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"Missing occasions

I can't rewind."


His trip to the hospital was brief and to the point. Much to his relief, Charlie was okay sparing a few bruised ribs. Nothing had been broken or lodged out of place by the merciless boots of Jacob. Raven was sure to ask the nurses and doctors hundreds of unnecessary questions but Charlie didn't mind. Her concern was a heartwarming change from her usual sarcasm and rambunctious behavior. He'd been given medication for the pain and his wounds properly cleaned and bandaged. He looked like a proper badass now. Fresh from a fight with that bewitching smile still playing on his lips.

The doctors had asked what happened but Charlie told them he got into an accident, providing no further explanation. The last thing he needed was the police involved. Saying Jacob's dad was a police officer was an understatement. The man practically ran the town, he was the police. Which is why Jacob got away with so much. And to charge Jacob with assault would be catastrophic. Rationally speaking, a sudden "unexplainable" accident would cause Charlie to never be seen again. Brooksville was corrupt in many ways, but it's police department was on the top of the list. Last summer someone had broken into Leo and Ben's apartment and trashed the place. Vandalizing the exposed brick with derogatory terms and images. The police did nothing once it became clear the two boys were more than just roommates. Charlie remembered spending hours painting over the spray paint with Leo as he cried with this look of expressionless defeat. Leo died a little every time he had to cover it up. Like an old cut being ripped open. That was enough to teach Charlie that going to the police, despite his parents' influence, wasn't an option.

Three hours, lots of paperwork and a long talk later the small clan was back in the roughed up yellow vehicle. Charlie sat in the front with Raven due to Charlie being suspended from driving for at least two weeks. He also was keeping an eye on her driving which was dodgy at times. Her painted nails tapped on the steering wheel as she headed towards the Xavier estate. Charlie was itching for a shower wanting the bleached powdery stench of a hospital room out of his hair and off his body.

As the car ride continued he was noticing an increasing tension in the backseat. And the devilish glare of Raven to the two boys was alarming. Everyone had been relatively quiet the whole ride but Charlie chalked that up to courtesy. He had complained about an oncoming migraine earlier in the day. But, he assured them he was fine now but the silence was still deafening, he was becoming concerned. Charlie turned in his seat despite the pain that shot in his ribs when he did so.

"What the hell is going on? Have we all gone mute?" Charlie asked with a hint of annoyance. He quirked his brow and looked between the two. 

Jack had always been an A+ liar. He was able to weave some very convincing bullshit if he really wanted to. Getting the two out of trouble numerous times. But it was haunting, the way his eyes can change in an instant and his face flicker between false emotions like an untamed flame. It had been scary in the beginning of their relationship. Charlie couldn't ever really be sure if he was talking to the real Jack or the made up public version. He had learned to live with it until Jack properly opened up, which had taken much time. Charlie had learned why Jack was such a good liar after one conversation with his parents. It was a survival tactic.

Erik on the other hand couldn't lie for shit. He would get sweaty and stutter and turn into a blubbering mess. Charlie thought it was rather adorable. His blue eyes would widen and he'd get this look of instant guilt, even if he hadn't done anything wrong. Also, Charlie knew every crevice and imperfection on Erik Lensherr's face. He knew how it molded and changed with each passing emotion better than he knew anything else. He knew how he could say one thing but have a whole conversation through pure eye contact. Erik was an open book, with all his scars and imperfections. Never able to lie about how he's feeling, at least not completely. This being true, it was only natural that when Charlie sought out the truth he always looked to Erik.

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