All In The Family

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I've learned the best way to prevent your heart from getting broken, is to act like you don't have one. It's hard for me to characterise myself. I think I'm balanced. Some people might say I'm cold-hearted. I'm almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes.

I shut myself off to make life bearable. I'm like a damn machine sometimes. Unfeeling. Uncaring. Emotionless—

"Kaoir," The mocha skinned girl heard Ace summon her as she picked her head up from the paper she was writing. "He's back there."

She sighed. "You call yourself an underboss, why don't you handle it?" The complaint slipped out easily. Ace stared at her blank-faced, as if she knew the answer to that question. With a huff of breath, she stood up and snatched the gun off of his waist, taking the elevator to the underground.

The elevator dinged and she stepped out, seeing the bruised man in the seat, tied up and wailing annoyingly. She snatched the cloth out of his mouth and he began to pant. He began to cry for help, yelling 'let me go' and 'I'm sorry' countless times. Kaoir stared at him with no expression in her eyes, and no compassion in her heart.

"Why?" She simply asked, crossing her arms. Her trigger finger was itching, but she wanted to toy with him a bit first.

"I swear, it wasn't m—"

"Did I tell you to fuckin' speak?!" She yelled as if she were crazy and pistol whipped him. His head snapped to the side and his body was shivering. Her furrowed brows quickly lifted and she burst into laughter. "I'm kidding, I did tell you to speak. I'm so funny, right?"

He spit blood on the ground. "You're crazy." He gritted out.

"Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong." She giggled. "So we can waste time here playing cat and mouse, or you can tell me why you were caught interfering with transactions? Either way, you're gonna die, so I suggest you die with a purpose." She wiped off the nozzle of the pistol with her thumb.

"Please, I-I have kids." He pleaded. She didn't care.

"Michael. Mikey. Mike the Man. You don't think I know that you've been a deadbeat father to both of your kids, Leia and Lani, both ages 4 years old, born on August 8th? You don't think I know you've been taking advantage of Mya for cheap sex, but missed your kids' first steps? And their first words? And their first day of preschool?"

His face dropped and turned pale. He should've known that a family as powerful as hers would know such information like this. But of this magnitude he would've never guessed.

"Mya ratted you out, but we knew you were on dirt. You're an idiot. Thieves like you are the scum of the earth." A wide pearly smile was plastered on her face.

"Yeah, well what about you? You and this sick ass family of yours are even worse than I am! Probably the worst on this earth!"

"If you think we're the worst, you're wrong. I'm giving you the lightest punishment possible. You're lucky it was us you stole from." Her expression hardened completely. He scoffed.

"I'm not a cold-blooded murderer. You're greedy, selfish. Don't you think you have enough? Meanwhile there are people who barely eat two meals a day. Yet, your bitch ass family kills motherfuckers like that every fucking day because you all are washed up money grabbers!"

Kaoir gritted her teeth and her jaw clenched. She used to feel bad for the things her family did. Until she was forced to be involved. She didn't choose this life, it chose her. So if she was going to be stuck being a cold-blooded murderer, of course she would have a little fun with it.

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