Chapter 41: I Discover a Loophole In Stair Logic

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Over the next two or so weeks, I went over to Annabeth's house every so often to make sure she got some sleep. I tried to hang out with her as much as possible, but every time I tried to hang out with her, it seemed like the jocks knew what was on my mind.

The news of me being Ky and Annabeth's boyfriend had spread through the school. I didn't realize how deep into the school's social ladder Annabeth was until everyone would stare at me when I walked into class. It was unnerving. I hate being the center of attention.

My days typically consist of class, then running, then class, throughout all of the periods. Then an after-school beatdown, every other day, meet up with Annabeth and sometimes Rachel. But the weekend hit, and Annabeth suddenly stopped replying to my texts altogether.

I was starting to get worried as Saturday passed by without a single answer. On Friday I tried to meet up with her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I texted Rachel, and she simply said that she was studying.

I sighed. I know that Annabeth works herself to death over the finals weeks. I should respect her decisions, but this is a little insane. Also, I told her I wouldn't let her do this alone, no matter how annoying she thought I was.

I got up from my bed with newfound determination and grabbed two sweatshirts. Throwing one over my t-shirt and throwing the other over my shoulder. After hollering to my mom about where I was going, I set out for Annabeth's house.

I quickly sent her a text telling her I was coming over as I walked. After around ten minutes of daydreaming, I got to her house and mentally threatened the stairs as I climbed them. Getting to the top, I turned to knock, but then the door swung open, scaring me.

I jumped as Helen showed herself in front of me.

"Oh, thank god, I was wondering when you'd show up! Seriously she's even worse than normal," she exclaimed as she grabbed my wrist, pulling me through the house. "I was just about to come to get you. Of course, Fredrick says it'll pass and that we don't need you here. But I think he's just jealous that a boy can get his daughter out of her own head while he can't." She rambled and continued to drag me through the house and up the stairs, then opening the door, she shoved me in and said with a grave voice, "Good luck."

Still trying to catch up with what happened, I blinked and looked around the room. There was Annabeth, sitting in her chair, scribbling away on her notebook. Untouched lunch sat on her desk in front of her as she mumbled to herself.

I smiled softly as I walked up to her. I noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the paleness of her face as she worked tirelessly over her papers. I grimaced and walked closer. I placed my hand over the one holding the paper and saw her flinch in surprise.

She didn't move and then, as if dismissing it, continued to write. I sighed, figuring this would be harder than normal. I mean, it did make sense. Monday was the day of the finals she's been stressing over for the past few days.

I tried saying her name, but she just whispered something unintelligible to me. I tried dragging her chair away, but she kept in place. I groaned before I got an idea.

Knowing that she got extremely flustered at signs of affection, I draped myself over her shoulders, laying my head on her right shoulder. I felt her tense but then relax a bit as she continued writing. Then I whispered in her ear, and she froze again.

Then I smothered her right cheek in quick kisses. Stopping, I saw her face flush as her hand stopped writing, and she whipped her head to look at me. Then I planted a kiss on her lips, closing my eyes. After a few seconds, I pulled away and removed my body weight from her shoulders.

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