Part 55: St. Nikki, Part 2

Start from the beginning

One pair of ankle boots and a couple quick sprays of perfume later she was storming out of her bedroom, held held high, shoulders back, ten feet tall and bulletproof.

And straight into the arms of Nikki Sixx.


In her haste to avoid being tardy, and still distracted by her ongoing internal life affirming pep talk, she failed to notice the man himself close to crossing the threshold of her bedroom doorway. Distracted, Ashten all but barreled into him.

"Whoa," Nikki caught her by the elbows before she mowed him down on her way to the front door.

"Ah, shit." Ashten gasped in surprise at the near collision as Nikki's hands on her arms kept them both steady enough to refrain from toppling to the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here yet."

The sheepish, almost bashful smile she shot at him was enough to make Nikki's insides go twisty.

She was so fucking beautiful. He had no idea how he'd ever had the privilege of calling her his.

Or how he'd managed to mess things up between them so spectacularly.

"No problem," Nikki cleared his throat and fought against allowing the scent of her sweet perfume to turn his brain to total shit. His hands were still plastered to Ashten's arms and he gave them a slight squeeze with his eyes twinkling slightly as his trademark smirk appeared.

"What?" Ashten eyed him suspiciously, his amusement becoming contagious.

"Just didn't expect you to throw yourself at me like that."

"Ha-ha," Ashten gently pushed at this chest causing him to release his grip.

"You ready to go?"

"I suppose. Even though you are hell bent on not telling me where we are going."

"All in due time. After you." Nikki extended his arm and motioned towards the front door. As he followed her, his eyes roamed the length of her body and landed right on her butt which was doing sinful things to the pants she wore. With every step she took, Nikki couldn't help but quietly sing to himself...

Hot child, always walk behind you for the rear view...

"Do you want me to drive?" Ashten inquired once they made it out the door.

"Nope." Nikki walked her over to the black Bentley parked outside and, like a true gentleman,opened the passenger door for her to slide into the leather seat.

"Is this the Bentley?" She studied the interior with an amused smirk.

"The Bentley?"

"The one you you were planning to have sawed in half because a certain soon-to-be ex-wife decided she wanted it even though you only got it about a week before she filed."

"Ah, yes. The one and only. Somehow my lawyer got wind of that and shut it down." He turned the ignition over and side eyed her, the corner of his lip turning up. "I'm just sorry it's too cold to take the Harley. I know how much you want to, ya know, ride it."

She pursed her lips and felt her cheeks flush as she internally debated the best way to murder a certain drummer and not get caught.

"Does Tommy ever keep anything to himself?"

Nikki laughed. It was a warm mild one that flowed over Ashten's skin and burned something bright on her insides. "Rarely. If ever."

They chattered back and forth for the duration of the ride and took turns making fun of each other's surprising penchant for Christmas music. She was a fan of Bing Crosby's renditions of holiday classics while he preferred Nat King Cole's. But both of them drew the line at the insipid Mariah Carey tune.

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