It was during it that she remembered the events from the past night. After putting the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher Ellie grabbed the phone that was left randomly on the couch and dialed Brenda's number. She sat when she heard the call beep and pulled her legs up on the couch, embracing them with her free arm. At the fourth beep, Brenda answered it.

"B?" Ellie said straight away when she realized the call had been answered.

"Hey!" Brenda greeted on the other end and sat on her canapé by the window. She too loved to watch the rain falling outside. "I thought you were still sleeping."

"No..." Ellie giggled. "I guess I woke up with the sound of the rain and then I couldn't sleep anymore. I feel tired though." She yawned.

"Did you get home that late?" Brenda asked her looking around for the rubber band that she had let fall on the floor meanwhile

"Around 3 am, but with the pregnancy everything turns harder." Ellie laughed. "Chris was snoring a little..."

"That bad?" Brenda laughed loud too, finally tying up her hair and sitting straight again.

"He was finished when we got home." Ellie started to tell her. "When we came back inside the bar, he had a couple of beers and those were his death sentence."

"He was already pretty lost..." She commented.

"Now imagine after drinking." Ellie giggled again. "I had to make him sing so he wouldn't fall asleep in the car."

"Poor guy!" Brenda exclaimed but Ellie could perceive her mocking tone and laughed quietly.

"I have to prepare him a strong coffee and give him an aspirin. Otherwise he's going to have a tough day." She said. "But I am not calling because of this." Ellie's tone changed and she made a pause. "I want to know what happened after. You said you were going away but then Jerry and Stone did not come back either."

"I know nothing about Stone..." Brenda breathed. Her tone had changed too, Ellie could tell. Suddenly, she had lost her giggle and her voice came out heavy.

"What happened outside?" Ellie asked her.

"We kissed." Brenda told her quietly.

Ellie's eyes goggled. "What?" She asked louder than she wanted. Ellie then covered her mouth with her hand and then spoke lower. "What the fuck happened? Did he go home with you?" She asked, remembering Chris had said that maybe they were together. Though drunk, maybe he had been right.

"No!" Brenda exclaimed promptly. "Ellie!" She exclaimed again. "No... of course he isn't here. I pushed him away!"

"So, who kissed who? Did you kiss him?" Ellie asked.

"He kissed me and I wanted to resist it..." Her voice fainting in the end.

"But you didn't." Ellie concluded.

"No." Brenda confirmed. "I kissed him back. I kissed him and I liked it and I realized how much I missed his kiss..." She puffed. "... that's when I pushed him away and entered my car and left right after."

"So..." Ellie made a pause there. "You kissed him..."

Brenda nodded though Ellie couldn't see her. "I did and I liked it..." She whimpered in the end. "I fucking liked it. I love that motherfucker..."

Ellie giggled. "B... what are you going to do?" She asked after. "I mean... you cannot continue a relationship now that you know how you really feel."

"Why did I have to see him?" Brenda protested. "Everything was fine!"

"Clearly everything was not fine, B." Ellie intervened. "You were fooling yourself. You were tricking yourself into thinking you are in love with a man that clearly you are not. You need to heal..." She paused abruptly and that made Brenda curl an eyebrow.

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