Chapter 20: I Take a Figurative Sentence Literally

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"Percy, wake up!"

"Percy! Come on. We have to get to school!"

I tried to open my eyes. I really did. But when they wouldn't open, I concluded that the yelling was from a dream and slipped back into a peaceful slumber, the shouts becoming blurred background noise.

But then I was jarred awake when I fell on the floor. Or more like pushed off the bed. I was tangled in the blankets as I sleepily opened my eyes. I saw Annabeth walk over to me and pull the blankets off me. I rolled as the blankets were taken. The chilliness of the morning hit me when I left the warm embrace of the cloth.

"Percy, I mean it. Get up! We have to leave in the next five minutes, or I'm going to be late for Architecture class!" she pulled me up, and I tried to stay on my feet, but my legs wouldn't work. I ended up leaning on Annabeth as I struggled to stand. She huffed as I stood, and I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

I hadn't changed, so really the only thing I needed was to make sure I had my keys and phone. After knowing their location was safely in my hoodie pocket, I followed Annabeth out of her room. As I got to the stairs, I gulped. With how unsteady I was, it was a given that I would faceplant. Seeing my apprehension, Annabeth grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. I stumbled over my feet but somehow didn't fall.

She let go and ran into the kitchen while I made my way out of the house. Before I got to the front door, I heard her shout, "Catch!"

I turned, and in my confusion and slow cognitive action, I felt something hit me in the forehead. Dazed, I looked down at my feet where the missile had landed and picked it up. It took me a second to notice it was the donuts Annabeth had bought last night at the convenience store. Then I felt her grab my hand and pull me out the door.

We piled into the car, and I ate the donuts on the way. Annabeth said she had eaten long before I had woken up, so she didn't take any that I offered. When we got to school, Annabeth got out of the car and said goodbye with the typical nickname before leaving me to walk into school by myself.

The first time since I woke up, I had a coherent thought. Shit, today's the preliminaries.

The day I figured out I passed the audition stage, I had told my mom, and she had agreed to come. Since the competitors were able a total of four plus-ones for family, I had given mine to my mom, Annabeth and Rachel. Since I didn't know what to do with the last one, I gave it to Annabeth to invite whoever.

I took a second to look over myself. My standard black hoodie, black jeans, and black and white converse. My normal attire. The only problem was that I hadn't been able to take a shower this morning. I chewed my lip and looked at the time. 7:03 am, I had around an hour till the first period started. It could take me around 15 minutes to get to my house, and I could take a quick shower. I nodded to myself and did a 180.

I walked swiftly to my house, turning corners and walking down blocks. When I got home, I quickly opened the door and ran into the restroom, locking the door behind me. I stripped down and turned on the shower. Since I hadn't been beaten up at all the past month, I didn't have any bandages except for the ones on my wrist. I quickly unwrapped them and set the bandages on the counter.

I jumped into the shower and quickly washed my body and hair. Jumping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and ran to my room after rewrapping my right wrist. I quickly threw on a clean pair of underwear and skinny black jeans. Then shifting through my shirts, I put on a black long sleeve. I ran back to the restroom and pulled on my black hoodie. After double-checking the pockets for my phone and keys, I walked out of the house towards the school.

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