Some Things Are Never Seen

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"You can coax the cold right out of me."


Every town has that one mansion that everyone knows about. The outlier in the long line of suburban neighborhoods that infest the land like bugs. It's difference gives it an ominous tone compared to the small town it may reside in. Over the years it receives a haunting story by the local children to make up for its mystery. Maybe someone died and now their ghost roams the hallways seeking revenge or maybe a weird family of the most eccentric sort isolates themselves upon the hill. Whatever that story may be, it sticks with people until they make up the exact way someone so strange would look. Often times the traits include, but aren't limited to, pale sunken eyes and dark greasy hair. Always that of a vampire-like abnormality. Or the family is presumed to be prejudiced and cruel. Because after all, to live in such a wealthy home you must be a naturally spoiled brat.

Which is precisely why everyone was surprised to find that the Xavier estate belonged to very normal people. Charles and Raven lacked the usual mystery of murderous ghost children. Both being naturally enthusiastic characters with a keen ability to be kind and love sunshine. Although guests hardly made an appearance it wasn't due to prejudice but rather Charles contempt of the place. It's size and cavern-like emptiness was lonely enough but with the lack of usual family warmth it was like Antarctica. The grand marble stairs that led up to ancient mahogany doors were intimidating for everyone.  It was a lonely place for the Xavier siblings to grow up in. That's why they spent so much time away from the giant. It's also why many people don't know that's where Charlie and Raven live. It seems once they found out they became that strange story in the dark. They are reduced to the rich kids while in reality that wasn't them at all.

Erik had made the walk up that driveway a million times before. Throughout his childhood the shadows and trees that split through the sunlight were familiar. The smooth black pavement that swam under his feet like a rapid river. He usually made the trip by walking which took him a good ten minutes but not today. He could barely feel his legs as he booked up the long tedious driveway and towards that strange giant on the hill. It rose higher and higher as Erik ran to the front door. His lungs ached and burned grasping for oxygen. You would think it was abandoned by the lack of cars in the driveway and signs of life. A few lights shone through the window but other than that it was dead quiet.

"Charles! Raven!" Erik coughed and bent over as his own bruised ribs jabbed his chest.

"Holy crap Erik, we are all up in Charlie's room," Raven appeared by the front door and guided Erik up the stairs and towards Charlie's room. Erik struggled to catch his breath as he followed her urgently. He pushed back his sweaty hair and let out deep, hoarse breaths.

"Do you need water?" Raven questioned frowning at him but he shook his head.

"I'm going to get you water, go try to talk some sense into my brother. He's irritating," Raven turned back around to grab water from the kitchen. He was secretly grateful she was getting him water because he felt on the verge of death. But, even still, he raced towards Charlie's room at record speed. He wasn't sure what to expect was behind the door. Maybe Raven was being dramatic and he was fine or maybe it was horrible and Charlie was busted to hell. Whatever it was Erik knew it was his fault, he knew that him fighting against Jacob was going to have repercussions but he never thought they would go after Charlie. Did they know? Was Erik obvious about how much he really cared about him? This only created a more nervous energy around him as he halted in front of the door. Compared to the others, it was painted the same boring cream shade but the band poster on the outside created a mild form of individuality. Erik got him that poster many years ago. Erik slicked it back down smoothly in habit before knocking briefly.

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