I vote that you go in for the kill." She shrugged.

"How exactly do I do that though? Killing people comes with consequences, you know." He rubbed his temples, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"You know how to get through to him better than I do. Convince him that you want to confirm the deal, but if there's any foul play on his end, his percentage goes to Deuce. Only on his end though. Then you do whatever you need to do within as little time as possible." She snatched the cigarette out of his mouth, along with the box.

"That won't end well, and what are you doing? Give that back." He reached to take it out of her hand, but she began to walk with it.

"It won't end well regardless of what you do. So you can either get rid of the problem or watch it get worse. Your choice," She walked over and began to pour him a glass of whiskey, setting the box of cigarettes across from the array of drinks. "Smoking kills you. Alcohol is not a friend either, but it sure is when you need it to be." She walked over and handed him the glass.

Kyng swirled the whiskey in his glass, listening to the chinking of the ice cubes, breathing in a deep breath. Already the worries of his day were beginning to fade, even before the first taste.  Unlike the first time she offered him a drink, when the liquid settled he brought it to his pink lips and let the amber fluid sit in his mouth a while before swallowing. He closed his eyes, dwelling only on the flavour.

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