Heart Shakes, Bend and Breaks

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"I wanna sleep next to you

But that's all I wanna do right now

And I wanna come home to you

But home is just a room full of my safest sounds"


Charlie had managed to get up with the sun despite his headache. He tried to make sure Ravens hangover cure was prepared for her by time her eyes fluttered open. He knew it would be a gnarly one too, considering they got to Level 4 :Sloppy Bitch last night. As he cooked Charlie had his record player on allowing music to fill the empty morning hallways. His parents were out of town as usual, he didn't know what for and he wasn't sure he cared anymore. Most summers it was him and Raven alone, his parents having gone to do something "important".
Charlie flipped the egg over to create a golden omelet. It sizzled sweetly and he hummed playfully in the kitchen. Despite his smile his brain kept dragging back to the previous night. Was Erik alright? He seemed nervous and shaken outside. Erik always seemed that way now, like he was holding his breath constantly. He rarely made eye contact with people and Charlie thought that was a crime. Erik has very beautiful eyes, in fact as a person Erik was beautiful. Charlie told him this when he felt Erik needed the confidence boost. Charlie, knowing he would answer, picked up his home phone and dialed the familiar number. The purple cord twirled in his fingers as he served the omelets.
"Good morning Charles," Erik greeted formally and Charlie was happy to hear he sounded better.
"Charles? You sound like my mum," Charlie made a disgusted noise and Erik chuckled.
"Anyway, good morning, hope the hangover isn't too awful?" Charlie asked.
"Barely making an appearance although I'm sure the same can't be said for your sister."
"She's still out actually and I am so sorry about last night. She owes me new shoes after throwing up all over them," Charlie shuddered and Erik let out this laugh that made Charlie smile.
"Don't sweat it. It was nothing anyways...parents still gone?" Erik's voice sounded unsteady for a moment. He was lying.
"Don't change the subject are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Erik, I'm serious you seemed shaken up. I don't have to beat anyone up do I?"
"No, nothing like that. It was nothing."
"Are you sure?"
"Shit, Charlie you gotta stop worrying. I'm fine."
"It's just that you've been acting wei—"
"Shit, my mom is calling me I gotta go. I'll see you later," Erik spoke quickly and hung up before Charlie got the chance to reply. He stood there holding the phone in frustration as he tapped his foot impatiently. Why wouldn't Erik just tell him? They've known each other since they were in diapers! Are they going to keep secrets now? Charlie let out a frustrated breath and shook his head. He was overreacting and if it was seriously important Erik would tell him. No need to worry.
Charlie picked up the tray and began the journey to his sisters bedroom. No need to worry.

Erik's hand lingered on the phone as he stared at it on its handle. The concern in Charlie's voice echoed in his ears. Acting weird? Was Charlie noticing Erik's change in behavior? Of course he was, he noticed everything. He hated how much Charlie worried about him. Charlie had acquired a sad shade of blue in his eyes ever since The Asshole™️ broke his heart. So, Erik hates adding to that. He remembers the week Charlie tried convincing himself he was fine. It was winter break...
They sat on the couch in silence. The absence of snow creating just a bitter brightness outside. The duo were curled up in blankets to keep the cold at bay. Charlie's head of unusually unkempt curls were laying on Erik's lap. It had been three days since Jack broke Charlie's heart and those three days were spent crying, breaking diets and watching romcoms. Any mention of Jack threw Charlie into a hysterical sadness Erik had no idea how to deal with. Not that Raven was any help, she was caught up in her girlfriends band.
"Erik, I'm never loving again," Charlie grumbled as his hand reached for another mini Hershey bar. Erik ran his fingers through Charlie's curls in a comforting manner but it still gave him butterflies.
"That's not true or at least I hope it isn't. Look, that asshole didn't deserve you. Plus you can do so much better," Erik tried. He hated seeing Charlie cry. It was horribly depressing, like a child losing their pet.
"You have to say that as my best friend. What if I die alone?"
"Bullshit, you're amazing! You're funny and sweet and care so much about everyone! You have an irresistible accent people die for and your handsome as hell! Any gay would be lucky!" Erik complimented before he could stop himself. It wasn't out of the ordinary. The two boys often complimented one another when the other needed a boost. But things were different now... he heard Charlie sniffle and sit up.
"Wow, that was the nicest thing Erik," Charlie hugged Erik intensely and he tensed before relaxing into it.
"Plus, you're stuck with my annoying ass forever so you won't ever be really alone."
"Erik you could never annoy me." Charlie spoke softly and planted a kiss on Erik's cheek that wasn't meant to be major. But to Erik it was everything.

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