Chapter 45: A Risky Game of Hide-And-Seek-Tag

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I was awoken by someone shaking me roughly. I woke up and noticed that Annabeth wasn't in my arms anymore. Tiredly I blinked awake to see Annabeth shaking me. Without thinking, I rolled over so that her hands fell from where she was, shaking my shoulder onto my ribs. She fell forward a bit, off-balance, and I took advantage of wrapping her up in my arms and lying there.

She struggled a bit but soon gave up since I didn't budge, already halfway to falling asleep again.

That was before she started pinching me.

I yelped as she managed to get her hands under my hoodie and pinched my stomach.

I quickly grabbed her wrists and held them there at her sides. I scowled at her as she grinned. Then she kissed my nose and whispered, "School starts in 30". I sat up, letting her go as I pushed her off.

"Do you mind if I use your shower?" I asked. She waved at the door that I hadn't noticed before and quickly jumped into the room. I turned on the water and stripped down. Getting in, I quickly washed my body and hair as the water continued to warm up. Then rinsing off, I jumped out, toweled myself off, and threw back on the clothes I was wearing before.

I quickly exited and saw Annabeth pulling on my hoodie. She turned towards me, nodded, grabbed her backpack, and pulled me down the stairs. I tripped a bit, last night's luck wearing off.

She left me at the front door and ran to the kitchen. She came back with two apples and handed me one. I took it gratefully and ate it as she dragged me out of the house. I almost face-planted into the dirt on the way down the stairs but managed to save the apple and my face.

She pushed me into her car and quickly pulled out of the driveway.

"Woah, chill out, Turbo, you still have fifteen minutes," I commented as she drove with a death grip, making quick turns and staying above the speed limit. She just huffed in annoyance and pulled into the parking complex.

"I wanted to get here a bit early because the scores are coming out from today through next Tuesday," Annabeth explained, not very well. I tilted my head to the side as we got out of the car. She glanced at me and sighed, "the finals scores."

I nodded my understanding and jogged to catch up to her as she speed-walked to school. She burst through the office doors and quickly asked the receptionists a few questions.

"Sorry, dear, the scores aren't in yet," one of the ladies said. Annabeth's shoulders slumped, and I swung my arm over them, guiding her out of the room.

She sighed moodily, and I grinned mischievously before turning her towards me and kissing her. She made a surprised noise but then returned the kiss. It was fast and meant purely to get her out of her head. I'm guessing it worked since she playfully shrugged my arm off her shoulder and intertwined our fingers. I gave her hand a squeeze that she returned as I walked her to Architecture.

Since the days are around half the length, all the class times were pretty much cut in half. After I dropped Annabeth off, the usual jocks only had around thirty minutes to find and beat me up.

Jokes on them. I'm in a good mood today. So for the next thirty minutes, I played a game of hide-and-go-seek-tag that they didn't know they were a part of. Except instead of being It when they caught me, I got beat up. Same difference, though, right?

I actually surprised myself when I managed to win the game. Except now I'm going to have to deal with all the extra angry shit from yesterday and this morning. I groaned internally as my math teacher talked about colleges and annoying stuff.

I should probably ask Annabeth which college she's going to. I ran to my next class as the bell rang. Then the next class and the next. Around PE time, the jocks decided to skip, and of course, I was invited to.

"You think because you can play guitar, you're better than us?" Jock #1 threw me into the familiar brick wall of the side of the school. " Well, news flash, you're nothing but a stupid" kick to the ribs," useless" punch to the face," worthless" more kicks," waste of space," then I was hoisted up by Jock #2 and #3. Jock #1 seemed much more interested in rearranging my face than breaking my bones as he continued to pummel my face in.

I tasted iron as my lip split and my nose bled. Then the two jocks left me, and I wobbled. But then Jock #1 kicked me in the abdomen, hard. I hit the back of the brick wall and gasped in surprise. Then he followed up the kick with a punch to my gut, making it hard to continue breathing. Jock #1 grasped my hair and held me there, against the wall, as he stared at me.

"You're just a weak nobody. Who do you think you are? You've always been nothing but a shadow; nothing will change that. That's all you are, a pathetic weak, worthless shadow that shouldn't even be alive."

I found myself agreeing with him. But then I thought to myself if I was really a nobody, why was Annabeth dating me? If I was really a nobody, why did so many people vote for me during the music contest?

My thoughts were interrupted when he slammed my head against the wall. I felt the indent in the bricks, and I gasped in surprise yet again. Then throwing me by the hair to the floor, I landed hard. Coughing a bit, Jock #1 stepped back, and #2 and #3 laid into me. Kicks and punches rained down on me.

When the blows stopped, I struggled to breathe. I closed my eyes, in and out, in and out. My body hurt, and my breathing was like stretching out bruises. I couldn't bring myself to care about anything at the moment. I wondered if breathing was worth the pain.

I almost stopped, holding my breath, when I remembered Annabeth. I promised to never leave her. I breathed in deeply. Resulting in a string of coughs as I struggled to contain the air. I shakily moved my bruised right arm and dug out my phone.

Groaning and wincing in pain, I saw the time, 1:03 pm. Annabeth is going to kill me; it's been an hour since school got out. She's probably worried sick. I fumbled with my fingers as I pushed myself up and leaned against the wall.

Then holding my phone, I typed out a message to Annabeth telling her I was ok and where I was. I don't think I'd be able to move much. I sighed in relief when I saw Annabeth text back immediately, saying she was bringing someone to help.

After what felt like forever while I focused on the in and out of my lungs, I heard a door slam and flinched.

"Percy?" I heard her, but I didn't have the energy or will to talk, so I fumbled with my fingers as her cries became more desperate. I managed to send the text and heard the cries stop. Footsteps were coming closer, and I breathed out shakily as I heard a gasp.

"Oh, Percy. Here, Frank, he's over here. Can you help me get him to the nurse?" I heard Annabeth ask. I didn't know who this Frank guy was but with what I was seeing; he was football player big.

I saw Frank and Annabeth help me hobble through the school to the nurse's office.

Honestly, I could care less where I went right now. All I wanted was to lay down and sleep. The nurse sounded great; the room had actual beds, totally worth the questions after waking up.

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