Chapter 5: My Math Tutor Gets Possessed By a Snake

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Someone was shaking me. I flinched a bit.

Thank the gods. It's not my left shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes and heard a soft voice.

"Come on, wake up. We've got work to do."

I lifted my head and saw a girl standing to the side of me. She had blonde hair and, oddly enough, grey eyes. She stood up from her crouching position and stuck a hand out towards me. Sighing, I stood up, taking her hand.

She stuck her hand out again, and I looked questioningly towards her.

"I'm Annabeth. Mrs. Velma assigned me as your math tutor. Also, Mrs.Rachel gave me your Bio homework since you had to go to the nurse."

I took her hand and shook it.

"Uhh, Percy Jackson, thanks, I guess."

She nodded and then started walking off in a random direction. At least I thought it was random. Maybe to her locker? Am I supposed to follow her? Do I go home?

No, not yet. Before leaving, I wanted to go work on that Offspring song and maybe some other music in the Music room first. Well, if she is going to go, then I'll just head to my sixth-period classroom.

I almost turned when she stopped, looked over her shoulder, and asked, "Are you coming? We should probably get started since there's a quiz in two weeks."

I was stunned. Annabeth wanted to actually tutor me?

"Um, ok, where are we going then?" I felt dumb, like I should know where we were going, but I still couldn't think of what was in this direction. The library and computer lab were behind us a few corridors.

"Well, since it took me a while to wake you up. The school ended up closing the other places we could study. So we're going to my house."

My heart stopped. I managed to get out shakily. "It- It's 5 pm right now?"

Annabeth stopped walking and looked at me funny," No, it's 3:30. They always close early on Mondays. Though I can't imagine why. Why not close early on Fridays? That way, the teachers could get off easy. But no, they do an early day at the beginning of the week. Who does that?"

I internally let out a sigh of relief as I shrugged. Annabeth ranted about how dumb the idea was and gave me a full-blown debate about why they should change it to Friday.

I just nodded along, giving a pointer or adding to what she was saying every so often. Eventually, we walked to my locker and got my math notebook. Then out of the school and down to Annabeth's house. Which was a few blocks away from the school.

Annabeth led me up to her front porch and then turned towards me," Listen, I kind of have a nosy step-mom, so don't listen to her or whatever she says. Also, if my dad's home, he'll probably start asking weird questions. So I'm hoping that we go in, we get to my room, and nothing happens till you leave. The worst-case scenario is both my step-mom and my dad are home and bombard you and I with questions and won't let us leave until we answer. Also, if the worst case happens, let me do the talking,"

I nodded, and she turned back to the door, took a deep breath, and opened it quietly. She slipped in, and I tried following her just as quietly, but I hit my knee on the door coming in. I hissed in pain as Annabeth closed the door and chuckled at me. Then she grabbed my hand and led me up to her room. Suddenly loud footsteps were running down the hall.

Annabeth started climbing the stairs faster, me right behind her. She opened a door nearest to the stairs and quickly said," I didn't think they'd be home. This is my room, stay here, I'll be right back".

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