I Don't Keep Love Around

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A/N Hey guys!! this is a particularly heavy chapter so be careful and skip it if you need to!


"Thought the lights are on, 

there's nobody home."

______ERIK_____TW: mentions of violence and self deprecating thoughts

Erik hung up his phone call with Charlie and continued eating breakfast. There was a growing anchor in his stomach the longer he sat. Unhealthy thoughts of concern swarmed in his brain as his worry for the brunette grew. He had seemed so lost last night, blaming himself for it all. All Erik wishes is that he knew who was hurting Charlie. He just needed a name. Of course by process of elimination it was fairly obvious but he couldn't go pointing fingers like that. Especially if he was correct, these situations escalate. He had to deal with this gently, just as he and Charlie had done with Erik's father. But, for some reason this felt more urgent than that. Every time Erik saw Charlie he seemed to be getting more and more empty. Like sand slipping briskly through his fingertips. Raven had mentioned he missed a few days of meals last week which was a red flag in itself. Not that Erik could exactly tell if he was thinning because his attire of hoodies made that especially difficult. But, when Erik had looked into Charlie's eyes. The eyes that for so many years lit the way for everyone. The reassuring eyes in the crowd at a game. The lullaby after a night terror. The ice cold authority in a fight. Those eyes weren't exactly gone but more smothered. They seemed dull and indecisive. Unsure of everything around them. Charlie seemed unsure of everything around him. Which was very out of character for the boy who had been with a plan his entire life. Erik wanted to reach out, he had tried to reach out, but it was like grasping wind.

The sudden, yet expected, buzzing from his phone shouted for his attention. News doesn't take long to travel in their small group. Erik was surprised it took this long for the messages to begin. Word had gotten out that he was arrested and all his friends were quick to press for details. The responses were mixed of course, depending on the person behind the message.


Erik did you get home okay? My dads a lawyer if it gets to that point.




How ya doin buddy? How are things at home?


You're an idiot. Absolute idiot. I've been worried sick about your dumb ass. Are you okay? Might want to answer your girlfriend btw


Erik? I called, are you okay? I'm only getting part of the story from everyone and I'm really starting to freak out. Charlie told me everything was fine but I'd like to at least hear your voice. Call me when you can 💕💕

The conversations were inevitable. Each one of his friends were either worried, proud or a little bit of both. Nothing had ever happened to any of them like this. At least not to this extent. The fights? Sure, but the arrest part? That was whole new territory. Erik bit his lip as he rinsed his cereal bowl. More than anything he dreaded having to do a repetitive explanation of something he wished he could just forget. It was just a bad moment for him and now it would be a part of him just as permanently as his name. He would always be the guy who beat the crap out of the sheriff's kid. Just like he would always be the bastard of the local drunk. He tried to will away those negative thoughts knowing they would particularly upset Charles. Erik never understood why Charlie cared so much about him. He was a clumsy, lousy strange looking guy who sometimes cracked a joke. He considered himself to be more bothersome than anything. So, why had Charlie picked him that day in school? What made him so special? Erik was torn from his thoughts when his phone popped up a particular name. He mentally prepared himself a moment before drying his hands off and answering gingerly.

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