Chapter 25: My Two Favorite People

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A/N: This chapter contains self-harm as a heads-up. It happens near the end if you want to skip.

I slowly opened my eyes to the blaring lights of a white room. I groaned as I shifted. Sitting up, I felt my body yell in pain as I ignored it.

"Morning, Blue," I heard a soft voice and almost yelled in happiness when I saw my mom put a finger to her lips and point to the foot of my bed. I nearly yelped when I saw Annabeth sleeping.

"She wanted to be here when you woke up. Skipped school and everything. Annabeth called the ambulance and me when she found you. She said she didn't know what happened except you called her after getting shot. You had surgery and got the bullet taken out of your stomach. Your shoulder had a clean shot through it, though. They stitched you up, and you've been asleep for two days." Mom informed me quietly.

I nodded. I felt my sore shoulder as I looked at Annabeth. She was still wearing my hoodie.

"Um, mom? Did they take my clothes?"

"Of course dear, they had holes and were bloodsoaked, don't worry, we can go shopping for new ones next week when I'm off" I nodded to her again and sighed contently. My two favorite people were here, and that's all I needed.

"Blue, why don't you go back to sleep? I'll tell the doctor you woke up briefly and get Annabeth some food. Focus on healing, we wouldn't want you to miss your competition next week" then she winked at me, and I nodded. Feeling drowsiness wash over me, I snuggled down into the bed, careful not to disturb Annabeth, and fell asleep.


A few times, I woke up to see the doctors and nurses rewrapping my bandages or checking my IV. But it was only long enough to blink a few times before going back to sleep. Now though, I was actually waking up. My eyes felt heavy, but I blinked them open, sitting upright. I yawned a bit and looked around. Then seeing Annabeth in the corner with her book, my heart warmed. She was still here.

"Um, hey Annabeth," her head snapped up, and she threw her book onto the table beside her. She rushed up and hugged me, leaning over the side of the bed. She squeezed as I wrapped my arms around her; it was nice to be in her presence again.

"You stupid idiot! What did you do that made you get shot?" she said quietly, her voice dangerously calm. I gulped.


"Uh, it's sort of his fault."

"What do you mean?" she pulled away, and I instantly missed her touch. She sat down in a nearby chair and held my hand. My cheeks warmed, and looked away, my brain becoming mush.

"Um, the guy that shot me was an old friend of his" I knew I couldn't tell Annabeth. They were still out there and probably still watching me. I couldn't endanger her like that. That's why I distanced myself in the first place.

Annabeth looked at me funnily, and I had the sneaking suspicion she knew that I was lying.

"Ok, anyway, this has gone on too long. Seriously Perce, please, tell the police," I paled. No, no, no, I couldn't do that. Gabe would come back. Mom would be in danger. Annabeth might even be on his list now.

I shook my head and disentangled my fingers from hers, wincing as I scooted away.

"Percy! Please! See it from my side, ok? You're in a fucking hospital bed! I get a call from you not twenty minutes from you leaving the party barely coherent as you tell me casually you got shot? Do you even know how terrified I was? I was worried and stressing out, Percy!" she took a deep breath, and my breath got caught in my throat when I looked back at her to see tears in her eyes.

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