Cause We've No Time for Getting Old

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Tell me all of the things

that make you feel

at ease.


Erik woke up with a start. He had a strange feeling in his chest caused by residue from a dream he couldn't recall. He let out a quiet groan as his muscles ached from the sudden movement. After the barrens Erik and the others decided to crash in Marina's basement. It was finished so it seemed like the best option for fitting all nine of them. Sleeping bags and pillows scatter across the white carpet. It was early, that much Erik could tell. He could make out the orange and yellow hues illuminating the sky through the window.

"Erik, are you up?" Charlie's voice came from the stairs. Erik put a thumbs up and yawned as the others started making their way upstairs.

"Come on up, quick meeting before this crazy day," Charlie sounded bright and excited despite the pressure. The crew had all been working hard for months to get the word out and get everything together for tonight. Erik hopped up and stretched out his muscles before making his way up the stairs.

Marina's house was a classic suburban paradise. Nothing too extremely unique about it besides the scattered Peaches merchandise that was everywhere. It had the obligatory family portraits hanging about obviously devoid of beer stains and cigarette smoke. No sadness leaked out of the floorboards like toxic fumes. No drunken slurs creeped from the rooms like ghosts. Because Marina's home was exactly that, a home. To Erik, that's what makes them so different...what makes Marina's home worthy of jealousy. Erik saw his own house as more of just a place he found himself every now and again. It was nowhere near worthy of being called a 'home'. The bad memories far outweighed the good. Here, at the Weaver's home it was okay to be different. Even in the family portrait everyone was mismatched. Marina's hair was slightly shorter then and she had on a floral dress that made her look straight out of a vintage polaroid. Her parents were nothing short of perfect. Her mother was a local artist and her father was a realtor. They made well enough money to support the band and Marina's dreams but Erik just figured that's what parents do. Or at least the good ones. They don't snuff your dreams or tell you to suck it up or call you derogatory names. He figured that was just what he was used to, who his family was. Erik turned solemnly away from the admirable family portrait and walked towards the sound of morning yawns and the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

Erik found everyone in the kitchen sitting and standing around Charlie. He looked like a vision, even this early in the morning. Still sporting the spare pajamas from last night his hair was slightly askew, almost like a crooked halo. Little brunette whisps flew above his ears as he smiled that killer smile. His blue eyes were vividly concentrating on whatever it was Marina and Angel were going on about. Erik couldn't help but stare, he promised Charlie he had forgotten all about it but that will never happen. Something about Erik didn't feel complete without Charles. And the fact that Jack is back and taking Charlie away with each passing minute makes him feel dead. A horrible kind of dead. Erik shook his head at his thoughts and pushed them far away. Today wasn't about him or his teenage prayers. It was about his friends.

Everyone had mugs filled to the rim with coffee which is what would serve as the fuel for the day. Well, everyone except for Marina who had some special tea she drinks the day before a show. One night she had explained to Erik the reasoning behind it but he had long forgotten. Erik grabbed himself a mug and filled it with the tart brown liquid. Small streams of steam danced from the rim and gave off a hopeful aroma.

"Erik, good you're up," Charlie gave Erik a hug and smiled, "okay, so a quick debrief before we all seperate for the day. Tonight is a big night and it's going to take all of us to make it happen. Alex, Darwin, Sean and Hank I need all of you to pack up the instruments in the van and get them to the Garage. Marina, Raven and Angel are going to make sure outfits are picked out and packed as well as any last minute changes are made. I need the entirety of the crew at The Garage by noon. The show starts at eight and if we are going to get the place looking straight out of an eighties montage then it's going to take time. It's only nine so that gives everyone three hours to get their things and get to The Garage. Then we have to have everything set up by five so that a full rehearsal can be done before the official show. Any questions just shoot a text in the group message. Erik and I will be running around getting last minute things as usual so if I don't answer call him." Charlie spoke with clear authority while still keeping that kind demeanor in each word.

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