You're Driving Me Wild: Part One

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"Tryin' hard not to fall,

On the way home you were tryin' to wear me down, down..."


The drive to the cabin would prove to be a long one. This wasn't something Charlie wasn't thoroughly prepared for though. Charlie knew well enough that being around Erik caused a rather short circuit sensation in his brain that resulted in an embarrassing strew of communication. He also knew that being alone and within close proximity of Erik for approximately two hours and forty eight minutes will eventually cause all reason to escape him. So, as to avoid any embarrassing premature confessions, conversation and just overall disastrous events Charlie prepared. He asked Raven to throw together a playlist that would discourage any romantic montage to develop and planned a list of conversation topics to stick to. Raven had thought the whole thing ridiculous but Charlie knew that his feelings for Erik were not slowing down and until he had a grip on things he wasn't going to just confess. Part of him wanted to, of course, but the reasonable part of him kept telling him that Erik's reaction to such news might scare him off. It was better to remain as they were, whatever it was, than to push the limits and lose him forever.

Charlie took a deep breath as he pulled into the driveway of the Lehnsherr household. It was obvious something had changed, even to the outside eye. The dark clouds seemed to have parted and a certain delightful sunshine burst into each window. The toxicity was gone, and there was a safety in the feelings around the house that Charlie had never felt before. A small smile twitched on his lips as he stopped the car and got out. Hands slightly shaking and heart bursting with anticipation Charlie approached the front door with nothing but scolding thoughts in his mind. Act normal. This is fine. You're fine.

"Charles!" A familiar voice called from beside the house. Charlie turned and saw Edie Lehnsherr elbow deep into what looked to be a new garden. She waved to him kindly as her soft features glowed in the sun. There was a patience that surrounded her, a peace.

"Miss Lehnsherr, how are you?" Charlie asked as he approached her.

"I'm doing well, just cleaning up the old garden. I'm so happy you and Erik get to get away for a while, it'll be nice for everyone to get a break from this place." Edie spoke kindly and Charlie smiled.

"Yeah, I think a little get away is overdue," Charlie agreed.

"Well, Erik is in his room if you want to go grab him, I know you two must be on," Edie winked and went back to gardening. Charlie said his goodbyes before walking back to the front door. Upon opening the door he noticed the faint sound of music swimming from upstairs. What it was, he couldn't make out yet but he knew it was Erik. Charlie let his hand stray on the walls as he slowly ascended the small staircase. He hadn't been back to the Lehnsherr household since living here. There were memories that stuck to the walls and seeped into his fingertips. Echoes of conversations that resided here in secret. A realization in a backyard, whispers in the dark...moments stolen at midnight. Charlie felt his cheeks heating up slightly as he remembered everything.

As he grew closer to Erik's bedroom the music became more clear. It was familiar, something about it itched the back of his brain. A memory sneaking ahead of him. Then, he realized it was the first record he had ever bought Erik. A blush crept on his neck and threatened to spread to his face as Charlie knocked on the door. There was shuffling on the other side, the lowering of volume and then...

There were several things that drove all reason from Charles Xavier's brain: kisses in the rain, romantic gestures, bullies and more recently Erik Lehnsherr. It wasn't often Charlie lost all train of thought but when he did the stuttering mess that followed always was disastrous. Erik opened his bedroom door and Charlie just stared. The sun was shining through his open curtains and causing a radiant glow to burst off his skin like a million kisses. His hair was messier than usual but something about that made Charlie insane. He simultaneously wanted to fix it and mess it up even more which in itself was confusing. Erik was wearing a secondhand white t-shirt that had a faded print of some forgotten local band. Erik rarely wore white, despite it being Charlie's absolute favorite on him. He mostly opted for black band t-shirts or faded colors, but never white. And something about the white t-shirt and faded jeans was not boding well for Charlie's plan of reason and level-headedness. Erik looked up from his phone and his bright eyes were practically dancing in the light. Not good.

Wild (Cherik Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora