You're Driving Me Wild: Part Four

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" White noise in my mind,

won't calm down

you're all I think about"


Erik liked to think he was pretty aware of his surroundings, with a life like his he had to be. He liked to think he knew what was going on with each of his friends. And maybe at some point he had been perfectly aware of all of these things but due to recent revelations, maybe not so much anymore. Charlie's words echoed in Erik's brain rattling around his skull and balling up in his chest. The weight was not uncomfortable so much as strange and new. He was hot but it wasn't due to the sun, a blotchy red had covered his chest, neck and face progressively over the past ten minutes. Thoughts ran through his head, many rushing so fast he could barely comprehend their purpose. An image frozen in memory of Charlie's face, a face so sure and absolute. His blue eyes were electric as they reflected the sun, a warmth surrounding him. He had been, in that moment, the most himself he'd been all summer. The boy with the golden smile, the welcoming laugh and the intriguing accent. The boy who cared and took the time to know you in ways others may not have cared to. The boy who tended a little too much to his hair, not that anyone blamed him; the Xavier genes held a certain shine that others usually only achieved through products. And most of all the boy who loved. How much love that boy held for the world. He looked and experienced things so thoroughly and with such emotion, like he was everything that a person should be. He appreciated everything he came in contact with, finding its extraordinary existence beautiful. If God had ever thought of her perfect human, Erik was pretty sure Charlie was it. Charles Xavier who loved him of all people. Despite seeing the absolute worst of Erik. The times where Erik didn't talk, talked too much or just shut out the world. The times where Erik wanted to give up, he was always there. Bailing him out of jail in the middle of the night, an action that proved more dangerous for Charlie than anyone. Charlie, who had been hurt in ways that others couldn't repair, still found in his heart a love so grand for Erik Lehnsherr. Involuntary tears of joy and disbelief fell from Erik's face. It had been the first time he had cried in a very long time and it felt good. It was a reassurance that he still had all his emotions available in the right places. Like a long awaited anchor was being reeled up and tucked away. Erik had been through a lot this summer, both in his own right and because he often refused to not help others. That builds, over time, just as Charlie had predicted. And now he was spilling over in a way that's healthy and made him, for the first time in a long time, excited for the future. Because even though the Lehnsherr's have a track record for not being all that good at love Erik planned on breaking the chain. He just needed a little help.


    There wasn't a lot surrounding the old cabin, structure wise. Nothing but an old general store that sat near dormant at the end of a long arduous dirt road. It was miles and miles of untouched terrain outside of the trails. But, even  when you got past that, civilization was nowhere to be found for at least another hour. Usually this proved a nuisance for Charlie, someone always was hungry or had to go to the bathroom. But, today? He couldn't have asked for anything more than the loneliness and fading sunlight. It's what he needed to calm the horrible voices that were screaming profanities and negativities in his head. He hadn't particularly planned on blurting it out like that, no, he wanted to do something elaborate and romantic. Something really nice that would give him more of an appeal and maybe even a proper chance. Yet, he decided to blurt it out by a pond after ignoring Erik all day. It could have gone worse, he tried to tell himself. Yeah, worse than him not saying a word to you? Worse than him not even meeting your eyes? Ha! Who are you kidding Xavier you're toast. He's disgusted with you, probably will go back home while you're gone! Good job Xavier, you just gave Erik his one way ticket to Germany! Might as well just drive off a bloody bri--

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