Chapter 35: Sleeping While Swaying

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"Come on! It'll be fun."

"No, I have work to do."

"Tell me what work you haven't done yet. Or double checked for that matter."


"Exactly, come on, you need this"

"Can I at least triple check them?"

"No, we're leaving, come on. Unless you want me to carry you out."

"Nope! I'm coming. I'm coming," Annabeth stood up, and I smirked as she glared. Happy I had won, I grinned as I placed my converse on. I laid down on the bed, watching Annabeth pack her school notebooks away.

"Hurry up! Come on, Annabeth," I whined. She just ignored me as she threw on her shoes. She was still wearing my hoodie and sweats, and I honestly didn't mind. But she might.

"Hey, uh, quick question. Do you want to change? Or are you good, going out in the world in your pj's? Honestly, I'm fine with it, but I know my mom would kill me if I let her out of the house while she was wearing sweatpants," I rambled, not wanting to offend her and at the same time point out she was still in pj's. I looked away from her and stared a hole into the wall.

Gods should've just kept your mouth shut. No one wants to hear you speak anyway.

"Thanks, Perce, actually I will change, I completely forgot" she smiled at me and stood up. Walking out of the room with her clothes from yesterday.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thank gods. See, I can be helpful. That was just her being nice.

I grit my teeth as I tried to busy myself by grabbing my phone and stuffing it along with the house keys into my hoodie. Annabeth walked back in a few moments later and threw the borrowed clothes onto my bed.

I smiled at her and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the room.

"Mom, we're heading out! We'll be out late at a friend's house," I yelled. I heard a yell from the back of the house that sounded like an Ok, and we headed out.

After a few minutes of walking down the street, hand in hand, I spoke up.

"You know it's weird."

Annabeth looked quizzically at me, "What's weird?"

"Um, well, normally to come to this party, I have to sneak out of my window. So I guess it's weird that we walked out of the front door without any issues" my voice trailed off near the end. Why would Annabeth care about that? Keep your mouth shut! Geez, let her start the conversations.

"Hmm, that would be weird. So, are we heading to the same party you always go to?" Annabeth tapped her chin with her right hand.

"Um, yea, same place," I nodded as we walked across a few more streets. Turning the corner to the pound of blaring music, I smiled. I always enjoyed the fact that I couldn't hear my thoughts at parties. It made me feel weightless until someone either decided to beat me up or the party ended.

We walked up the stairs of the house, and I opened the door. I pulled Annabeth through by the hand, dodging teenagers and making my way to the concession table. I grabbed a plate and put a sandwich and chips on it while waiting for Annabeth to finish.

Taking a bite, I let my eyes wander the room of insane, drunk teenagers. I was almost sorry for this guy. He had to clean this up every time? That's insane. Never will I have a party where clean-up is part of the job.

I felt a squeeze in my hand and looked down to see Annabeth with a small smile on her face. Even with the flashing lights, she was still beautiful. I leaned down quickly and gave her a quick peck. She wasn't expecting it, and I saw a faint pinkness tint her cheeks. I grinned goofily at her and pulled her out towards the back, where my spot was.

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