Feel Something

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I just think it's funny that you're on the same page. You usually call me, act like you don't know me, something's changed. I just think it's funny that you don't feel pain. You're so numb to pain. Love has changed, but something's strange. I remember all them times, baby. Baby, undress, I'm talkin' rough sex. I'm gon' stretch you. You call me names they wouldn't know me as. I pull your hair back. You start to act bad, oh.

A/N: New faceclaim for Kaoir in the MM. She's a bit lighter than I imagined Kai when I wrote her, but I can't find the original FC and honestly, she still gives off the vibe I'm going for.

After about two months of intensive care and physical therapy to regain her strength, Kaoir was back to the woman she had always been. She and Kyng had been getting along better than ever, seeing that he was beginning to fulfill his word of being a better man in general. Of course, it came with the here-and-there discourse between the two of them because old habits will die hard, but the effort was hard to miss. Their days were filled with shared laughter, stolen glances, and the subtle warmth of newfound affection.

However, Kaoir still grappled with conflicting emotions. She relished the moments of connection, the tender gestures that spoke of a future they could share. Yet, an undercurrent of uncertainty lingered, a reminder of the unfulfilled promise that tethered her to this place. As Kaoir reveled in the sweetness of the present, the weight of her unfinished work and the reality of her constrained freedom cast a shadow over them, leaving her torn between the warmth of the moment and the uncharted path that lay ahead.

No matter how likable, or even lovable, Kyng became to the twisted girl, this was not her ideal life. She was serious about her goals – she wanted to leave this life behind and start a family the right way. Despite the affection blooming between them, Kaoir harbored an unwavering commitment to leaving behind the darkness that clung to her. She dreamt of a life without crime, with love and a family. She yearned for the simplicity of modern happiness, the promise of a love untainted by crime and secrecy. While she enjoyed moments with Kyng, she couldn't forget her ambition for a simple and happy life, like other women with diamond rings and charcuterie boards. In Kyng's eyes, she might be a criminal with a troubled past just like him, but in her heart, she held on to the hope of a fresh start.

However, this was the situation she was in and she refused to be miserable. She felt that she did not deserve that. Her mind wouldn't allow her to love or be loved, but that made her no less of a woman. A woman with needs. Who better to fulfill her needs than the nymphomaniac himself? Kaoir found herself entangled in a constant struggle, grappling with the uncontrollable urges and desires that seemed to govern her every thought. The insatiable hunger for intimacy, the need for constant connection, had become an overpowering force.

Kaoir couldn't help but feel a magnetic attraction to Kyng. His presence, confidence, and the way he looked at her sparked a growing desire within her. In the shared moments of stolen glances and lingering smiles, Kaoir couldn't deny the increasing heat flushing her cheeks. His gestures seemed to fuel a burgeoning attraction that defied reason, creating an intoxicating thrill that took hold in her heart. As angry as the abrasive man made her, she wanted him all over her and there was no more denying that.

"I told you you'd grow to like him," Scarlet taunted her cousin as they sat together at the mall's food court.

Kaoir shook her head and picked at her food. "I didn't say I like him. I said he's more likeable. He's sexy; anybody would want to pounce on the man. It doesn't matter though; he's going to get hurt in the end."

"Does it have to be that way though? I'm sure he likes you enough to understand," Scarlet frowned.

"Understanding doesn't make a person any less selfish. Kyng has already made it clear he doesn't intend on letting me go, and he's made it extra clear that he's not the one who can provide me with the life I want. Besides, he has too much mess surrounding him. The most I can do is enjoy the temporary intimacy we give each other before I make my great escape." In the back of her mind, Kaoir grappled with the conflicting realities Kyng presented. A man who held onto her with possessive intent yet openly admitted his limitations. A man she found herself physically drawn to but resisted emotionally. The impending escape lingered like a bittersweet melody, a reminder of the temporary sanctuary she sought in the arms of a man she couldn't fully embrace.

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